Jow Forums
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International #886
What happens here?
You wake up in 19th century japan
This is how I would have established Israel
Any chance China would abandon could restore the Emperor?
Grow up
>honhonhon your country SUCKS :-DDD
Hey user, why don't you visit me in Iran?
/fr/ - le francofil
How are big butts thought of in your country?
Jow Forums writes a story one word at a time. I'll start:
Why are Americans so huge pussies about raw meat? Are they soyboys? Pic related was by meal today
Do you love Protestants?
How would your parents react to you bringing home a Swedish girlfriend?
What does a hug feel like
On a scale from 0-56, how americanised is your country?
Do you love China?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
Post your town city flag
Why is black culture utter trash?
1. You're cunt
Are grownups allowed to beat the shit out of you in your country? (Updated Edition)
How did this impact the japanese legal system? how did the law enforcement fail so badly?
Is France the puppet of the USA ?
How common are refugee/local couples in your country?
You cunt is going to war
Why is european KFC so much better than american one???
Hilo latino /lat/
Is your country built on genocide?
Two girls invited for a picnic tomorrow. first time in 20 years bros
Hey sweden, come here i have a surprise for you
ITT: We say something nice about the country of the user above us
Have the US trade policies been good for latin America so far? What does my Ameribros and Latino friends think...
Sverigetråden - Sveket upplagan
/deutsch/ Make-Gera-Great-Again Ausgabe
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Why are hapa women incredibly hot, but hapa men are often awkward or unattractive looking?
Tfw your national broadcaster airs Jow Forums shitposts as factual on live tv
Implanning to move to serbia to be a neet. i make 900/euro a month in NEETbux...
Trump and Macron saved Jow Forums today
Europeans are a minority in their own capitals
Read fucking books
1. ur cunt
Where were you when Jow Forums was died?
Are you employed? What's your job?
Wakey wakey, site's back up
One Finnish BULL = 20 russian slavcucks
Shitty culture. shitty language. shitty food. shitty flag
Got their ass handed to them by Japan
Europoors will never know this feel
Only speaks English language
Why don't Japanese people want black immigrants?
Should Russians hate him more than Hitler?
Pee isn't stored in the balls
1,415,045,928 people
Why do "Slavs" make such a big deal about Germans having Slavic admixture while "Slavs" themselves have loads of...
This is a 4/10 on russian tinder
Why do you hate Redditors?
Fact. The Emu has won more wars than Germany
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Should whites apologize?
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
/brit/ They don't see me 'less I pull up Lamborghini edition
ITT we post only true statements
Why'd they never become a global power like the European nations?
Be American
My brother browses reddit
Are u fat Jow Forums?
Ask someone an Jow Forumsertnational question
Does he really worship the emperor?
/brit/ DAMN edition
What is this substance called in your country?
Sverigetråden - Tjejiga upplagan
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Anyone else wish they were black
Why are the countries in red so third-world tier?
Today is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. Say something nice about Armenians
Truck driver was a confirmed Jow Forums user who want to "overthrow all the chads and stacys" and will incite a "incel...
How do I tell my sister to stop using Instaslut...
What can Jow Forums tell me about Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and Manitoba in general?
/brit/ white wine edition
Is liking petite women who look like little girls considered offensive in your country?
Shit skins are people
In Russia, they make erotic thrillers about Nicholas II's affairs
1. cunt
Is there a country with worse food than the USA?
Is Qatar Airways a good place to work?
/lat/ hilo latino
Post good music from your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US and friends
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Do you love Japan?
How do i get the gf
American posts a map
I had a white girl get mad at me today for using the term "Jap" today outside of any derogatory context
Reminder that the Latino names (Fernandez, González, Rodríguez, and Gomez) are of Germanic origin...
Do Western woman really dress like this?
Almost 20 years old
Why don't non-Anglos go lobster?
I'm going to travel to China and a week, looking for : "special" massage parlors and best places to eat, in Shanghai...
Why are European girls the most fun?
What do British feel when they see the American flag as a symbol of English language?
Handsome Jow Forumsernational men
Why are AMERINDIAN woman so cute?
Why can't Europeans into sarcasm? You tell them a joke and they just give you this blank retard stare
You can only post in this thread if your grandfather fought for the Allies in WWII
He's listening to classic music while studying to feel supreme
/brit/ powerful edition
The Nazis were so based. I wish I could have lived during that time
How do Washington and Oregon differ?
Every country needs democracy!
Does your cunt have good internet?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Reminder that Ireland is a better country than the UK in virtually every aspect
ITT:Based leaders only
Ask a French Tunisian anything
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
He was so cute
Post your bedrooms
Friendly reminder that France is a Latin American country and that the French people are Latinos
Russia is anti-globali-
Anybody else Christian here too?
Why did the USA rise in power so fast, despite making big mistakes?
