I hate living in Israel, it's full of arabs

I was born in Israel.
I am of jewish / european ancestry also known as "Ashkenazi".
However I am an atheist, I hate judaism and all other religions.

Anyways I fucking hate living here in Israel.
It's full of fucking arabs in here.
They are 20% of the population or 1 in 5.
I hate living alongside those smelly, primitive, barbaric, low intelligence, evil brown animals.
And by the way it's more like 50% arabs in hers because those who are called "mizrahi" or "spheradi" jews are nothing but arabs themselves.
If it looks like an arab and talks like an arab and most importantly thinks and behaves like an arab, it's a fucking arab.

Anyways I wish I was born in the USA instead of in this arabic hellhole.

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I just hope Hamas and Hezbollah behead all of you desu

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it's their land

source on pic? i know it's from a video but i forgot name of vid.

It's actually not their land and never was

pretty sure it was theirs for about 1500 years at least

>dude it's written in this book by Dr. God that it was the jews' land 2000 years ago lmao

actually it is now
jews have no rights to the land just like they didn't have any rights to european land. they should be grateful arabs are outbreeding them and not genocide

get gassed desu

To all of you who replied that Israel belongs to the arabs.
I don't care.
They can have Israel.
I just don't want to live anywhere within 10,000km radius near those inferior, smelly, dumb, evil brown animals.

That's why I want yo move to the USA where hopefully there are none of those smelly , inferior, barbaric, dumb, brown animals.

aside from tha niggers and spics that make 40% of their population + Jow Forumsmutts that make the other 40%.

There is no way out. The only release you can get is to gas yourself.

>That's why I want yo move to the USA where hopefully there are none of those smelly , inferior, barbaric, dumb, brown animals.
Oh boy are you in for a big surprise.

Your dumb ass ancestors moved tp the ME.
If you dont want to live with Arabs then fuck off

I know it was a huuuuuuuuuge mistakes.
Moving next to millions of those smelly,primitive,barbaric , dumb evil brown animals.

Israel should have been established on an island somewhere. Either Madagascar or Tasmania.
Then I wouldn't have to live next to millions of fucking brown arab animals like I do in this area.

Do you like guns?

Yes I do.
Guns are great.

A Poдитeли oд кyдa ? Pyмыния Пoльшa Гepмaния Бeлapycь Укpaинa Poccия ?

Whare your perents come from like all askenazim You Are a antisimitic jew congretioletion :D but why You hate isreal or You hate jews isreal and jews are two difrent things in this era

please come here Jew boy

Try to contain your racism and have some patience, the area is just in a period of development but in 50 years time they should have moved ahead decently.

>for 1500 years
I'm pretty sure it was actually Turkish land for quite some time.

They bought the land or it was given to them by the British protectorate

Right of conquest, possesion

So if I come to your country, genocide everyone, overthrow the government there and take over it and larp like your country is mine, does it really make it mine?

Real life doesn't work like a movie you twit.

I wish man I wish.
But you need a green card it's not so easy.

My dream is to immigrate to the USA and leave this hellhole filled with smelly evil brown animals known as arabs.

I need to find me a chubby American blonde so I could marry her and move to the USA.

Why Ashkenazi such whiney cucks?
t. mizrahim

yes, that's literally how countries gain more territory during wars
that's how constantinople became turkish
that's how west papua became indonesia
and countless of other examples all over the world

I seriously hope jews don't ruin Madagascar or any other existing island. If they want an island, they should make one in the Atlantic with the support of the American armed forces.

>European ancestry
You fucking wish muttboi

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Just join a ultra nationalist Zionist group like Lehava

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Well, what do you think the Jews of the Bible looked like?

It's Mizrahi and Palestinians that should deport Ashkenazim back to Europe

>That's why I want yo move to the USA
>where hopefully there are none of those smelly , inferior, barbaric, dumb, brown animals.

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no one cares what you think
your country is bring filled with
refugees and your politicians are an ongoing international joke
nothing gets my cut dick harder than eurofags crying about the only alpha country in this entire hemisphere

Kind of a retarded post, honestly.
Yes, in the US you can (atm) live a live where you barely see any brown people. If you actually care that much about that for some some reason (racists complain but the vast majority doesn't actually go North for example).

Oh yeah I'll just go ahead and read that post.

*doesn't read it*

This but unironically

You have to go back to Turkey my ugly brown friend.

Buutiful arguments.

I can't think of anything more banal than people who've been capital U undesirables - and treated accordingly - for a couple millennia all around the known world telling me they get hard thinking of others' misfortunes. The West will never lose that "holocaust sympathy" soon enough, thankfully we're on the right path.


Giovanni shut the fuck up you smelly arab.
Everyone know you italians are nothing but smelly arabs larping as eurpeans.
I look 100000000 more white than you you fucking achmad.

Now go assasinate someone for the mafia it's the only thing you italarabs know how to do anyway - be criminals.

Sweet, i just can't wait till even your american golem turns against you. It's bound to happen, as historically speaking massacring and kicking out Jews is as cyclical as seasons.

italians are literally crypto kikes without the 6 billion verbal and quantitative iq
you're just mad you will never get into our secret club but you're stuck with the gigantic hook nose anyway

They wont

jews arent actually being outbred. jews are outbreeding arabs

Yes it does you fucking plebbitor.
That's why you need a strong military

That's been how things have been working until the 19th-20th century, yes.

