My sister got pregnant and the guy ran off to Spain

>be me, Torbjörn Svensson
>live with my family of 3 brothers and 1 sister in a small, comfy village in northern Sweden
>life is quiet, peaceful and safe. The seasons come and go and we live as we always have
>one day a foreigner comes to town
>The dominance of Milano, the charisma of Granáda, the mysterious nature of Valencia and the power of the old imperial barracks in Lisbon, all combined in his ridiculously handsome looks
>me and the local guys greet him with contempt at first, what a douchebag he seems like, what is he even doing here?
>his charm and charisma takes us with storm, and he becomes our friend quickly
>my sister Astrid is the most beautiful girl in town and highly sought after, they somehow get introduced to each other
>a month later she comes to me and my brothers to tell us she is pregnant
>she wants to keep it
>the Mediterranean stranger is the father
>oh hell no
>gather up the local Nordic Resistance Movement members and all my brothers+father, we have to confront this motherfucker right now
>20+ guys all 6´3 roided up nordics ready to murder this medshit
>go to his apartment
>it is completely empty, cleared out, only a note of paper left on the desk
>it's a fucking poem
>Todos callados,

bajo la luna;

el bosque, el lago,

el cerro, el monte,

bajo la luna,

todos callados.
>the wind is blowing and the curtains reveal the moonlight in the cold, Scandinavian winter night
>a distant sound of a guitar is heard, sounded kind of like this:

Alright Jow Forums so I need to find this asshole. My sister is absolutely devastated, and no other man in our town wants her now. All I know is he is from either Spain or Portugal and his name is Fernando Martinez ( spelling?).

Attached: fuckyouFernando.jpg (466x411, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Quality bait

wew lad, are you in love with this med stranger or what

kek is fernandoposting now a thing? 8/10 shitpost also KYS now OP you cuck faggot

i dont even think this is bait anymore

>letting your sister fuck anyone

I'm Fernando's cousin can confirm.

fucking piece of crap medshits

Attached: deletethis.jpg (564x675, 43K)

I created the pasta and it had nothing to do with Fernando Martinez.

My pastas always start and end the same,it changes the country/setting tho.

> power of the old imperial barracks in Lisbon

what did he mean with this

What do you think about the OP?

how come she has even fallen for this Fernandez guy when there are so many divine Jamal's and Ahmet's penises around?

Seems like the MED BVLL did it again

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despite the menes jamal and ahmed have the same game with women than the average Jow Forums poster

I'd buy Fernando a beer (even though I don't drink it normally). He sounds like a top lad.

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You should do one where you go to an asian country and save girls there

I might! Good idea. You should do one where you go to the UK btw, don't you think? Also lol @ Jow Forumstards who can't take a good shitpost these days without getting all serious

Wait, you're Astrid's brother?
hahahahaha. no fucking way im taking care of your sister's mud baby.
have ffun catching me, shithead
im already on my way back to Portugal

Fake. Fernando doesn't know what the internet is, he is forever mentally stuck in the year 1492 ( the year where Spanish Reconquista was completed). Also if he knew what internet was he'd never post from a g*Rmshit flag

southron shits will pay for this

cant choose your IP when youre waiting in a Viennese airport

Das rite wyboy, run along now

Nordic girls can't resist the BIG MEDITERRANEAN COCK

My next greentext might be Fernando's adventures in Mexico


I'll be waiting

Based Fernando Martinez


(quality thread tho?

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good good

Quality post

all of my siblings have been MED'd
every female I know likes to travel, especially in spain and italy

The Martinez Chronicles: Fernando's exotic desert adventure in North Africa is coming up soon as well! stay tuned

Can't wait

Fernando Martínez strikes again

good thread this

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thread theme

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Thank you this is the kind of music I needed for my next thread. I was planning on using this:
but this banderas shit is better

At least she is preggo. Let her keep da baby and chase the dick runner to obtain money

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he is unstoppable...

> the mysterious nature of Valencia
There's nothing mysterious about Valencia other than why they have such a high density of chavs and corrupt politicians.

>Spain got more sex than any country in the world


Attached: Figo.jpg (1080x1350, 234K)

What about the paella it's a mysterious recipe.

Right now there are tons of blondes ordering their tickets to MED resorts

>People will fal for this.

Based F. Martinez escaping fathers all around the world. Will anyone stop him?

This. Your sister just is stupid legs-opener gal.
Deal with it.

Post this on/pol/

Hot Spanish boys and girls

Hello, my name is Fernando.

Attached: emotion.gif (338x436, 35K)

Ebin thread my man

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bet he didnt want to be a dad

I look a bit like our based Fernando, but with shorter hair and a beard instead of moustaches
why won't girls all over the world throw themselves at me?
are the memes lying? is such a thing even possible?

Fernando should go to the UK, Russia, or Japan next.

