Wakey wakey, site's back up

Wakey wakey, site's back up.

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I got the shakes already.

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what's happening lately

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I've frankly got no idea. There was a similar problem around a month ago.


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Praise Perkūnas. I thought I was the only one having problems. Also made me realize how empty my life is.

let's get down to business, what do you think about the incell canadian that forced you off of Jow Forums today?

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Yay anime!

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I was afraid.

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H-hi :3

felt lonely when i observed what was happening

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I thought that was last week

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I sat around, browsing the Jow Forums archive while listening to some soundtrack albums. For about 5 hours, at least. I can't seem to let Jow Forums go.

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people are clearly posting stuff that shouldnt be on a easily accessed site

Ciao :3

we /back/

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What did Jow Forums and Jow Forums do this time?
Hiro should really consider kicking them out of the site desu

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has to do with the toronto van shooter

and we're down again

Anglos are mentally-ill and their culture drive people insane, more news at 11.
I've got nothing against ordinary celibates, but everyone who identifies and considers himself a part of the "incel movement" (this was how it was spelled, word for word, on the wiki news) deserves a bullet to his head. Just checked more on this on wikipedia, and there's supposedly a whole community that bought Jow Forums's (never actually been to that board, just seen screenshots) words wholesale and ran with them to heart. I feel nothing but utter contempt for this "movement".

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And we're up again!

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Hi there

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Hello, that's a nice potato!

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Thanks! She's very pretty.

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Very! Also has the best OST + OP/ED of 2017.

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I totally agree with you. It really was a great OST. I'm glad you said that.

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B-but he was Armenian

I think I'll give it a little listen tomorrow, again.
For now I'm off to bed!
Good night!

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Good night, sleepy person.

Nice! My stream was done early so I'm glad it's back!