Why do Germans do this?

Why do Germans do this?

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because they like digging holes instead of coming up with real solutions

i do this too, it's fun

I do too. We're still kids inside.

Ancient dog types do this as well, something related to Dinosaurs

Preparing for D-Day

normandy flashbacks, they fear the goblino bull and his minion the anglo-paki

Because they are looking for potatoes.

Literally everyone does this, I've seen Brits, French and Spanish people do this.

not on our beaches
>go to beach on one of the rare sunny and warm days here
>see germans kids and adults digging holes

>Preparing for D-Day
It's called Schützenloch, old habits

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Because their truck simulator broke so they have to find something else to do

>Most people like to build sandcastles
>The German only knows how to destroy

doing that here is illegal at most popular beaches

It is prohibited by law to dig a hole in the beach in Japan.
If you dug a hole of more than 1.5 meters on a Japanese beach you can impose a year imprisonment or a fine of $ 5,000.

Exercises to destroy Dutch dikes.

To bury the dead polish kids.

>and Spanish people do this

no you didn't, liar, maybe some little kids digging a tiny hole but not trenches like you do

>t. Bomber Harris

They love to dig trenches everywhere. You know, just in case.

probably because japanese people can actually get stuck in a 1.5m hole

>trench warfare simulator

>he doesn’t want a cool sand trench or a sand bunker


Wrong. I've been to Spain a few times as kid and I've always seen spanish kids and their brothers dig holes.

Why do you think?

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tiny little holes. Germans dig huge holes for some reason.

To be honest I love digging holes on the beach too, and building dams and controlling the water, it's fun.

They are nation of self disciplined workers. They just can't stop.

To give a real answer:
It's for wind protection. Our beaches are windy and this prevents the windchill

top zoz underrated

>Sitting in a cold muddy wet dark hole prevents windchill

>building dams and controlling the water, it's fun.
honorary dutchman detected

>wherever i go i must fortify position

point me to some beaches that aren't windy

Why don't they swim or drink and get sun-tanning? They can also seek good looking women.
Do diggin hole and claim own territory makes them comfy than ordinally sea pleasure?

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You won't like their final solution

building holes to hid Jewish corpses is a reflex for der deutschman

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I do not know, but it sure is something anti-Semitic and Nazi.

They pretend to sit in it and have fun but if you dig back after they close it and leave you find their shit in it. I learned it in a bad way when i was a child.

Even funnier coming from Holland

>he found out

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ordnung fun
dig a hole sit in it tide rolls in fun


you found this out in generic sunny beach resort Turkey?

it does make sense
usually beaches dont have toilets and when they do there's a huge line

>be german tourist
>dig hole at miami beach
>get shot

It was a public beach (not many left now) and it had free toilets too. I guess they didn't want to leave their spot.

I go to Greece on vacation. I would never spend money in Turkistan. I don't hate you, I just don't like you.


the only turks at those resorts are usually the cleaning ladies
even the staff is from other countries

Good post


>be jap
>dig 1.5m hole
>cant get out because you're a manlet
>firemen come and try to save you
>finally get you out
>put in prison for attempted murder



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Why are people rude to the Turk, he just said the truth.

Not italians.
They just lay lazily in the sun or look for girls.

To be honest I've done it

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All their beaches are windy as fuck so the build a shelter.

gypsy well

Strictly fordidden in France, for obvious reasons.

>obvious reasons
No. (It's Landmines, isn't it?

They are just preparing for another genocide

I do this too

but I just don't bring shovel to the beach

I remember building castles in the Algarve when I was little in the 90's. I also remember German kids coming to play with me and helping me.

It was all normal until I saw what they brought. You see I would put my sunscreen and went to play with pic related more or less.
The German kids however would bring GIGANTIC shovels and stuff.

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they've got to put undesireables somewhere after they're dead.

>the ultimate CHAD german

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I do this too, but using shovel? why?

Work sets you free

love when you hit a water seam

its normal on german playground with sandbox
I did that too, despite being volga germaI liked building highway systems and intersections with tunnels

Making tunnels and see if they would handle your weight was great honestly.

I wonder why I liked building so much. I blame the Suebi desu

Misschien moeten we ons land hernoemen ik heb een heuse berg gespot O:

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Yeaa I always had a a thing for high complexity infrastructure like airports, central stations etc

I don't understand. Why not just create a sand castle?

oh my fucking god NEVERLANDS

It's because beaches are full af. Once you went swimming and lay in the sun for 30 minutes the boredom takes over. What else is there to do? So digging or building some sandcastles is a nice distraction. They can also serve as sun protection for our sensitive skin and it prevents other people from spreading their towel just 10 cm next to you.

He's looking for water.

It's just stupidly dangerous. People can fall inside or be buried.

Very nice

build tunnels to china like any normal kid.
Adults do it to build a china tunnel and help the economy.

desu i like to dig holes too

I thought Germans were a tolerant people


of course we are

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Reminder that german engineering is not always perfect

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it's because earthquakes

Have they run out of intelligent option's?...

When I was a kid, I used to do it all the time: once I digged a hole that was so big and deep, an egyptian almost broke his leg. Lol.

I did that once, everyone was looking at me as if I was crazy.

he was trying his grave


Gotta build dem trenches for the fuhrer

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