How would your parents react to you bringing home a Swedish girlfriend?

How would your parents react to you bringing home a Swedish girlfriend?

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slightly akward, would ask why I would bother when theres more than enough girls living here already

They wouldn't raise an eyebrow, fucking swedish girls is nothing special.

Isn't this that nazi girl?

dad would beat me up

they would be euphoric

High fives all round.

I'm white so I couldn't get a swedish girl if i tried. They just want british broadcasting company

Seeing as how I speak Swedish with my parents too the surprising part would be the girl, not the nationality.

Alhamdulillah Inshallah she will be constantly pregnant for the next 20 years

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they would disown me for bringing a white girl home.

>you actually spoke to someone?
Like that pretty much.

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Came here to write this

>pekka acting up

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i have no social skills, so they would be very happy even if I bring home a midget gypsy.

Murder the bitch on the spot
You will suffer for the Deluge yet, disgusting barbarians

They're used to me and my brother bringing foreign girls home, it was a bit awkward the first times due to language barrier, but now they'd just be glad to have youngsters home.

I'm CHI so my bootlicking parents will probably praise God that their desecendants might be rubios con ojos azules.
Sad really.

Cool if it won't be a trap...

They would kill me for bringing a disgusting wh*te to their house

Why wouldn't you want a swedish trap bf?


My family is middle eastern so we would probably both be "disappeared" if you know what I mean.

Wtf, we thought you were going to die alone!

happy as long as she agrees to convert

That's a finn. Just rook at her.

>But user, we thought you hated the swedish?

that finnish girl looks more white than your ugly swedish bitch.


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Disown me for sullying myself with a filthy sh*ksa

>I’m white

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>I'm white

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Parents would go fucking berserk. They'll be looking forward to at least 4 grandchildren.

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>I'm glad you're not gay
My mom would probably say that in front of her too

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I'd rather have a Finnish girlfriend

I think they'd be happy I managed to attract anyone at all

If i had a girlfriend i think they'd be happy for me

First of all white girls are shite so I would likely never bring home a swedish girl. And even if I did like white girls, I probably wouldn't have le ebin nordic women fetish.

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They would say, why isn't she White?

This white hate meme is getting old. And it's often Canadians behind it too for some reason

But I'm absolutely not meme.
I could say the same about the whole annoying nordic circlejerk.

Nordic girls are spoiled and shit, and so are you, bucko.

I would get disowned, g*Rmanoids are not welcome here.

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t. Chang Zhang

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>posts a white girl
You're probably the non-white here.

Whiter than you, Jet Li

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Canada is majority non white

We just had a wh*Toid terrorist attack.

.t Xiaolongzhadao Kang

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Probably ask me if I enjoyed being a cuckold

t. DeShawn de Martinez

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That girl is Italian you retard

No, this girl is Italian. Notice the quality difference.

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Visigoth descendant

they wouldn't give a shit

Probably ask her some embarassing question about Ikea or something.

Never implied I was wh*te, Ricardo Vasquez.

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Then your opinion has no value for me. Adios.

they would probably kill me if I dated a wh*te woman

They would cringe at the fact I couldn't get a girl in my own country

punish me for bringing a wh*te into the temple and then sacrifice her heart to Tezcatlipoca

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Based jew

No we arent visigoths, delete this.

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they would unironically shame me for bringing in a "gringa" to home.
They would see as an act of betrayal to our culture and race
t.100% pure breed indio

She has the same facial structure as these Turkish girls

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Turks are white

The genes of Turkic peoples are mainly Mongoloid.

I unironically can find a girl that looks like OP's pic easily in mexico.
swedes are the real mexicans.

>Wow I guess he's not gay

They'd congratulate me on the catch.

>flip flops
hnggg cute
I also wear them.

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>They would cringe at the fact I couldn't get a girl in my own country
20 yo khhv here. Can relate to this because I am in an online relationship with a brazillian qt, she’s going to visit here soon. Showing her to my parents would only convince them of how I am unable to have a ‘normal’ relationship with girls around me

KEK, koreaboos usually are fucking gorgeous, lucky but still a pathetic situation tb.h

My parents won’t be happy but in the end they would still be fine with it. I’m asian and my parents would prefer me to date within my own race. My dad thinks white women are too promiscuous to stay loyal, and my mom thinks white women lack family value

Well they're not wrong

>I am in an online relationship with a brazillian qt

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Yeah man in a few years a huge load of my sperms will fill her up so our babies will be gifted with hapa masterrace genes. Just wait and see.

Why are all your pictures screenshots?

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Based dad.

Once I had a Finnish gf. My parents did not mind, but they wanted us to speak Russian (she was fluent). But afterwards she dropped me lol.