What happens there? We never heard about this country, probably one of the least known Europe country
What happens there? We never heard about this country, probably one of the least known Europe country
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Latvian clay
there is one Belarussian posting in /polska/, he has some polish ancestry and is learning polish to move to Poland
he is a very nice guy, he says he is an electrician in Minsk and earns 300$ per month, yet he is very happy man, he posts photos of sweets that he bought for his hard earned money
i like him a lot
France, don't pretend you never been there
Mostly peaceful, but boring dictatorship. 100% dependent on Russia.
You should come over, we have no blacks or muslims or anyone, nobody comes here cause we're poor af.
How accepting are locals of tourists? Do people dislike outsiders or enjoy meeting people from other cultures (as tourists, not talking about refugees or anything). How safe or unsafe is it to visit, what should one avoid while going there?
I see, seems like paradise for middle-class western europeans
I will buy some big houses in your country and wait til the country becomes a global superpower, then i will become rich as fuck
I count on you, you're the future of Europe belarus bro
>then i will become rich as fuck
No, the local government will become rich as fuck after they compulsory acquire your land and give you a few tiny apartments in a faraway commie block as compensation.
they need to overthrow this Lukashenko, Putin's friends and become more european like Poland did and get some money pumped into their country or their future is being a shithole like Russia
Teach me your ways. How can my country become poor? I hate living in a rich country.
Pretty safe everywhere, ppl might be welcoming, but rarely speak English. Drugs are very punishable, heavy drinking is very common.
There are few nice placea to visit, but nothing compared to any other eu capital. Use common sense and avoid bums and drunk and you may spend cheap and entertaining holidays.
Pretty solid tech scene, considering the overall poverty in the place.
>World of Tanks
>Epam catering to enormous corporations
Also judging by some of my clients' stories, free vodka waiting for you in some restaurants. Sounds like a great place desu
my siblings both had exchange students from belarus and also went there. they said it's disgusting and they eat warm food for breakfast
>they eat warm food for breakfast
Grandma from Belarus.
People like tourists. Minsk is safe, but in other cities are differently.
Cheap diesel.
European NK welcomes you
Belarus is the Wales of Eastern Europe, in a good way.
Pls be nice to them.
And what's about girls? Are they pretty? Is it hard to find a wife there because of the religion, protective parents/brothers or whatever?
>And what's about girls? Are they pretty?
Same as russian or ukrainian
> Is it hard to find a wife there because of the religion, protective parents/brothers or whatever?
No problem if you not a churka or a nigger
like a 75 percent of Belarus is a pro-russians or putin/lukashenko sympathizers
if Ukraine is like a 60/40 and what problems cause these 40 percent, imagine what will happen in Belarus.
It's shrinked USSR
we have S-A-F-E-T-Y
Poor and Soviet. Also boring. Wouldn't like to live there. But Belarussians are ok
I like Belarus a lot but if I'm to be honest it's nothing special or worth seeing unless you're interested in the history of Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.
Pretty much.
This but unironically
Tы дyмaeшь чтo oн шyтил?
Mы пиздeц бeдныe,a нe пpocтo бeдныe
I'm an American living in Russia on a work visa, want to visit Belarus. Without getting a Belarusian visa. It seems that I would have to fly to a third country before flying to Minsk? And then again before going back to Moscow?
then they will end up like ukraine
I like Belarus
Я в тaкиe мoмeнты пpocтo вcпoминaю чтo ecть eщe Укpaинa и cpaзy нe тaк гpycтнo cтaнoвитcя
>11 years in EU
>poorer than Belaruse, Servia and Bosnia
Unfortunately yes
If this map is right, I'm making 27.527527527 times the national average, which we all know is bullshit.
Bulgarichads simply don't report income for tax-related reasons. I might be the only retard who actually pays tax, and I'm still paying less than the average german wagecuck
how u so rich flagfag?
Last year was more of an exception because of crypto, but I still make decent money doing software consulting (on an average London salary) + having 2 affiliate websites
y-you remember, when u promised to teach me make money online?
well... you didn't and I am still unemployed
I'm pretty sure that you'll get enough useful info by googling "make money online". You don't need education, you need motivation. I've been slacking lately myself, so I wouldn't be surprise if next year is a fail for me.
But you need to get an IT job first, you'll need some initial investment, even for online moneymaking. I'd recommend applying for Softuni, visiting the free 3 month course, busting your ass fixing problems, getting 600/600 on the exam and then continuing to learn from online sources.
>still worse than poortugal
why do we have to suffer such humiliation
Well, communism, duh, pretty poor starting point.
It's not humiliating when you look at the growth percentage
Bullshit. Lukashenko and Putin are meme dictators here. There is no analog of 'cult of Putin' like in Russia.
What happens when Lukashenko's son takes the throne? Is he even 18?
That's fucking annoying. Any idea what the best country to fly to in order to get to Minsk is?
He's 13 or something. I doubt he will be like his father. He's pretty autistic.
maybe he will implement relationship communism
would be interesting to see such experiment
lithuania or latvia
this, Bulgarian people have more in savings than Poles, despite your salaries are 2.5-3x lower.
Meh, doubt it, people outside of Sofia are dirt poor. But our actual average is still much better than what's seen on statistics
Sounds really comfy. Wish I could speak to him
What are the actual salaries in Bulgaria? How much makes average worker after taxes?
I was in Golden Sands when I was kiddo, great time. Also, what affiliates websites do you run?
>Actual salaries in bg
>In Sofia:
Sofia software devs: 600 eur first year, 1200 second-third, 2500-3000 net afterwards if they are pushy enough. If you're a cuck you might be stuck at 1200-2000 tho
Other IT workers/call center slaves are around 1/2 of that
Cab drivers net 1-1.5k euros per month and complain all the time, as do servers in big restaurant chains
Sad part is that doctors net around 400-500 euros the first 5 years of their career. But they can become millionaires with private practice + actual hard work (60h+/week)
>Outside of Sofia
Software devs - 20% less than in Sofia
Everyone else (accountants, local factory workers, etc) - 500 eur net and rarely more than that
>Affiliate websites
Music related, high traffic, very low gain per visitor, but I've had them up for about 5 years. Thinking of selling them on flippa, because they take time to manage, but I doubt I can get more than $50k for them :
death sentences
unemployment taxes
Like Russia without HIV