Do you support an independent Alberta?
Do you support an independent Alberta?
If theyre fed up with Notley how would succession help them? Is CBC just retarded?
Do Jews really have theirs paws on every country? Even the prospective ones?
Do you expect anything more from CBC?
>Israeli flag in the background
I'd like to Western Canada as one country.
same but with western US
This except we also get Baja Californa
whoa. powerful reporting.
I don't want Vancouver
Why not join America it would make the oil money more convenient
It's always a bad idea to have open borders with a non-white country
You guys already sell all your oil to us for refinement
You could be Texas rich without having to fund Quebec
It will be fine, we'd just need to liberate it from the Chinese. Send them back.
And the Indians in Surrey.
Alberta is basically "Greater Montana" with a twist of "Wannabe Texas". It's no surprise they worship Jews like an American.
>Sam Hyde
>mah small meme nations
>mah west canada
>mah west usa
>mah special unique region
Fuck you all. I want the Usa to be a BIG FAT EXPANDING EMPIRE. Some parts from Canada and Mexico would be nice. too bad manifest destiny got replaced by manifest oil. We need to stop caring about the middle east and start annexing peacdfully ;) our neighbors.
I support any province that wants to break with the crown
Just balkanize both Canada and America so we actually have a chance at enacting some border controls.
did any of your mother's other children survive?
>oil companies steal billions of natural resources
>throw a few pennies around for PR
What the fuck is wrong with North America? Why are they obsessed with this tiny shit thing in the Middle East?