Why shouldn't I learn Hungarian?

Why shouldn't I learn Hungarian?

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im hungary

Hi Hungary I'm Dad

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because Hungary will soon be pounded into sand because they didn't accept refugees

not related to anything else
makes you hate everyone around you

who wouldn't hate being sandwiched between slavshits on one side and g*rmans on the other?

because you probably wont have a use for it unless you plan to work for an american company here or become an ambassador or smt although they dont speak the language either

tudom, a genetikai impulszusaim nyomnak hódításra, azért utálom magamat és mindenki mást

believe me OP you don't want in on this, just learn a Cyrillic language, then you basically know all of them

>Cyrillic language

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>Cyrillic language

Also the meme that Slavic languages are so close that you understand all of them when you know one is retarded as shit.

>Why shouldn't I learn Hungarian?

Don't listen to the haters, you definitely should learn Hungarian! It's unique, but more than that; it's very logical and straightforward, but not at the cost of sacrificing its complexity and rich vocabulary.
In English you use a lot of homonyms, but in Hungarian we have a very wide range of expressions used on a daily basis. It makes the language much more colorful and expressive.
>you can also LARP with us as Asians

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Slavic, whatever, it's all the same shit the same way romance languages are in structure, they're sure a hell of a lot closer and more adaptable than uralic stuff

I mean its a cool language and very beautiful in grammar, syntax and expression, it's just the utility and limited number of speakers make it a less ideal choice in the west

I tried to learn Hungarian, and let me tell you OP, just dont start at all
Not talking about the language being hard, but the hungarians being rude cunts

but what is the point of learning a popular/useful language if you already know one?

What did you expect? "Welcome, sonny? Make yourself at home? Marry my daughter?" You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.

I meant the hungarians online I tried to talk to, be it here, In Reddit, duolingo, Facebook, langshare etc
All were cunts, even when I was anonymous and they didnt know I was Albanian

albanians have a bad reputation here, first because most of you were organised criminals here then kosovans borderhopping

branching, once you know a language from a certain group, it makes others easier. Isolated languages like Hungarian or Finnish are interesting, but are a dead end if you want to go further. Of course, if you feel like it's worth learning if you value the culture or want to consume it's media like Japan, go ahead, but otherwise it's years of work for fluency for something you don't quite value

Usefulness is soooooo 20th century. Overblown! Overrated! We live in the glorious age of memes my friend. The only reason you should do anything anymore is because it's fun. Or because it's dank, and you can post it online.


Besides, you should be well aware how language acquisition works. It requires identifying with the culture and nation, and actively wanting to learn. Sure. German might be more useful. But if you just don't care? It won't happen.

Sorry to hear that man. But I mean. It seems like it's not just us who for some reason have it out for Albanians. Why do muslims hate you guys so much?
Btw, I'm gonna be needing some proof of your skills.

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It's all about the goal. If you want to learn a whole group of languages, it's logical to start with Slavic/Germanic/Romance language. If you just want to learn a specific one, it doesn't matter than only 10 million people speak it and it's barely related to anything else.

Also, finally, 99.99% of threads with "Should I learn x" and "What language should I learn" are bullshit, the people don't actually do it. It takes thousands of hours to get good at a foreign language and most people don't last that long.

Yeah, I'm just saying that if you're questioning wanting to, you probably shouldn't since fluency is a long road, I've spoken it since birth and still fuck up like
In the end it's all about individual drive and your own reasons for doing it

Learning Hungarian was one of the most beneficial thing a few century ago, but not anymore, since Hungarians ruled europe for decades and defended europe from invaders, while french and others on the west did nothing except WW1 which fucked everyone,yet Hungary lost everything and these fucking Europe destroyer countries are still well off.... I hope amerinuts can see the truth now.

calm down Rákóczi

THat was 3 years ago and I was halfway

I only remember Sziastok, *name* vagyok
Negative particle nem is before the verb

Hogy vagy

Jo is good
hanem is because but the literal meaning is since I think

Some words like alma, feny, kek etc
But overall I have forgotten most

>implying anyone in power in Hungary in the Middle Agers spoke that egerfeketealajvaros language

they'd probably order their bailiff in Latin to have you whipped if they heard you speaking Turkofinnish anywhere near a Hungarian noble's court

Also no with two dots on means woman

t. butthurt slav

haha, nő

Two lines, there's the long and short ő and ö. But to be fair, I had a friend visit Budapest and Szolnok knowing only "merre van a vécé?", so you're already above most

All these eruoshit countries are well off because of Hungary defended them from the Turks and they built their home, while Hungary sacricied everything and got their home destroyed and rebuilt, but held off the invaders....

I think you should give it a shot again user. In real life, Magyars are very welcoming, and foreigners who took the pains to learn Hungarian are usually held in high regards, and looked upon with fondness.
You shouldn't let a bunch of neckbeards ruin something you enjoy.

>learning any european language besides spanish and english
for what

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It's good to know german though.

>be me on an average day of work months ago
>browse Jow Forums
>some retard thread about surnames
>check father and mother surname
>no surprise
>check mother side grand mother
>no surprise
>check father side grand mother
>after went back home, ask my father to spell her surname
>same fucking thing
WTF, she always told us that her father and mother had come from Austria...

Austria and Hungary was once once upon a time.

only words I need to know in german is hande hoch

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Yes, i know. Turn out that they did come before the end of WWI. But it's strange because as far as i know they only spoke german.
>few years back
>grand mother died
>at family graveyard
>family always talking between in german (we are not that close because my mother is 1/8 native and have native hair)
>look at grand grand father tomb
>hur user, you look like him (bald man with silly mustache.jpg)
>look at grave text
>take picture because no one can actually read german (banned from be teach in 1944)
>ask Jow Forums for help to translate
>turn out he was not really born in Germany. He was "born in Germany" because he died in 193~. But home town is in Czech republic now days, and he has never "German", he was Austrian.
>family refuses to believe me

it's useless

>Why shouldn't I learn Hungarian?
you want to talk to horses ?

no their Language will be dead soon like all the other ugro finn languages :D