I've got zero confidence in myself

>I've got zero confidence in myself
>I can't have any social contact without realizing I did a lot of mistakes and feeling bad for days later

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Same haha

>interact with people
>realize later that you might have said or did something wrong
>think about it for days


>not years

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Even years actually haha

>embarass yourself once
>the event randomly pop out in your head for no particular reason and make you feel like shit

It's usually when i'm all alone in my bed trying to sleep fantasizing about kms HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I know that feel so well
>doing something
>for an instance, I randomly live a moment I embarrassed myself
>have an explosion of anger and self-hate

>feel slighty ok
>can't help but start to think about bad stuff and start to feel like shit

It's like I can't allow myself to be even slighty happy lmao

I want to fucking kill myself lads

I pace around and punch walls sometimes haha

>wake up
>very first thought is about how disappointed I am to still be alive
>pound booze and sleeping pills so I can turn my consciousness back off again

>tfw don't really want to die but still think about dying all the time because you're a piece of shit
>fantasize about dying in all sort of stupid ways like being ran over wondering how it would feel like


>feel weak and tired constantly for NO REASON
>feel like total shit even after 8 or 9 hours of sleep


>tfw me too, but now I ran out of money and have to live the nightmare until next payday

so much this. If I even get a little..not even "happy", but just "not wearing myself down with vigor", then my brain flips out and forces me to relive my worst cringiest moments, each time with new insight into a different way I fucked up

Me too...


>tfw no normal functioning brain

How do we save ourselves?

>buy new phone
>walk around in school asking for peoples numbers
>go to this girl and ask her for her number
>she looks suprised and asks "Why?"
>I reply so that I can ask you about homework
>she says "oh ok" smiles and writes her number down
>never message her once
>she messages me asking how I am
>I make some small talk and quickly end the conversation
>her friends walk up to me 1 month later telling me when I will ask her out and that she is upset with me for never texting her
>mfw I accidentally almost made my 1. Gf but then I blew it because I'm too autistic

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Wtf? How can you be this insecure?

Well, do you play Someengineershit Simulator at least?

Still too normie for me desu, just hearing my phone ringing stress me out, I always end up texting conversation quickly because I have no idea what to say haha

>never go to family parties, relatives just ask mom to invite me so it's easy to avoid
>tfw uncle texted me directly this time

>Still too normie for me desu, just hearing my phone ringing stress me out,
pic related

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>finally overpowered my autism and tried to contact an employer for possible work by phone
>"hello is this where i apply for a job?
>person mumbles something that sounds like shes telling me to wait
>I wait a bit
>*hangs up*
ahahaha never making that mistake again

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>aunt text you asking how you are and if you have a gf

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>do everything at the last minute because even filling a fucking paper and posting it is a fucking achievement

>mfw going to a place I don't know
>mfw waiting for a call
>mfw interacting with people

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I've had many girls loose interest in me after realizing how much of an autist I am

Everyone does this you fag, you just need to realize that others don't really focus on or even remember the smaller embarrasing shit you do for that long.

>go to bed exhausted
>wake up suddenly in the middle of the night
>soaked in sweat with your chest exploding
>stay in bed till morning looking at the ceiling


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>dude just don't focuse on it lmao

If it had been any other flag I wouldn't have believed it

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No I didn't say not to focus on it, just be able to rationalize that others don't put as much focus on your actions and behaviour as you yourself do. Use a friend as a reference point if you find yourself thinking of small stupid shit you've done, try and do the same for them and see how well it works.

>drink myself to sleep most nights
>cry myself to sleep if i dont have booze
haha lol

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lol classic

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>I've got zero confidence in myself
you don't even need confidence
that's just a comfortable ready-made excuse for you to stay living with zero effort

that's hardly an answer you'll get from someone else but you

this kills the user

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It's called depression, see a doc.

I spent years giving up every single day until I got bored of it and the answer was as simple as not giving up.
I came to enjoy the drawbacks of life as another challenge to keep up the effort.
If what you just read sounds like empty words then go find the answer yourself. Things are different when you try.

drugs are just another cheap excuse

>having fun playing a video game
>start imagining how I would play it with a friend and how he would react to stuff in the game

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never said anything about drugs, talking to someone helps

I thought you meant to see a doctor to get prescribed antidepressants.
But yeah, talk helps.

>Some years ago in high school
>3 girls ask me to walk with them
>I go
>next day, I went to kiss them on their cheeks
>one of the girls said "you can give a kiss in another place"
>tfw I only gave her cheek kisses
>tfw I still haven't kissed a girl

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>talking to someone helps
Honestly, no. For starters, it's extremely childish and infantilizing. Moreover, most psychologists are normies who'll either just give normie "juss b urself bro"-tier advice (though worded fancily to make it sound impressive), or you'll just infantilize you.

I'm simply not interested in infantilizatio.

