You cunt is going to war

>You don't know who you're up against.

>You don't know who's on your side.

>But you can either pick between BRITAIN or FRANCE to be your ally.

Which do you choose?

Attached: UN security council ru us cn fr uk the strongest allies.jpg (640x392, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:ébir

It's a toughie to be sure, but I've got good money on the French this time round

France, fuck the Brits

France. One of America's oldest and most reliable allies. We never fought a major war with France, we've had fair dealings, and we've fought along side each other many times so there should be little to no reason for them to betray us.

Britain is a good choice too, but they tired at least twice to destroy the USA, we took at least 13 colonies from them, and while their dealings with USA has been pretty honest they are known for being perfidious and cowering in their island while their allies fight the wars.

If you're Britain you have a choice between France or Italy.

If you're France you have a choice between Britain or Italy.

Attached: next time wihtout Italy japan and germany.jpg (450x300, 51K)

I hate you.

>France or Italy
What the hell kind of choice is that? You'd have to be suicidal to choose Italy.


Attached: crawling in mein skin these wounds the will not heil edgy edge.jpg (375x500, 34K)

how rude
we helped you invade iraq (twice) and afghanistan

france, obviously

Really shitty choice, I prefer noone.
But if its really only options, then France

france has literally zero actual combat experience
meanwhile, britain has fought 3 wars in the last 3 decades

Attached: pssshh.png (592x434, 19K)

They're more cute, thats all

lmao this

hell you'd be stupid to choose the UK over France even, they have Europe's largest and most capable military

sorry britbros but it's the battle of hastings for you again

Who the hell is going to choose Italy

so this is the thanks we get
after everything we did for you

>hell you'd be stupid to choose the UK over France even, they have Europe's largest and most capable military
Depends. If you're a country with a strong land army with a weak navy or soft power (public opinion) then you might consider UK. Say someone like China?

>pick France
>give up immediately
>don't have to go to war

Easy choice

Italy is auto-win though, because you can just betray your team and join the winning side very time.

France fought a shitton of wars in Africa, was in the Gulf war, Afghanistan, Mali lately.



France, Britain is an enemy country.

Explains why Italy never betrayed USA.

>>give up immediately
Rude. They did that like once.

>one of the strongest militaries in the world vs the only European nation that lost a war to an African country

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Britain would come along anyway hoping for a free trade agreement.

s-stop cunt

On one hand Italy's military isn't the hottest shit, but they won't betray you unless you declare war on like 80% of the world like some autistic retard and expect Italy to get raped with you and Japan.

But Britain will just let you fight out the war by yourself while defending itself with it's navy.

If your capital happens to fall then they'll bomb and destroy your fleet despite being your ally because they fear your citizens would turn on them and size with nazis.ébir

China :)

>Really shitty choice, I prefer noone.
You do have the choice of none. It's called real life.

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1941 never forget.

>But Britain will just let you fight out the war by yourself while defending itself with it's navy.
that happened once and it was because we had to fight basically all of Europe by ourselves, stop being silly

Gulf War:
American soldiers: 697,000
British soldiers: 53,000
French soldiers: 18,000

2003 Iraq Invasion:
American soldiers: 192,000
British soldiers: 45,000
French soldiers: 0

American soldiers: 90,000
British soldiers: 9,500
French soldiers: 3,979

understandable have a good day

Woah. No need to get offended there, buddy. I was just defending Italy and pointing out some of Britain's flaws as an ally. I pointed out Britain's strengths here


One of many examples


God save the Queen.

sorry lad, i just felt my country was being poorly represented
i don't understand why everyone circle jerks over france. don't get me wrong, i love france, but unironically saying they have a more powerful military than the UK is a bit ridiculous desu
i feel like people only started saying france has a better military than britain because of those ramp memes

Chill out m8 UK is shite it's okay

well most outside sources seem to share that opinion regardless of ramps

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>have a bigger military than britain
>don't use it ()
why tho

we mostly use it on standalone operations without the US, like to protect our interests in africa

France without a doubt. They are true allies and not backstabbing cunts like brits.


Why did you invade them twice in the last century then backstabbing cunt

>Spend $20,000,000,000 more
>70,000 less active troops
>fewer tanks
>400+ fewer aircraft
>3 less carriers
>equal in subs
WTF is UK doing? Are you guys investing in new aircraft carriers or just dumped it all into ships that don't show up on this chart?

quality over quantity innit (god i wish this was true)
in all honesty, we probably spend a large amount of our defence budget on spying programs

this board does not need another mexican poster

Same. For the most part because why would one wish to be allied to perfidious anglo?

Because they:

1. don't surrender

2. win

Attached: The_British_Empire_Anachronous.png (2753x1400, 411K)

Where is their empire now? Ah yes, you made them abandon it. What great allies you are.

The perfidy meme was literally invented by the French because of their massive inferiority complex for us.

Not really, it's more of an European meme

Attached: 1436036658312.png (824x709, 113K)

Eh, that's because you were good competitors that's it. Such kind of defamation is to be expected.

Not really, it's a French thing. The clue is in the name, Pierre.
"La perfide Albion".

It's to be expected of the loser, I guess.
We have no such sayings for the French because we just don't care about them as much as they do us.

We always come out on top, you’d be a fool to pick France

>you made them abandon it

Attached: vatnik antigay.jpg (196x257, 10K)

>what is the Suez Crisis

>The perfidy meme was literally invented by the French
See >Not really, it's more of an European meme

Attached: Perfida-Albione perfidious albion.png (1138x1142, 1.56M)

Attached: Perfida-Albione perfidious albion sp.jpg (240x300, 20K)

How is that wrong?

Attached: perfidious albion.gif (1100x1589, 897K)

Except he's wrong, you dumb fuck. His own source shows the it was the French who invented it.

All this salt.

He didn't deny it being invented by the French, but the countered that it's been accepted by Europe since Britain is indeed perfidious.

Attached: 1384960699453.jpg (570x533, 29K)

He countered by arguing against a point I never made? Wow.

Attached: 15535011_379108512429026_5888226242410315776_n.jpg (480x480, 45K)


As a native French speaker, I follow a lot of news pages on Facebook, French and British ones among them, and everytime France is mentioned in a British article, you're sure to find surrender jokes in the comment section or someone calling the French frogs or whatever. Whereas the French aren't in any way prejudiced against Britain as their reaction ranges from apathy to sympathy everytime Britain is mentioned. You should try reading the comment section on any of the articles your tabloids keep pumping out about Macron's project for Europe, you'll realize that your countrymen actually care about France a bit too much.

Did he say he was countering your statement?

He was merely stating the truth that the perfidiousness of Britain is well known and widely accepted throughout Europe.


>Did he say he was countering your statement?
No, you did.

Are you on fucking pills lad? This is completely is bizarre. You don't seem to have the ability to follow a conversation.

Except I didn't. Stop putting words in peoples mouths peridious albion.

>He didn't deny it being invented by the French, but the countered
>He didn't deny it being invented by the French, but the countered
>He didn't deny it being invented by the French, but the countered

neither this is our fight and we can do anything alone by ourself just us

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