Fact. The Emu has won more wars than Germany

Fact. The Emu has won more wars than Germany.

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How many wars has Norway won?

Technically they won WW 2, so they defeated Germany

Idk, they had a pretty good record till the 1900s rolled around

So did the Emu's, keeping abo technological development down.

They defeated the sw*Doids at Trondheim who then froze to death on their way back to sweden.

They didn't defeat our army, they ( or SOMEONE) shot our king in the head from a distance. To this day nobody knows who did it. Not that a d*Neshit would know anything about having warrior Kings who fought on the front lines

Still. You ran back with your tail between your legs. ..Then froze to death.

>sw*Doids lose one commander
>army immediately disbands

This is why your greatest achievement will be youtube "personality"

Burying the King isn't running. But yeah it was not the best route to take home, the cold and starvation killed more soldiers than you could ever have done

Well, the Caroleans believed that the King got his crown from God and had the right to supreme authority at all times so when a King died, a new one had to be crowned and the King must be buried in Stockholm.

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>sw*doids lose their inbred german king
>immediately start running
>still die because their effeminate bodies aren't fit for NORWEGIAN mountains

yeah but the Krauts never got nuked tho

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s-stop it

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We only lost when it was half the world against us

>be d*Ne
>lose about 12 wars against Sweden
>Sweden becomes an empire and is out fighting Poland, Lithuania, Saxony, Russia, and Tatars
>decide to backstab your own brother country to get some clay while they are out fighting in the frozen wastes of Russia
>still fail to even take a single city

Truls...this is why I can not take d*Neoids seriously when they discuss military history

Yet you have never won a war with Norway though..

amazing how deluded you are, we were always enemies.

Not one, we have won many. I will list all the wars you have lost against us so you can learn your own history.


Doesn't really change that it was an extremely cowardic move and a pathetic war effort though does it user?

Sw*des should have been genocided for the Thirty Years' War and the Deluge. Discuss.

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>be literally the biggest threat in northern europe
>expect other countries to just bow before you and not jump on the opportunity to take you down when it arises

geopolitics isn't football you sperg, it should be obvious to you but I forgot the swedes see themselves as saints who can do no wrong.

b-but it was God's will

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Okej du har rätt user

>weakening the Habsburgs
>God's will

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Well the protestant Germans didn't complain

t. war criminal
pay reparations

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Okay you can have all our rapefugees as reparations