I will let Portuganon make the greentext for UK since the UK and Portugal are old allies. I'm thinking Fernando goes to Mexico for a second round of conquista with the natives, then he might take a trip to North Africa and after that he just might set foot in Bavaria, Germany to participate in the oktoberfest. Women of no race are safe against Fernando's devilish charm

based Fernando Martinez

Why is she sucking his belly button?

I might do that later I guess but I find Jow Forums isn't fun anymore. What I like about Jow Forums is that people can take a bit of shit-flinging and bants without getting all serious and wanting to murder each other.

literally how can v*Rgoids even compete with THIS?

Attached: literally me irl.jpg (907x1037, 80K)

Gnords should know that the meds actually love you and admire you

Yeah user I like Medshits too, I made this thread just to joke around a bit.

This dude is turning me gay, more pics of him pls.

sorry I'm shy

how do we stop fernando?

this music fits better imho

>Fernando Martinez

That sounds like a 56% white American name to me

Watch it boyo or Fernando is taking his car to Romania in the next episode

It'd be funny if he gets past our Gybsy border brigade. His car would be sold to scrap within minutes

Trust me Radu, after he's done with Romania then you'll be able to claim Latin heritage for real this time


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this is bait but this is your responsibility as a brother to take care for your sister and watch over who she let close to her. As a good brother you should filter the scum and only let the worthy people approach her.

Martinez Chronicles 3: A Mediterranean heat melts all the ice in Russia

Do more please. This was beautiful.

You called?

Attached: the eternal fernando.jpg (631x411, 46K)

You're alright Sven

How can n*rdoids even compete?

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Do not hypertrophy. You're not a viking. You're just a Swede. Besides, the Metsis are better than "pureblood" I tell you this As a Communist I say my brah dude guy. Also nazi is faggot

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help me make the opposite (the stranger comes from sweden to a med island)

Only your fantasy sets the limits, user. Tip: Name of a Nordic Chad is Erik Åskkuk ( Eric Thundercock)

t. OP

thank you, pls rate

>be me, Giorgos Papadakis
>live with my family of 3 brothers and 1 sister in a small, comfy island in the Aegean Sea
>life is quiet, peaceful and safe. The seasons come and go and we live as we always have
>one day a foreigner comes to town
>The dominance of Old Nords, the charisma of the Goths, the mysterious nature of Vikings and the power of the primordial imperial barracks in Helsinki, all combined in his ridiculously handsome looks
>me and the local guys greet him with contempt at first, what a douchebag he seems like, what is he even doing here?
>his charm and charisma takes us with storm, and he becomes our friend quickly
>my sister Helena is the most beautiful girl in town and highly sought after, they somehow get introduced to each other
>a month later she comes to me and my brothers to tell us she is pregnant
>she wants to keep it
>the Nordic stranger is the father
>oh hell no
>gather up the local Identitarians movement (or were they refugees?) and all my brothers+father+grandfathers+uncles from america, we have to confront this motherfucker right now
>100+ guys all 172cm roided up meds ready to insult this nordfuck
>go to his mansion
>it is completely empty, cleared out, only a note of paper left on the desk
>it's a fucking poem
>Υπό της σελήνης,

Όλα σkοτάδι

το δάσος, η kρήνη,

το χώμα, η θάλασσα

Υπό της Σελήνης,
Όλα Σιωπή.
>the wind is blowing and the curtains reveal the moonlight in the warm, Mediterranean summer night
>a distant booming sound is heard, sounded kind of like this:

Alright Jow Forums so I need to find this asshole. My sister is absolutely devastated, and no other man in our town wants her now. All I know is he is from either Sweden or Norway and his name is Erik Åskkuk ( spelling?).

Not bad at all user. Now you just need to post it when people do not suspect it. Also change imperial barracks to Stockholm since that's where the empire had their base, also change the music to a chant of some sort, something that Erik himself would chant while wandering off in the distance, perhaps sailing across the turquiouse waters of the Aegan while singing a war song to himself.

Attached: Juandissimo_magnifico.gif (500x375, 355K)

You're fucking based kek

we already did it my fellow mutt

Attached: mestizo_mutt.jpg (600x644, 65K)

>Concert of Orange Juice sounds in the distance

This Med couples approaches while you visit Southern Europe and says

>Come with us Nord*id, we're gonna help you get a girlfriend

Meanwhile this plays in the background

Attached: 1.jpg (736x1104, 120K)

I would be awestruck by the sheer honour of being in the presence of a Med God and Godess. You don't make demands to the divines, you can only be grateful for what they choose to give you.

he cute

>Fernando in the Middle East
I wanna see /ourhombre/ tame the Arabian Peninsula

Pass Jow Forums

Come play with the slavs

>The Nords are on to us

Attached: 1459498445354.jpg (460x397, 36K)

Worry not, for upon their arrival they will turn gay for Fernando Rodriguez and his Portuguese brother, Alberto Barbosa.