>Be Canadian
>Get a visit from the truck of peace
Be Canadian
Has the day of the rake finally come?
>be canadian
Stop I don’t like this joke I feel bad for canadians that they are canadians
Justin's going to cry on the news tonight.
Be happy that the truck of peace is putting and end to their suffering.
they get hit by hachmed again did they?
"Diversity is Canada's strength"
It's a wh*toid
Fuck off cumskins
good thread
more likely some kekistani
I feel like I'm living in a parody of what this country was supposed to be.
It happened in Toronto so most Canadians on Jow Forums will be happy.
why would they be happy that their nation got attacked? also rip
Toronto isn't Canada.
Because fuck Toronto that's why. The Sweden of Canada.
I used to live near Yonge & Finch, it was a pretty good place to get food. I'm sad this happened, although I don't know much of the details
Is it mainly Canadians or Foreigners living there?
Demographic stats says it is mainly foreign.
>more likely
ehhhh, would be a first honestly.
let it all out user
I was watching the story on CTV and everyone at the scene was brown or asian.
It was a white racist. I wonder how quickly you'll ignore that.
That area and most of Markham/Richmond Hill had a sizeable Korean, Japanese and Tamil/Persian population, although the areas closer to Thornhill are more Cantonese and Jewish. Most of the Yonge corridor are some of the most diverse areas, not counting homogeneous majorities like Brampton, Mississauga, North Markham, etc.
based if true
There's some shaky ass cellphone footage of him being arrested. He doesn't look very white, but he doesn't look really brown either. Not sure.
Chink maybe.
its a russian cyka bylat.
He looked white to me. I also think he was bald, which Asians typically are not.
they're whiter than you, tyrone
>This many Americans die every single week in school
>Act superior
it's a misshapen internet racist
nobody is surprised that you hate america bong
I mean... you sorta are...
did something happen or is this just shitposting?
Classic van of peace situation. Someone rented a van and drove into people on the sidewalk.
But it appears he may have been white.
Canada does have a history of attacks by white people.
That's the main reason I was so worried about the government's policy of ethnic replacement, I fear it might lead to mass violence.
>Whites keep attacking people, so if we get rid of whites things will get violent
Sounds like getting rid of whites solves the problem.
Just stop providing them targets lmao
el atrocidad?
Might be.
Though I'm expecting just a light skinned Arab given the fact that the dude was caught by police at the scene so he is 100% the attacker but they're still withholding his name as if he isn't the confirmed suspect, which usually means Muhammad Abdul did it but they can't say because muh racism.
Please annex us and deal with this.
Get rid of wh*tes already.
Jagmeet Singh next PM
Or arab/muslim turkic
looks arabic to me, dont know if it was a truck of peace attack though
What is the dude doing? Does he know how guns work? He's like doing a cowboy draw wondering why it won't shoot?
it's a cell phone
I'm just so weary of this all. I want everyone to go home and just leave Canada be.
I just want to be a tiny nation of white lumberjacks and miners with a few natives again please.
And I'm whiter than you, Muhammad.
he's trying to get shot, it was a suicide attempt
Oh he was trying to get the cop to shoot him then?
>I'm just so weary of this all
Weary of what? You act as if we're England or Germany with weekly attacks.
You think that isn't where this is going?
We've already had a few, the government is flooding the country with foreigners, hell my fucking city is already 50%+ foreign.
I just want everyone to go home and leave my country, it was fine for a while but it's time to go.
Definitely sounds like a Arabic accent.
>I just want to be a tiny nation of white lumberjacks and miners
And one faggot living off their taxes of course
The attacker doesnt have blue eyes
Muslim confirmed
That's the waffle house shooter, dumbass.
Loser truck anyway.
Up here in Canada, we like to do things a little different. We raise our bulls free range, without the use of consequence for their actions.