>you'll just infantilize you
they'll just infantilize you.

>I'm simply not interested in infantilizatio.

Have you even tried? I did for 6months afterwards got a job, got some friends and life doesn't suck all the time.

Depression is in your head, you can try to fight it by yourself but many fail at it.
Don't want to talk to a pysch? Family and friends also work.
Good luck bro

it's not that simple, you know
you can't simply change social anxiety and depression with just "don't worry, everyone does this"
this is still a "b confident and b urself, bro" advice

>implying I'm not trying to improve myself
the more weight I lose, the more I exercise, the more it seems that in the end it'll all be pointless

I did in my teens, and basically lost interest as soon as she started doing that typical "speak to you with that fake happy smile as if you were a child" thing, basically kinda the same way that a (female) dentist would speak to a small child.

And yes, I'm aware it's natural for adults to treat teens the same way you would children, but what that experience taught me is that it's quite clear that >90% of psychologists are the exact same: females who infantilize everything and whose mission is just to tell people a bunch of feel-good bullshit.

Ironically, I'd be much more interested in the "no talk, just prescribe pills" kind, seeing as that would at least be an improvement (certainly healthier than my current remedy, i.e. alcohol). Alternatively, a male psychologist might work, but that's practically impossible to find nowadays.

>whose mission is just to tell people a bunch of feel-good bullshit
This, except they make sure to drop a few professional-sounding terms in there so you don't figure them out.

>the weather hasn't been the best lately
>oh, perhaps you're suffering from Seasonal Effective Disorder!

>a male psychologist might work
I imagine any male you find in that profession is a turbo-SJW.

Improving yourself is not just about physical effort.
I don't even have to tell you this, you fucking know it.

>Ironically, I'd be much more interested in the "no talk, just prescribe pills" kind, seeing as that would at least be an improvement (certainly healthier than my current remedy, i.e. alcohol).
That's an excuse, and the problem won't leave by blaming others either, even if many do not help. Try brief therapy. And if that doesn't work, (I doubt it but some people, such as myself, are stubborn) keep trying something else. And if that something else doesn't work, try something else again, that's the whole point.

Should've played High School Dating Simulator 2018 beforehand.

At least someone messaged you.

>feel like shit
>relatives ask what's the problem
>tell them I'm autistic and have no friends or gf
>"Cut this shit out. You are fantasizing"
>try to hide my loneliness afterwards, but it recently started to give me physical pain
What do?

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>American initiates small talk with me and I just sit there, a nervous, fidgeting mess, begging for it to end soon

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I haven't gotten a text message from anyone except my parents in 5 years.

are you clinically autistic or just "i'm shy hehehehe :3"

I really don't know how to speak to people and when I was in draft centre psychiatrist said that I might have asperger's

how do normies react to you, when you talk to them?

> When QT grills would rather slash their wrists, than to even speak/look at you..

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I'm not certain, but it feels like they don't want to talk to me at all, because sometimes they just walk away, when I try to speak to them.

>sometimes they just walk away, when I try to speak to them


Fucking christ this. I usually end up saying something stupid or something that comes out wrong. I don't think about it for days. I think about it for months...

Something similar happened to me in college. She asked for my number in case she needed help in studying, i thought i should ask too. She was expecting me to too i think. I didn't. Then she graduated and left college. I didn't

What does it mean?

it probably means they don't want to listen to you talk anymore, or you said something insulting/rude/negative and they got so mad that they turned away and left without saying goodbye

What do you say in conversations?

you have social anxiety

>tfw unemployable Aussie NEET
Would you guys support me if I go on to make some electronic music about Russia and N*rdic countries? I want to be rich and famous and get a normie gf from Finland.

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I try to be polite and speak in rude manner only with those, who speaks rude with me. Yesterday I've tried to ask my groupmates in uni about the presence of 1 professor that day. They just walked away and, as I've found out later, they went to this professor.

What exactly was the question that you asked about your professor?

Is /prof/ in the building right now?

>mom decided to set up my 25yo bday + uni graduation party
>hey user invite your friends here's special table with 20 seats for them
>no one shows up, just awkwardly sit here
>relatives keep making silent gestures and questioning expressions to each other like "wtf no friends?"

haha, cute! ;)

maybe it was your tone or the way you said it. A real-life friend or relative might be able to help you with your social issues

>have everything in life
>extremely good looks even for a mexican
>confidence and manners when speaking and when meeting new people
>healthy amount of friends and inner circles
>a beautiful, loving and amazing woman as couple
>supportive, relatively wealthy parents that have always wished for my well being
anyways I always go through these self destruction phases where I drink myself to sleep, stop attending classes for a whole month and generally feel like a big piece of shit that doesn't want to do anything but jerk off and ignore everyone.
I sometimes feel like someday I'll fall into that pit and never go back.