This is a pentecostal church in brazil

This is a pentecostal church in brazil
Do you have these freaks in your country too?

Attached: download (46).jpg (236x213, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:ólica_Shalom.

The guy in OP's pic looks like he is holding a sausage.

Attached: 66a85d5fea4dcdfec05c3500c98e4af8.gif (263x305, 1.96M)

they are already 20% in brazil and growing


we imported this shit from los estados judíos tho

Me on the left

WHAT THE FUCK is that lunacy?!
I'm so glad to be rid of the cancer that is religion

Attached: dna8mnsakp001.jpg (626x631, 31K)


they think they are being "touched by the holy ghost"

Attached: 213962f55d394490aa7dca80027fa07a_18.jpg (800x450, 39K)

By the name of Jesus i repreend every satanic racist spirit! Get out! Get out! Oh la shamanasuria hamashena

Sounds like some power electronics shit

reminder that brazil will be majority protestant by 2050

AAaah your monkey voodoo magic is overwhelming me

I think so. Some people are very"physical" and get very connected to this kind of thing with yelling and trembling and running. I hate to stereotype but this kind of spirituality is especially appealing to Black people. I dont judge normally unless they bother me. Do whatever you want.

Catholics aren't much better tbɦ. I went to a Shalom event once and they were just as crazy. It didn't go for as long as in the vid, but still. Maybe they only go crazier after you've been a member for some time.

I've been catholic my whole life and never seen anything like this.

group hysteria

Some Catholics are "charismatic Catholic" where they take Protestants like video and put them under the Pope. So they are Catholics with Protestant style worship. I think important thing is to be respectful even if that style looks weird or crazy, for them it is powerful. And maybe it is.

Damn. That's retarded.

Attached: 1gl02rrrd7o01.gif (400x400, 374K)

>shamanasuria hamashena

Every fucking minister say this shit. This and "labaxuria". Does this shit really mean something? They have to have some guideline to this bullshit.

idk they are crazy

yeah but very few

Not in regular churches, I suppose. I've been to them with my parents when I was a kid (before I went fedora). I'm talking about these guys:ólica_Shalom. You can easily recognize their members, they're always wearing the pendant thingy in pic related.

For me, I realized after a while that they were just saying some recombination of the syllabes of "Maria" and the phoneme /ʃ/ (the sh sound in English). They really like that phoneme for whatever reason.

Attached: testemunho-tau.jpg (658x335, 53K)

kek my mom goes to a church like this

Oh shit I just realized these all have /ʃ/ too. It does sound kinda "spiritual" I guess.

Enjoy being replaced by Muslims within the next 25 years.

>Enjoy being replaced by Muslims within the next 25 years.

Attached: american_says.png (534x363, 91K)

Whiter than you, Abdul.

My theory is that they are trying to mimic hebrew (or even aramaic). I've seem some of them call G-d "El Shaddai" and use words like "Hosanna" and "Maranatah" while speaking in "tongues".