Got their ass handed to them by Japan

>got their ass handed to them by Japan
>got their ass handed to them by Finland
>got their ass handed to them by Napoleon
>got their ass handed to them by Germany until America and Britain put their entire economic weight to save them
>got their ass handed to them in Afghanistan
>lost the cold war

Why do they suck at war so much?

Attached: ru.png (580x387, 272)

you forgot about
>got their ass handed to them by roaches
>got their ass handed to them by flightless birds
oh wait..

t. Volga Belgian

Their army is too big to properly train


fuck off back to redshit

>yes but with anglo help
>no, quite the opposite
>no, lay off the anglo cock
>like everyone else

coming from your flag...

>if you cede land to russians, you win

so tell me, jap or fingook which one are you?

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

Im not saying we're any better.

Don't forget that Australia with the help of the Brits and all of East Asia couldn't even stop Japan from doing whatever they wanted for years on end.

Once USA jumped in, we wrecked those japs 1v1 while taking on Germany/Italy.

> defeated Japan (twice)
> defeated Finland
> defeated Germany
> defeated Napoleon
Their only big upsets in the last decades were Afghanistan '89 and Chechnya '96, which they corrected some years later. They also blew the fuck out of the Western trained, backed and funded Georgian military in five days. If Russia had not called it a day, Kadyrov would be ruling from Tbilisi.

America has the advantage of being economically self-sufficient, you don't need to sponge off other continent's resources to feed your war machine so sanctions and economic embargoes are ineffective against you.

Meanwhile, a blockade against Germany or Japan would militarily cripple them in a matter of years.

>Why do they suck at war so much?


>let's haul our fleet halfway across the world by circling the entire African continent with minimal repairs to fight the Japs who we have been losing to for as long as we can remember

what the fuck were they thinking.

>Australia has the advantage of being economically self-sufficient, you don't need to sponge off other continent's resources to feed your war machine so sanctions and economic embargoes are ineffective against you.
And yet you guys couldn't save Britain nor stop neither Japan/Germany from doing whatever they wanted.

Attached: emu_australian_master.jpg (928x696, 77K)

Do you have autism?

They did more than any other one country to defeat Germany. Without them, it's hard to see the U.S. and Britain having won to an extent of making Germany unconditionally surrender.

>>got their ass handed to them by Japan
Where is their Kurils nao?
>>got their ass handed to them by Finland
Finland lost Winter war.
>got their ass handed to them by Napoleon
>got their ass handed to them by Germany until America and Britain put their entire economic weight to save them
>got their ass handed to them in Afghanistan
American education

Why do you exist?
Kill youself.

Come on the Kurils was bullshit last minute territory snatching when America had already done most of the work.

>America had already done most of the work.
>t. 89iq

Attached: soviet_invasion_of_manchuria_(1945).gif (992x627, 103K)

>got their ass handed to them by Finland
>got their ass handed to them by Napoleon
>got their ass handed to them by Germany until America and Britain put their entire economic weight to save them
Is this bait or are Nato shills genuinely retarded?

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