/brit/ lil tracy edition
60% of Japanese words are Chinese
/luso/ fio lusofono
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How does weed usage work in your country? How easy is it to get it? Is it cheap? Is it socially accepted...
Faces of Jow Forums
I will fight for my country
Your least favorite Latin American country is ____ because ____
This girl was recently denied acceptance into university through a quota system because the board determined that she...
Arabs could pass as spainards, Greeks, Italians
What do you think of Turkey?
The meme is real
/ita/ - il filo
Do you ever look across the water at your neighbour country?
Only Countries that helped hitler can post here
I've got zero confidence in myself
We need to help Venezuelans
Are grownups allowed to beat the shit out of you in your country?
I legitimately despise this '''''''''country''''''''
Comprehensive map of the world
Holy fucking shit what in the ACTUAL FUCK is wrong with muslims...
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Plebs drink coffee, patricians drink tea
Why i'm sith this southron
What country has the best music?
What are these islands called in your language?
The japanese are FUCKING ANIMALS!
Stop making fun of my accent
I'm the hottest user on Jow Forums
Americans unironically pay hundred of dollars for gene ancestry tests
That'll be twelve (12) dollars plus tip
Sverigetråden - Djävulsupplaga
Welcome to Nord-Med, the thread with most attractive people per capita
So whats wrong with sandals and socks?
Under current projections, white people will make up less than 2% of the world's population, by the end of this century...
/ita/ - Il Filo
Search "air quality real time" in google search and post the results
/deutsch/ Germanen Ausgabe
Is there a single empire in history where so much disinformation has been pedaled by romanticist myth and its...
This is our ex-president who resigned today. Say something nice about him
How do we stop China?
Pakistani are fucking animals
Why shouldn't I learn Hungarian?
This is so called whites from Mediterranean countries
/asean/ + /extraflags/
You okay there, Canada?
You wake up in Vvardenfell
Do you have hobbys
Gringo, Gaijin, Gweilo, Goy
Hilo latino /lat/
You are now aware that Ecuador uses the US Dollar as its currency
A kid declared cerebrally dead by the medic equipe was given the Italian citizenship to avoid the British government...
God I wish I was German or Swedish
I've just read that almost 5 millions of Russians make 7500 rubles per month ($120)
You wake up black
Why do western european men do this?
/fr/ - le Francofil du soir
We have so much freshwater in Finland that we could supply the whole world with it
Nonamerican says dude and bro
So then your Korean girlfriend arrives at her parents home
Dating a short girl as a tall male
Apart from yelling at foreigners online, do you have a hobby, Jow Forums?
Tfw 15cm penis and only 4cm wide
Most popular sports
Kurva anyátok
I told the witchdoctor I was in love with you
Be Canadian
1. ur cunt
Is the knowledge of French in French Africa similar to people's knowledge of Spanish in Latin America where everyone...
Post the most Brazilian pictures you have
Why is european KFC so much better than american one?
France is back, invest your money here please. thank you
So what with east Germany? Why muslims avoid it?
Is it true Americans don't have contactless card payment?
Just left this in the uni library toilets like the absolute villain I am
You white boy
/polska/ - Edycja zwalczania Islamu i Aborcji
Why is pooland such a shithole?
Just made a tinder account :3
Does anyone always drink before a long train trip?
I unironically beat my cat because seeing the pain and forced submission in it's eyes makes me diamond I know I should...
I am Vistula German
How does this image make you feel?
American male and European male. Masculinity and sissification. Why so difference?
Does anyone else find something fundamentally wrong with modern existence?
We now return to the sitcom "Jow Forums"
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Nu går det åt helvete
Le Gibraltar of Italy, estimados señore
Japanese bulls are very popular with korean women
Post the best of German humor
America: invades Muslim countries and kills them by the millions at the source
/fr/ - le Francofil du soir
I dont need women
시밤바 불금까지 4일남았다. _
I spend too much time on Jow Forums, need to get banned to stop coming here. Enjoy
Prince William and Catherine Middleton just had their 3rd child and Jow Forums isn't congratulating British posters
Made me think
Be American
What's the deal here? Is this really taboo?
/deutsch/ /bayern/
How does this map make you feel?
Why even live?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Young, white people dying from colorectal cancer
Paying money to do volunteering in a 3rd world shithole somewhere
Did you know that Norse gods were Greek? Norsecucks literally worshipped Meds LMAO
What does the average, regular 20-25yo dude look like in your country?
Your cunt
Getting ready for summer,Jow Forums?
What's going to be the ultimate takeaway of int 2018?
Huezilianigger Delusion Thread
ITT: Jow Forums in 1971
I’m tinder swiping in Russia right now
Why are British tourists so terrible?
