Is it true that half of Americans believe this?

Is it true that half of Americans believe this?

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Once that wall is complete it will be 100%


American Christianity is literally Islam but with jesus as central figure instead of muhammad.

Scientists btfo

Makes no sense

Islam is literally Doctor Who but instead of a British television show it's a religion that was originally established on the Arabian peninsula

You're not wrong, but the people who don't understand the history of Abrahamic religions will say you are.

I went to a Catholic School and even we were taught straight up Evolution. I have no idea where Creationism is still taught unironically.

>science should be placed on high regard except when it contradicts the hundred years old scriptures, then its not
>opressing non-americans are fine because we did it as an act of defense. beside its democracy, not oppression

The kingdom of la creatura is getting stronger

Yes, this is why we are uncucked

and retarded...

"whiter than you, mohammad!"

>were you there


Really nigger?

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lmao at that vegan logic at the end

Catholics aren't as retarded as pr*Testant subhumans

fucking BASED

Not quite half. I think it's closer to 40%.

I was in a Judeo Christian (american Christian) church here in sweden and they jizz when you name the chosen people and constantly say that the end times are near. They even thought Obama was the anti-christ.
They really put me off Christianity.

USA is the property of Israel, Jews are their God.

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New Worlders are a shame

its so funny when they do that when Obama is the most moderate politician you will ever find

jUdaic Sect of isrAel

It was because he was black. All the judeo christians and Mormons (who always vote republican and Mormons don’t think black people go to heaven) made videos online about him and it spread to christians around the world.
I remember watching ”obama reptilens transformation” videos where all that happened was that his face got blurry for half a sec.

>It was because he was black.
No, Sven. It was because Obama's "hope" and "change" campaign was blatantly supported by virtually every sector of the mass media from news to entertainment with only minor exception. ABC News came just shy of directly sponsoring him with all their fluff stories. Anytime you see some politician heralded as the Messiah, you pause and wonder who's orchestrating this horseshit.

Were there idiots against Obama on account of his color? Sure, just as there were many who supported him because of his color. I'm not defending these pathetic Ziocuck Christians, but their point regarding Obama being less than trustworthy stands.

Oy vey

Korean Protestants are like this as well

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Nah, it is just the fact that Burgeristan was founded upon religious fundamentalists who were too retarded to be able to function in the old world.

>European evangelical
>Become the driving force of the modern sciences
>Amerifat evangelical
>Adopt literal biblicalism so severe, that millions of Americans unironically believe that starting new wars in the Middle East will make Jesus come back sooner

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We're just making the wrong kind of wars for the wrong kind of people.

being a yankaboo and knowing a bit more than most people about happy clappy protestantism i knew they existed but it was still weird when I met my first real apocalyptic pro-zionist

Do they even acknowledge Judaism as a religion of the book?
Or do they simply adore the existence of Israeli people for the sole purpose of bringing forth the apocalypse while rejecting any notion that the jew can attain salvation?


Terrorists are weeping angels.

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