Prostitution in europe

What's so bad about prostitution???

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they want you to breed not just fuck

As far as I know prostitution is illegal here.

Whoa. Now there's a surprise.

if only the italian government could tax prostituition and drugs...

the answer is neo-marxism

>T*rkey is more progressive than Sweden and Norway
What crazy timeline is this?


you mean bonino, you ignorant cvck

>Brothels are illegal

??? What is La Jonquera?

Are Turkish hookers hot ??

>The oldest trade in history

If they ate dung for dinner you'd call them the capital of innovation.

yes every melike is butifel

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*clears throat*

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Most of them are Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Moldovan etc. They've oftentimes trafficked into Turkey by Russian gangsters and forced into a life of sexual slavery.

Absolutely cucked. Paternity tests are illegal in France too.

Prostitution is the only reason I get to smash every once in a while

Thank GOD it’s legal here

I thought nordics are liberal

Yes, liberal feminists absolutely hate prostitution.


Dumb poleshit

Brothels are disgusting. It's much better to do it in a private appartement, but prositution inside appartements is illegal here in most places.

>be a EE prostitute
>be forced to take dicks for a living in Sweden
>get fined by Swedish policewoman
>no money to pay the fee
>go to Swedish prison
>it's much better than my own home and I don't have to take dicks
this world

Can you fucking read?

Can you read? Prostitutes don't get punished, only the CIS male clients.

So abortion is illegal in Pooland, but prostitution isn't? What a weird country.

When you are using services of prostitute, it doesnt really matter where or how.

Also everybody should travel to prague for the sex tourism. We have the best girls and cheap to boot!

Strange purple system.

but that doesnt make sense?

>selling is legal but buying is illegal
What's the logic?


Welcome to the "free" world.

>selling sex is legal
>but buying is illegal

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>Paternity tests are illegal in France too.

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We're not, we have ordning och reda. And we're not socialist either.

>fat smelly men pay money to stick their tiny dick into this
ban it

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>selling sex is legal but buying it is illegal
>selling sex is illegal but buying it is legal

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how can you be that mad? it's interesting, please explain yourself

Are you describing your conception?

>anglo banter

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What the fuck

Forbidding prostitution is one thing, but fining the CLIENT is fucking stupid.

It's like punishing the junkie while letting the drug dealer go.

That girl is flatter than Själland

Are girls finnish or ukrainian?

Sex isn't an illegal substance. Are you saying we should arrest people for possessing a reproductive system?

Haven't seen any ukrainian, but many czechs
t. other

fuggggg gib brown cute

prostitution is pathetic, why would I waste money on some used worn out whore? Pussy should be free.

Pussy is never free. If you don’t pay for it, you need to invest on yourself. Of course the latter is better but some people are incurable incels.

>A lot of people are forced into prostitution against their will
>no one is forced to buy.

Pretty simple.

not sure how out of date this is but here.

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I have gotten free pussy plenty of times. I don't pay for shit.

Pimping is illegal here as well.

Your argument is invalid.

If you're evolved enough to practice self-improvement then you have progressed beyond the need for puss-puss.

>A lot of people are forced into prostitution against their will
There's more victims of human trafficikg in immigrant restaurants than forced prostitution. Think about that when you buy that kebab pizza next time
Women choose prostitution since its easy money

because us kings need to get it out our system so we can focus on more important things than chasing roastoids

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The only bad thing about prostitution is that it's illegal in France.
Trashy northern (poorer part of the country) come to fuck our whores and cause disturbances.

>selling sex is legal but buying is illegal

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You have good genetics. Your opinion would change drastically if it wasn’t for that.

Our king unironically goes to strip bars. He's a funny guy.

I don't know how it's arranged in Spain, but if it's the same as in Belgium, the hookers are assumed to be independant workers, and 'just renting a room'. I think this is in an effort to remove pimps from the game.

>prostitution is illegal in eastern europe

genuinely surprised desu

Poor Lawrence.

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when it's 100% legal, regulated and taxed it becomes too expensive for the people who would actually go to prostitutes, the red light disctrict is nothing but a novelty for tourists these days
our prostitution industry is dying ever since more and more "massage" parlors starting opening up

>We have the best girls and cheap to boot

But how young are they? Asking for a friend

How much would you pay for the standard 20-30 minutes in the walletjes?

50-80 bucks depending on the popularity of the girl


EIGHTEEN. EIGHT AND TEN, EIGHTEEN. And when anybody asks you, they were 18!

There isnt a single girl in prague younger than 18. They are all 18. Perfectly adult and 18.

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How does it compare to elsewhere?
Over here it's €50 for the standard windowwhores, 40 if it's not busy and/or you're presentable.

I was thinking of moving to eastern europe for unrelated reasons, this seems like an interesting chart.

not sure, didnt even know it wasnt illegal

>land of the free

those "massage" parlors are usually chinese, south east asian or sometimes even korean women and they let you go all the way for 20 bucks
it's unreal
the government has been trying to crack down on them but everytime one goes down, 2 other pop up

Wew lad,
Wouldn't want to rip the condom in there.

>Paternity tests are illegal in France too.
What is the logic behind this, so they cannot know they are raising someone's bastard? It should be mandatory.

Is the green part in Nevada a native reservation?

>illegal in thailand and the Philippines

There is an epidemic of HIV in older widowed man because of this reason.

not anymore, most girl know what they are doing

this law is fucking retarded

You should kill any illegal hookers who get HIV, or make them public use sluts for HIV infected men in the town square.

>buying illegal
>selling legal


>dude weed lmao bro prostitution lol


Prostitution is gonna happen anyway, wether it's legal or illegal. That's how it works, we're just monkeys with computers.
So why not make it safer for everyone involved, plus get some of that sweet tax money?

Btw don't get your... I mean, don't worry, you won't find 14 yo prostitutes in Germany, unless they're Sexslav(e)s or some shit. Even though the age of consent is 14, it only applies to teens of roughly your age (14-16 and 16-18). Everything else is illegal, though there are always some cases.

>Absolutely cucked. Paternity tests are illegal in France too.

because even if the child is genetically not yours you will still have to pay