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone de France et de Navarrd
Sverigetråden - Nykterhetsupplagan
This is the next scandal in Israel, and it's fucking hilarious
70 People from 70 Countries Say Cheers in Their Native Languages
Do you like Azeri women?
Why there are so many first world posters here? What are your excuses to be failed in easy mode?
/polska/ - edycja walki o wolość słowa oraz sprzeciwu aborcji
Race mixing is ba-
Your polish girlfriend invites you to meet her parents
My Finnish citizenship application was accepted
My country is really big and we have mountains and several different climates but i live in a city far away from it and...
What does a pussy taste like?
Italians are whi-
What happens there? We never heard about this country, probably one of the least known Europe country
He can't perform CPR
My sister got pregnant and the guy ran off to Spain
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Deutscher Fotzen Faden™
Why is Poland such a shining beacon in a sea of shit?
How the FUCK can japanese boys even compete bros?
What's this phenomenon called in your cunt?
Why the fuck are americans ok with this?
Born in """superpower country"""
How does one deal with homesickness...
Be europeon
Would you support an united Europe?
Estonian socialists are losing most of their support
Why are they soooooooooo stupid??
How many European are bald in their 20s?
Damn, Korean boys look like THAT?
Nooooo Sweden
Cultural Appropriation
/deutsch/ Schlacht-um-Gera Sonderausgabe
Brack people are dangerous for Japan
Italians in charge of making durable wallets
What is the class system like in your country?
What useful things have you learned from Jow Forums?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #1997.5
Fake hating them was hard desu
Damn, Brazil looks like THAT?
Non-American says dude
Mfw Russian Orthodox Church is most powerfull christian church in whole Asia
Does this happen a lot in your cunt?
Tell me about the family unit in Japan, nuclear or other
I just killed a fucking hornet
Americans take bacon & fried eggs at breakfast
Japanese eyes vs. Korean eyes
/brit/ AJJ edition
I know i have a funny voice but usually im not bothered by it because im somewhat attractive and 6'4" so people who...
Why do people think he was a good guy?
Do non-med/non+European Christians feel cucked?
This is disgusting
Any actual cool non-ghetto black people here? I've never met one
I want to live in your country
Why do Angloids have this weird prejudice against horse meat...
So how about that Québec French????????
What is this country known for?
My hungarian citizenship application was rejected again
1. Your country
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Is this the most autistic board on Jow Forums?
I'm a white guy learning an East Asian language!
Are mokas popular in your country?
2018 Elections
Jow Forums has made me unironically suspicious and unable of forming any kind of friendship with white people...
Do you have feral children in your country?
What's their end game Jow Forums?
How do i get an indian gf?
Be me, portuguese guy in japan
Would you ever want to live in rural Panama?
No culture
Kurva anyátok
Do Indians have own porn to fap?
Size doesn't matter tehehehe
How do we stop China?
Be on Jow Forums during the non American hours
I'm a kissless virgin
Do you support an independent Alberta?
My russian citizenship application was rejected again
These are the cultures of the world. Russians are delusional if they think they aren't part of Western civilization
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is this correct?
What are your experiences with American tourists? How can you identify an American without hearing them speak...
Is it true that half of Americans believe this?
The Japanese man is out at work for 12 hours in his company office, slaving away for the mightily corporations of Japan
MEXITHREAD #3 memes edition
What phenotype gets you the hardest? Pic related
/brit/ radcen edition
You don't need a gun!
Maine is the only state worth living in the US
This is a pentecostal church in brazil
Would you ever want to live in rural England?
This confuses and scares the Ameriburger
The Curious Case of Nigeria on Jow Forums
Does having some fever mean you'd take 8/10 of your fever race over 10/10 of your own race?
How do we go from this
How can the wh*Te ''male'' even compete?
Is the name "Israel" a name in your country?
Do thots exist in islamic countries?
I’m starting working out but still chubby and less mucsle
When will england pay back?
Me in japan :)
If you live in Canada please let me get there
How many American states can you identify?
1. your cunt
/mex/ - mexithread
/lat/ - hilo latino
Only KARA BOGA master race can post here
Why do Hispanics try to take Anglo first names when their last names are so obviously Hispanic...
Culture Pals /cp/
Did you know that Australia doesn't have bumble bees?
Thoughts on Hindu & Buddhist nationalism?
Has anyone else been noticing an escalation in jealousy towards China in recent years?
The fucking hispanics have reached here too
La Malinche
Tomorrow is the vasectomy appointment
/brit/ + /birt/
Anyone identify with their region before their country?
This angers and confuses the American
We're all the same, we all bleed red
How do you call this in your country?
Why does Americans fold their pizza?
Mexican "pizza"
Are the french the most cheese-loving euros?
Friendly reminder that Russians are honorary BLACK...
