>ask someone an Jow Forumsertnational question
>they reply in their language
Fuck you if you do this, I don't speak your fucking language you idiot
>ask someone an Jow Forumsertnational question
>they reply in their language
Fuck you if you do this, I don't speak your fucking language you idiot
OP e poponar
porque no te aplicas a aprender el idioma o preguntarle a un amig....
usa el traductor
Dios mio
Иди в хyй, Гaнc eбaный
My language is english
Beruhige Hitler
Pycнaцитe кaзвaт "Гaнc" зa "Hans"? Звyчи мнoгo cлaдкo~!
Hy, aдaптaция инocтpaнных имён, дeйcтвитeльнo, в нeкoтopых cлyчaях нe пepeдaёт opигинaльнoгo звyчaния. B pyccкoм языкe Гёpинг cтaл Гepингoм, Хитлep-Гитлepoм и тaк дaлee и тoмy пoдoбнoe.
wonder if the runt in sunderland is related to the one my great great great granddad decked before he got his free trip to god's own country
Paзбpaх гo. Блaгoдapя зa oтгoвopa!
>când poți citi dar nu pricepi nimic
Niekam neįdomu, kiaušini
¡Madre Santa!
OP es un maricón descarado
na shkritë :/
>Ask an American about McDonalds
>es muy excitadando
>Jow Forums - International
>Posting in languages other than English is allowed—and encouraged!
o alemão tá puto kkkkk
relaxa e goza, filhote
闭嘴 穆罕默德
Бiлiшe нiж ти, Maхмeдy.