Implanning to move to serbia to be a neet. i make 900/euro a month in NEETbux...

implanning to move to serbia to be a neet. i make 900/euro a month in NEETbux. Tell me what I need to know serbia bros (planning on moving to belgrade because I dont speak a word of serbian (only french / english)). Thanks for the help friends.

also is serbia the right choice? keep in mind my money is forever bux. or is there a better choice in eastern europe?

Attached: polcancer55.jpg (640x825, 35K)

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TFW no Anglo gf

What made you think Serbia instead of any other less bombed out and criminal-infested country? The size of Belgrade?

>my money is forever bux
wtf why?

Isn't Slovenia the best country in this region ?

a pasty little ginger incel won’t last very long there, that’s for sure

idk, I'd rather go to Poland but i heard big cities are too expensive, maybe something smaller then but still there

god l wish l was her

Why serbia? Why eastern euro even ? What is wrong with you

Because he can live out of his 900 neetbux a month in serbia without that much problem


Belgrade was cheap. I just want to escape the world friend. What would you recomened? I need to be able to rent aparmtnet on internet as well...
i thought of poland as well but maybe too expensive for what i want. which is just ot be left aloen to be a NEET.
im not irish mutt.
can i buy apartment on the internet in slovenia?
cheap post of living. i have fixed income and dont want to work ever
smart burg

it took me 1 hours to make this post. gookmoot is awufl

is she some /soc/ whore? I see her twitter with Jow Forums screencaps

Slovenia and Croatia are in the EU.

shes some stupid camwhore or something.
yes. im aware. but that doesnt matter since i dont intend to know the gov't im living there and will pay all things in cash.

here a new camwhore picture for thirsty boys in return for telling me where is hould live for cheap in eastenr europe that i can buy apartment on the internet

Attached: polcancer14.jpg (516x900, 42K)

Lol you made a thread asking for suggestions yet ignored every post in there and chose a random shithole. Why even ask for advice then? Attention seeking?

You'd have more rights if you did things above board within the EU.

>anger mutt not read good
dont care about rights. just want cheap apartment and high speed internet

Bulgaria, somewhere relatively close to coast if ever you get that itch to socialise with fellow brits

No I can read fine. You posted this thread like 2 weeks back and everyone was recommending you various Baltic and Central European countries or ones like Romania etc.

I hate faggots like you. I don't care about the subject in this thread in particular but the principle of it. You're straight up lying and attention seeking on an anonymous board. Loser.

>dont care about rights
>going to Serbia

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I want to impregnate her with my brown seed

thats a decent choice. i will see if i can buy aparmtnet on internet. problem with little shit hole countries is they dont have internet apartment buying.
shut up mutt nigger.
a country with very little law is good for me because i make amphetamines to make extra neet bux

Love Serbia, Serbs and Belgrade, but this doesn't sound good unless you plan on learning skills to build a future while there, NEETbux won't last forever. Also the English proficiency there is quite high in the capital among the youth, but i don't think i could've lived there without knowing natives since before my arrival.

no my neetbux will last forever beause the EU are cucks. im perma NEET for life baring the collapse of the EU. i just want a cheap place to live and develop my hobbies

read this if you want, its not the scenario we're discussing but its applicable. You can get by without the language

once in Belgrade I met an african-american jew that happend to be gay, which was also the reason for him moving to Serbia since he's boyfriend was a Croat that worked in an LGBT organisation in Belgrade.

He said he loved it there and never had any problems. If he can make it, anyone can.

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Would you find it insolent if I asked for the story behind your hopefully lucky circumstances?

bulgaria seems liek the correct choice. i enjoy skiing. i can always leave if i dont liek it afterall. finding apartment there difficult?
military thing. now i have trouble with people i guess. its not important. its still fine though. not like im missing limbs or something super bad or retard autistic where i cant hold a conversation. thanks for the advice vis a vis bulgaria. it sounds smarter than serbia and its nice being in the EU desu

Serbia is great, so are the Serbs.

serbia is just a discounted russia desu

I can't do much more than suggest it, bulgaria must've lingered in my head after that most wanted brit they arrested there recently. When/if you do take the leap tell us how it is, hopefully I find the thread.
You probably know it yourself, in the east internet is cheap and fast, people are deserting towns, probably costs nothing to rent/buy. Go to the balk general I dont think bulgarians have their own.

that only makes it better
Moscow is too expensive for how shit it is

ayo boy

Who dat thot be?

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who is this