Explain yourselves Britain.
Explain yourselves Britain
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wtf are indians actually white?
Anglos always go to Asian and underdeveloped countries to rape, it is in their nature
that chennels accually a pretty smart
suck off the country with a massive amount of people so they watch your videos to feel good and then roll in money
wtf why are wh*Tes so fucking degenerate
>Indians are white
>British are pakis and arabs
What a strange timeline
wtf at first i thought this was reverse awareness video where it bait viewers into alternative point of view.
brits are actually nonce lmao
>suck off the country with a massive amount of people
she literally sucks a brown cock, desu.
there are loads of channels that do just this. not going to name names and attract a certain spammer but you can probably suss it out
Okay, rape you next week.
>loli face
>pajeet accent
Me and my penis are having an argument because of you, OP.
>pajeet accent
she's ukranian, you idiot.
Ukrainian accent sounds a lot like pajeet accent then.
Who would have guessed?
I honestly don't give a single fuck if anyone is getting raped
No, she sounds like a Polish person trying to force an Indian accent (because she lives in India and has an Indian husband).
can you just post whatever's in the video i'm not giving this FAS slav clicks
Why you so mad, bruh? :( Big deal, it happens in Thailand also. Russians come to fuck kids in Goa from time to time.
So she does have some sort of Indian accent.
Why were you mean to me?
Now I'm sad.
Well done. I hope you're happy.
That wasn't me.
wtf I hate britain now
Ignore him. He's a ghati
i'm not mad but i don't like eceleb whoring
>Those comments saying that this is due to "British culture"
>From Indians
this, borges literally raped a dalit girl, he wrote about it
She is a Mutt
briefly considered looking at the comments to see f it was pajeets trying to talk to her but can't be bothered.
'hiiii dear'
She looks human but talks like an indian, why is this?
Her dad is from India where she was raised. Her mother is a Polish gold digger.
Why you like this, man? :(
Go try and find one comment like that.
No, she is fully Polish. Her husband is Indian.
It's just banter.
I'm also annoyed because there was a very smelly indian woman in the library today who sat down near me.
of course, raping is an essential part of british culture.
Also,why are indians so fucking retarded,this accent is so fucking disgusting.
You can't shit on India because Indians will keep deviating the subject and use whataboutism.
India is a shithole,indians look blacker than niggers and act worse than niggers,your society is mocked around the world,your penis is smaller than the average human,you look ugly than the average human,you history is full of nothing,your country is named after a river that doesn't cross your country
Based moortugal
is this satire or what
>look blacker
>penis smaller
>look ugly
how will Indians ever recover from the scathing rational and logical critique?
Put space after comma.
The problem is that you will never accept it.
That's why you keep bleaching your fucking faces and you keep watching those bollywood movies and soap operas with the ''whiter'' indians and pakis from northwest india living rich lives so that you can keep imagining that india is developed at all...
Now, I'm sad.
>eternal animal did it again
nothing new actually
I don't care about you motherfucker just stop posting here and pretending you're one of us.
It's actually not funny when non europeans,non-american continent posters post here.
You're always the elephant in the room,the smelling brown motherfucking elephants of the room
>literal nigger complaining about other niggers
Pajeet can you explain what the dot on the forehead of your girls is for?
>a fucking mongoloid sami-tier nigger complaining about me complaining
>elephant in the room
thank you for the complement.
yeah. sure.
>pretending you're one of us.
Pretending to be what? What did I pretend to be?
So when they're receiving they're Indian but when they're dosing it out they're British.
I see, I see.
you Jow Forumsack are the one pretending you're one of us
Fuck off libtard.This is why your country is voting for mickey mouse parties.
receive what? vegene and bob?
>mickey mouse parties.