Jewish ethnocentric networking in Ivy League admissions and American power relations =/= natural intelligence.
Besides i'm just as capable of selecting the regions with the highest IQ in Italy, just like an American is capable to pick that couple Christian denominations' followers who score higher than your typical Moische and call it a day. I have a perfect, refined nose that lets me sniff jewish tricks btw

Based jude

Why dont you move to Europe?

t. Martin Schulz

Schultz cares about israel, not jews.

Like I want to move to eurabia.
Europe is now full of smelly arabs, turks,pakis,afghans, and niggers.
No thanks.

t. Adolf

move to Poland

Dont believe the memes.
Please come to Germany

please come to austria and shill our companies, big foreign yehudi man

Yes, but things don't work like that anymore. We live in a different century

>It's suddenly different
It isn't

russia took ukranian soil like 2 years ago
china is building island to strengthen their claim on expanding their ocean territory
there are wars being fought right now in inda/pakistan/china over territorial disputes
nothing changed

But that doesn't apply, "Palestinians" didn't own the country

They did in 1948

Wasnt that how jews lost Israel in the first place?

That happened to jews many times in the levantine corridor...

move to Russia

oke pls get out leave that disgusting place to smelly aRabs;

t. Sachanan Panjeeb Chowdhury

It's ok stansilav do you think I want to move to your poor, shithole of a country?!?
Get real stansilav you need to be seriously mentally ill to want to move to your lame and poor popoland.

I wish I could move out of this arabic hellhole to the USA.

I am sick and tired of living alongside you smelly, barbaric, dumb, evil brown animals.

I don't want to live in the same country as you, heck I don't want to live in the same universe as you smelly, evil brown animals.

Sometimes I think I might hate Jews
Then I see posts like this and realise we're not so different after all.

>I'm pretty sure it was actually Turkish land for quite some time.
Egypt used to be greek, roman, fatimid, abbasid, Ottoman and british. Please tell me who owns it.

Are you a merchant?

>1500 years

lmao. most arabs arrived in the ottoman controlled palestine in the 1800s, after the egyptian-ottoman wars
also, the area israel occupies today was desolated. arabs started settling in judea after the first zionist jews arrived bringing prosperity to the land

>the area israel occupies today was desolated

>i wish i was born in the USA
>the literal mixing bowl of the world

I'm glad the US is free of those vermin.

I really wonder what happened to the Christians of this area that used to be the majority there.


Everyone who set foot in judea during the 1800s confirms this : there were no dirty ar*Bs living in those lands. ar*Bs started migrating to judea to try and take advantage of the prosperity jews were bringing to the land.

I support Israel's right to exist, that it is the homeland of Jewish people (atheist and otherwise). I stand against genocide.

Then give Palestine back to the Arabs and fuck off to New York you smelly dirty Jew

"Palestine" originally belong to Jewish people, they were just genocided around.

Shut up achmad I didn't ask for your opinion.
Don't post in this thread.
This thread is closed to smelly brown arab animals like you.
Dogs are welcome however :).

Based Nazi Jew

They have blacks and hispanics which are worse.

that yehudi kelb is only going to get beat up inshallah

ancient hebrews=/= modern jews

>Either Madagascar
actually that was our first plan instead of gasing you


You don't understand.
The USA is huge .

I will move to a an area without negroes or meixcanos.

Obviously not, but modern Jews are descended from ancient Jews. You can justify any old genocide with your logic.

Shut up muhammad.
I didn't ask for your opinion on the matter.

This thread is closed to smelly brown arabs animals like you.
Dogs however are welcome:).

read: and stop trying to steal jewish lands, you fucking leech. the entire middle east is already a savage hellhole controlled by muslims, let at least one tiny bit of the land be civilized.


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But your own link says 300,000 people lived there and it mostly consists of people talking about some kind of prophecy.

Why not just gas yourself? Sure a*Abs are disgusting but you ashkenazim are worse

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>>Jow Forums
When everything around you smells like shit it's time to check your own shoes OP

There are no places in usa without them. maybe in canada

> The plan was not viable due to the British naval blockade.
all those jewish deaths are on british hands
the eternal anglo has struck, once again

Yes. It's not like there were muslims there before, during and after the Crusades.

Muslims =/= Arabs. Arabs come from Arabian penninsula and are there via genocide to begin with. That said, they never genocided Jewish people 100%.

>At the end of 1940, Hitler asked Himmler to draft a new plan for the elimination of the Jews of Europe, and Himmler passed along the task to Heydrich

The eternal Anglo, just look Shlomo who your real enemy was

>reading comprehension

300,000 people lived in there by the mid-century (around the 1850s). by the 1860s, depopulation was advancing and by time zionist jews started settling there (1880s-1900s) the land was desolated.

I think the word you are looking for is Palestinians.

If by "Palestinian" you mean "the native peoples of Palestine" aka Jewish then yes.
If you mean "Arab genocider who came along centuries later to wipe and oppress native people" then FUCK THAT.

But hundreds of thousands of people were still living there so whats your point? And again a lot of quotes are talking about some prophecy as well as examining the land for Jewish resettlement so it makes sense they would say is depopulated. The land was heavily controlled by the ottomans where they build strongholds in Jaffa so it makes sense the arabs would move south to Arabia as tensions grew between them but even arabia was heavily "depopulated" as the entire region had less than 3 million people because at that time there werent many arabs in general.