I want to move to eastern europe for the low cost of living...

I want to move to eastern europe for the low cost of living. Which country is the best place for a white man to live cheaply and peacefully?

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belaruse is the cheapest way if you want to avoid actual military conflict in your neighbourhood.

Sochi. Though it's not cheap. If you want cheap go to Vorkuta. You can buy an apartment for 5k $ there.

Romania's quite nice, safe and cheap if you live away from gypsies. Plus it has the easiest language for a westerner to learn thanks to being Latin.

"Are you a Romanian?"

Ukraine, the Western/Central part is safe. You can get an apartment for $3000. Unlimited data is only a few dollars a month. Food is very cheap. You can ride the bus for 1 hryvnia/.048 Canadian Dollars. Everything is very run down though, many buildings/trains/roads/buses haven't been renovated since the 1940s. Commie blocks everywhere. No one speaks English. Roads are terrible, pot holes everywhere. You can bribe literally anyone for anything like cops/doctors/officials/notaries etc. You can even bribe for a university degree, that's why you see many homeless who claim to have a pHD.

>around 8% of its vocabulary being Arabic in origin
Thanks for your input Moor

Sounds like the kind of place I could be kidnapped in...

Around 50% of British vocabulary will be arabic, ahmed

>Muslims in Spain make up over 4% of the population.
>UK Muslim population in 2011 as 2,786,635, 4.4% of the total population.
At least we were white, the Spanish never were

Bulgaria. It's actually the best country in the southeastern portion of Europe.
>IT center of the region
>financial stability
>boyko borisov incredibly low taxes unmatched by any other country
>300+ kilometers of prime Black Sea coast

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That sounds much more comfy. How is the language to learn?

Oi m8 are you bein offensive on the internet again? You'll be arrested foh bein racis

I'd move to Slovenia, Croatia or Romania. Slovenia might be out since it's more expensive, but Croatia and Romania are cheap, beautiful nature and good beaches. I am going to Albania this summer, it looks beautiful, but it doesn't sound like a place I would live

Is eastern Europe really that cheap to visit? The exchange rate might be good but you'd still be paying the same for rent and food.

Don't get me wrong, you would have a better time in Slovenia or Croatia. Hell even Turkey, despite all of the shit it gets, is pretty rich.
If you don't work in IT, or if you don't have any qualification for another high-paying job, you might find yourself wanting more money quite often. Things are pretty stable, and the country itself is pretty uneventful, but it's far from being the richest country. Our economy doesn't fluctuate as wildly as Greece's does, and our politics might not be as turbulent as Turkey's, but there are still flaws.
Wages are low, by western standards, but prices are also lower to accomodate that.

As for the language, I have no idea. I'm a native speaker, and well, I guess it might be easier to learn than Russian. Our languages are pretty close (Russian is derived from historical Bulgarian), but they've got some strange pronunciations and grammar. There are still gendered nouns and other rules that might make things hard for you, though. But then again, so do the rest of the languages in the region.

i'm really jealous of your internet desu. it's cheap and fast. i'm paying $30 for shitty speed with data cap and everything is blocked by government.

How difficult is it to immigrate to your countries? A lot more strict than Western Europe and North America I'm assuming.

If you're a foreigner and you're spending the money you've earned abroad here, yeah, it would be pretty cheap for you. If you moved permanently here, on the other hand, and made a living by working here, it would be a tad different.
"they've got some strange pronunciations" is referring to the Russians and the Russian language, sorry for wording it weirdly.

Enjoy being murdered for a bottle of vodka .

That is the big fear yes