Fake hating them was hard desu

Fake hating them was hard desu.

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finally embraced your sicilian heritage?

The only shitty Italians are Italian Americans

And terrones

I always did.

Genuinely hating them is as easy as breathing though

t. Italian American

This is the Malta poster

Attached: Norman_Lowell.jpg (250x252, 9K)

Not for me.

I'm not of Anglo descent, so no.

this is the Malta poster

Attached: carmeloborgyoung.jpg (300x343, 20K)

More accurate.

This is the Malta poster

Attached: -god.jpg (283x178, 8K)

Attached: 1494475799480.jpg (500x500, 42K)

That's mommy.

Attached: 1501101974430.jpg (399x368, 16K)

are maltese white?

no they are italian, therefore TURK, therefore BLACK

they're arab, speak some shitty semitic language who received influence from the italians.

t. wallet lifting gypsy.

at least we didn't get fucked in the ass by templars knights or whatsoever to cultural enrich or genetic enriching.
You smelly little bastard!@

How does buttfucking enhance someone's genetics you dumb gypsy? Go lift some phones.

go to Rome if you need an extra push

I can't pretend to hate something I don't anymore.