Why Japs don't travel a lot anymore?

Why Japs don't travel a lot anymore?

Are they really poor now?

Attached: CXxEv2k.jpg (1108x1478, 242K)

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yep send moni plox

ok but u send jap qt in return capische?

Yes. And the society never gives us days off enough for vacation.

God i wish that wasn't me

Their favourite tourist destination became Europe's terror attack capital.

>46.2% decline in Japanese visitors

I'm wimmen sorry.

They know that the european meme is a lie so they no longer come here

They found out Europe has been ruined by dark people

Japan should come 2 USA

Why would they want to go to Old Liberia?


Japanese go to Hawaii.

Hawaii is no.1 popular tourist place for Japanese.

they do travel quite a bit, but the numbers have leveled off


Attached: 2018-04-22 16_25_00-Japanese outbound tourists Statistics - Tourism Statistics - Japan Tourism Marke (1095x546, 56K)


They're here literally every summer

Attached: 1478439883464.jpg (235x250, 26K)


Attached: trump.jpg (580x363, 107K)

We aren’t accustomed to traveling abroad.
From1600 to 1850 we did national isolation.
And we are surrounded by osean.
So we didn’t communicate with foreigners for a long time.
Therefore I think we haven’t communicate a lot with foreiners is one of this reasons

My ancestor

What happened in 2003?

Attached: 12bda0c37f078a101da922e2710d2d22.jpg (512x512, 35K)

Saw some Japanese woman with her kid on the train in London last week. My extensive knowledge of anime meant I could decipher part of their conversation.

>Kid: something something
>Mum: Wakarimasen...
>Kid: hmmmm... so desu ka...
>Kid: AH! so daro something something

Attached: wojak_00.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.2x[1].jpg (807x935, 107K)

SARS "epidemic", Iraq war, earthquake in Hokkaido

Iraq war and SARS epidemic

come please...

Japanese like Guam too desu

Eh, whenever I see a Japanese tourist around here they are elderly, or more uncommonly, middle-aged.
Must be hard for the elderly that are backpacking.



>Japanese """tourist"""

They're Asian and old, how am I supposed to know the difference.
They might be from the Japanese community in são Paulo for all I could know.

How come Chinks do not die out yet?

Most of them are probably Yakuza running away from police or their rival.

>Why Japs don't travel a lot anymore?
Oh, they do...

Attached: 1519046412069.png (513x1508, 457K)

There is always droves of those animals taking my same train to Milan, what the fuck do they even do on the Alps

because japan is great

cuz they don't need me

France is shit, Germany is shit, Britain is shit, European capital cities are shit, Mediterranean coast is shit, for the same reason.

they don't have any nice places to go, unless they want to boil in tropical heat like European tourists.

then, Finland is ?

Finland is Finland.
China and Korea likes to visit, dunno if you guys wanna come over, but I'd recommend Lapland instead of Helsinki.


>really poor now?
truly suicide count
now 130,000
2021y 300,000
according to secret colony plan

Fuck. Now i have to wank meself to interracial porn featuring jap girls..

>Average size 4.3inches
That's bullshit lol

my sister has ever been to lap land to see aurora.
I wanna see aurora too
and wanna go to santa village.

amerika kun...

Attached: whopper1.jpg (940x937, 235K)

why dont people from nanking travel a lot anymore?

Are they really dead now?

Why Japs are angry at my post?

I just curious,,

They have like 5 days of vacation at year. And spend that in hawaii because no reasons.

Truly a mistery

>Why Japs don't travel a lot anymore?
They do, just that your overcrowded Asian city is not the most exotic and comfy place to chill

Hong Kong made me lose faith in humanity
>Expats earning US$70K or more living in oppoulent condos while poorfag natives occupy ghetto apartments with aircons sticking out of their windows

those are mainland immigrants you're thinking of