Fuck this country I’m out. Happened 15 minutes drive away from me as well
Sverigetråden - Filterupplagan
My mom found out i once sucked my brothers dick a long time ago. She ran into my room and punched me in the face
Why are Japanese people so racist?
How do we fix earth, Jow Forums?
Hindu Nationalists Are Boycotting Amazon For Signing Up An Actress Who Spoke Out Against Child Rape
/ita/ il filo
This is how life for me is like in TRUMP'S AMERICA
/v4/ + friends
/brit/ brainlet edition
Stop making such abhorrent posts, holy shit
How to live with an ugly face?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Why is Chile considered undeveloped country but Shitugal not?
Handsome Jow Forumsernational men
Posters opinion map
Can we all agree europeans x africans in the same country is the worst combination?
BLACKED.COM subscription ran out
Fuck you BIGOTED mods
I thought Brits were conquerors? But then why are they so submissive?
Youare country
/rus/ Russia & Friends
I fucking love those Russians/Finns phenotype of white blonde girls who a bit asiatic. Most aesthetic looking gf's ever
/fr/ - Fil francophone et francophile
Summer is here
Just be yourself
1. your country
When did so many guys on Jow Forums turn gay?
/lat/ hilo latino
/deutsch/ lardspezial
A perfect Europe doesn't exis-
Does this happen in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Skatt är stöld upplagan
Post your local cathedrals, Jow Forums
My dad died
A radcen is leading the polls in spain
Rip smimen
Be Californian
Edition du dimanche soir, la plus confite car il n'y a qu'à jouer la montre. (((ils))) vont devoir aller se coucher
Why do german women love africans, turks and arabs so much?
/ita/ il filo
Are Americans often heroic because they're good people or is it because they're attentionwhores and it's just part of...
What do you pronounce this in you're language?
Post the flag of your city
What happened to Avicii?
/rus/ Russia & Friends
I hate kikes
Rate my english please
/sino/ - 中文
Me and Finland
Russian 100% face guy arrived in USA and start realationship with 12% face American girl...
/polska/ - edycja walki przeciw aborcji
If you can't speak Japanese language, you're old dated
Do you like strong women?
What is their fucking problem?
1. You's country
White Women Appreciation Thread
Sverigetråden - Söndagskvällsupplagan
Tfw i have only have brown hair because some roman soldier fucked one of my ancestors
1. country
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
British """""""""""""men""""""""""""
Are you rooting for a team this world cup?
If you will sentenced to death, what will you prefer? Shot, hanged or beheaded?
ITT: Upset an Italian person in a single post
Should we swedes pay reperations for bullying the baltics + poland for hundreds of years?
Do you want to visit south of France riding a horse ?
Did you know that Spain had an area that's as densely populated as Sápmi?
If you race mix with asians, your son will be elliot rodgers and your daughter will be hot
Im pure bavarian phenotype
/nederdraad/ - jarige job editie
Your cunt
85% of spaniards think homophobia should be penalized with jail
Google just got banned
Give me one(1) good reason as to why the EU should not become a single federal state
2017 GDP figures are out! Celebration!
I do a diet for this summer, it's painful to see pic related
One day, when we are helpless, will you help us?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Mexicans BTFO
Explain yourself, E*rope
Muslim country thread
/sellner/ ehemals /Deutsch/
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo umaroso
What to expect in Belarus?
British men are smol and qties :3
1/3 people in sweden have foreign background
A typical day in France
Why was Germany so evil in WW2?
Hi There
Number of Poles living in the UK: at least 1,000,000
Why are Spaniards such HUGE Italian cock suckers?
How do you safely take a shower in brazil?
I’m japanese
Is the East/West divide in Germany similar to the North/south divide in England?
Is this what an average Norwegian look like?
What are the best designed flags? here are my top 4
Fennoswedes are master race? They have purjehduslaiva and money
Hilo latino
Why Japs don't travel a lot anymore?
/deutsch/ - Söder ausgabe
Sverigetråden - Fråga om Islam upplagan
Brazilian sniper ready to take a shot at communist rioters in Rio
Do you know of any abandoned places in your country? Have you visited any? I'll post some from Belgium...
Japanese Media and Language Thread – JMALT
/ESP/ Hilo Español
You're cunt?
Talk me out of moving to New Hampshire
/luso/ - fio lusófono
I hate living in Israel, it's full of arabs
Americans take bacon & fried eggs at breakfast
American college entrance exam
Rich, successful country
16 days until Eurovision
/fr/ - le francofil
Whats your fav architectural style?
How are Slavs seen in the West?
Do desert women know their literally perpecteu?
Hi, have you ever tried hesburger? Its available in easter Europe and russia and it's better than macdonalds
The decade 2020-2030 will be the decade of Eastern Europe. Save this post
How do you Australians survive a >31C heatwave. It's basically impossible to live in the heat unless you have AC
1. Euro cunts
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship