>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>minimize browser and stare at the desktop
Get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>close the tab and browse youtube
>Get BTFO in a Jow Forums argument
>Log in on my phone and attack and > him
>Restart my phone and attack again
>>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>Dump cock vore fetish images on the thread until it gets deleted
>make an obvious bait thread, never once reply to it
>get 300 replies because of my American flag
>realise that the post you just made is cringy, butthurt or contains obvious misinfo
>leave the thread quickly before you get any (You)s
>feel cheeks flush every time you see the thread in the catalogue
>BTFO some low IQ retard at Jow Forums argument
>feel good about it for several hours
every downside has an upside!
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>wait till someone save you and break the argument of your enemy
>make spelling error
>exit thread and hide it
>make spelling error
>delete post out of shame
>Get BTFO in an arguement
>Reply 2 hours later to make sure I have the last word and leave him without an answer
Holy shit, who the fuck is that?
>get BTFO in an argument
>shift the argument to a pleasant conversation by pretending to be another poster, then start insulting and berating him
I am a very petty person. Fuck you.
I never got btfo in an argument because I'm too smart
>make a stupid post in a thread
>get btfo or have a feeling that you will get btfo because of it
>never look at that thread again and cease to lurk the board for the rest of the day/night
>pretend to be two people
>make one BTFO another
>start an off-topic political argument in a random thread
>other guy starts arguing really well against you
>can't argue back but can't admit I'm wrong either
>post serious and potentially unpopular opinion
>get shit on
>follow-up with outlandish statements to make it look like I was trolling the entire time
>always BTFO others in arguments
>feel emptier and more angry
These, I do this shit way too often. Deleting the post just makes it worse, so that's not an option.
>Start a Drumpftard thread on Jow Forums using a meme flag
>300 replies from pro-Trump Ameritards accusing me of being a Leaf/Shareblue shill.
>be Australian
That’s it
>someone reply to my argument
>another Australian poster starts sperging out on him
>now people think I'm a fucking retard
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>start shitposting
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>respond with SEETHING then leave the thread forever
>enter a thread where there's an argument going on
>reply with "Whiter than you Muhammad" to a random poster
do you realize that Jow Forums is anonymous forum and even if you got btfo nobody will ever know unless you are some kind of rare flag or tripfag
the (You) makes it personal
>Post in literally any general that isn't /cum/
>Get a dozen butthurt (You)s
It brings me great joy to know that my very existence causes existential pain in lower beings
Of course, but it doesn't change anything. Sometimes I even go days thinking about and regretting something stupid I said on Jow Forums.
Sometimes I avoid the board I posted on for the rest of the day.
>Get btfo
>Dish out drive by "faggot" posts at random for the next 30 minutes as retribution
>getting btfo on Jow Forums
You guys are all fucking retards I've never been btfo
>Country I likes makes fun of me
It's a form of validation. Jow Forums is slowly turning into a reddit circlejerk. (you)'s are Jow Forums's version of reddit upvotes.
>Country makes fun of me
>Someone else from that country tells that guy to fuck off and defends me
*teleports next to you*
*unsheathes mouth*
*turns 360 and walks away*
"Heh, nothing personnel, mutt."
>*turns 360 and walks away*
you'd be facing the same way retard
*dodges muttpost*
*teleports in front of you*
"Whiter than you, Abo"
I've seen this move before.....
.....and I've been training to stop it.....
*turns quickly, trench coat flapping in the wind*
"Whiter than you, Zhang"
*tips fedora*
*throws a smoke bomb down and disappears before your eyes*
I've never lost an argument on Jow Forums.
>see someone who agrees with my opinion
>argue against him anyway, then surrender and let him know that he changed my mind
>Make fun of things I like so people are less likely to try them and I can still feel special
>piss people off regardless of who wins the argument
>laugh my ass off
>make an embarrassing flawed post
>cringe at it every time you remember it
>finally gain the courage to check it in the archive weeks or even months later
>nobody (You)s you
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>don't feel too bad because common flag and anonymous website
im so glad places like this exist
Alexa grasso, an mma fighter.
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>this is a good thing, the shame will keep me away
>still come back like a retard
>tfw stuck here forever
corrrr, would let her obliterate my bollocks
>make excessively long greentext in general
>nobody reads it
>everyone just shits on me for it being too long
>get bullied out of the thread
I know that's not what this thread is about but fuck it
I bet you close the thread realising how retarded you were for posting that.
>make a troll post, licking my lips at the thought of someone biting
>idiot bites
>feel bad and end up tell him I was just trolling
>call someone a bad name
>afraid i genuinely hurt their feelings
>close thread and do something
>Make joke about something edgy
>Feel guilty afterwards
You are not wrong.
>never got btfo at Jow Forums argument because of utterly superior rhetoric
feels good
i know -- i was 100% certain of my assessment, which is why i posted, DUMBASS.
You are not wrong.
>get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
>flood the thread with scat porn and gore
>fr*nch tries acting smug
>gets 0 (You)s
>leaf acting smug about frog acting smug
>gets (you)s
Try years
>make a post where you get into an internet argument
>spend the next 3 hours trying to BTFO of the person who replied you
>it doesn't work
>Samefag on Jow Forums roleplaying as a leftist/Hillary supporter
>Get a dozen (You)s from idiots saying "you know this board has IDs right?"
>BTFO some guy
>anons start calling you based
>you start feeling bad about the guy you just humiliated
>make a post insulting someone
>think you BTFO of him
>In an argument with somebody
>Realise a post you made has a grammatical/spelling error
>Want to delete and repost but have to wait a whole minute on this stupid board
>By the time you delete, the person you're arguing with has already responded to your post
>get BTFO at Jow Forums Argument
>wake up
150000 IQ
>write up a strong refutation of the OP's shitpost or argument
>no one comments at all on your efforts
>write up a strong refutation of the OP's shitpost or argument
>'this thread is archived'
>rationalize it as it being such a foolproof argument that everyone that read it just applauded in silence instead of replying
feels good being utterly delusional
>"this thread was pruned or deleted"
>write a genuinely hilarious and witty post on an /sp/ game thread
>everyone's already on the next thread
>manage to delete it
>the guy can still see it
>tfw spend more time on trying to pass these stupid fucking captchas than I do on writing the actual post
>see a post
>have a great idea of what to respond to it
>threads already at 300 replies
Having a sense of pride that comes entirely from other people is pathetic. If you act significantly differently thanks to anonymity you are a wretched person.
>talking with another user
>some Bulgarian joins the convo and replies to the guy rudely
>worried sick that the user I was talking to thinks that the other bulgarian is me
>say something obviously retarded
>europoors jump on your bait like they're racing eachother because of my flag
>at least 3+ (You)'s
Don't know that feel