Eiffel tower

>eiffel tower
>accordion music
>stripped shirt
>haussmann architecture
>"vive la france"
>le little cute store
>reading a book at a café
>small pastries
are people actually attracted by these stereotypes or is it a meme ?
this is so boring and cringy

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well aside from niggers that's really all I saw in paris
the other cities I went to were different though

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>reading a book at a café

the ultimate soyboy dream

Attached: soy.webm (600x336, 2.86M)

I generally think France is a boring and cringy place.

God I really hate Youtube """"""culture""""""

>eiffel tower is a stereotype

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I don't think those people read anything but children comics


Frog legs too

>>eiffel tower
>>accordion music
Isn't that Scottish?
Isn't that German?
>>stripped shirt
Isn't that American
>>haussmann architecture
>>"vive la france"
No one, aside from Oui-boos, cares about that
>>le little cute store
>>reading a book at a café
White girls love it
>>small pastries
How is that French only?????

it's edited you baboon

why do you call stuff, stuff that is explicitely designed, written, and created for pre-teen - young-adults at children stuff

I understand what you're saying, but it's like saying something like Hentai is children's cartoons, just because it's animated. It's fucking retarded.

you know what i mean

more than a stereotype it's pretty much fiction

Swedes are smug orange tanned cunts wearing scarves

I'm talking about the romanticised image of Paris that foreigners have
This is terribly boring

Tourists come expecting a disneyland like experience, it fit with the romanticised image

>Not showing the one with the blacked video at the end.
You disappoint me, Janusz.

Tarrare lives in Paris?

Attached: an-artists-impression-of-tarrare-eating-an-infant.jpg (467x302, 23K)

Archictecture is pretty interesting tbqh. Reading some memes at a café sipping an espresso I do on pretty much all my travels but would do in Paris.

How are Québécois treated in Paris? Just like other tourists or we get special treatment?

>implying you wouldn't totally hang out with this cool guy

Attached: ts_cliche_frenchman.jpg (298x400, 62K)

he looks like an insufferable cunt

>Isn't that Scottish?
its like you are deliberately being dumb.

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well, he is french...

>fake facial hair

He won't fool anyone

les baguettes sont basées, elles me manquent beaucoup depuis que j'ai quitté la France. Il y'en a aux Etats-unis mais elles sont beaucoup plus cher.

Attached: L'ENVIE DU MONDE.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

As lame as they are, these stereotypes do help France attract more tourists and their money though

je l'ai comme ma photo facebook

He is probably american

You really don't think this looks nice?

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Paris is really nothing more but bunch of bums and eiffel tower. And everyone is eating fucking bread, including baguette.

It only appeals to lovey dovey couples with a boner for le shitty of love

>forgetting 'sacre bleu!'


lmaoing at those faggots eating bread and reading books haha imagine being so gay you shop outside of supermarkets

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