>tfw spend more time on trying to pass these stupid fucking captchas than I do on writing the actual post
Get BTFO at Jow Forums argument
Ryder Taylor
Zachary Green
>see a post
>have a great idea of what to respond to it
>threads already at 300 replies
Andrew Rodriguez
Having a sense of pride that comes entirely from other people is pathetic. If you act significantly differently thanks to anonymity you are a wretched person.
Connor Ramirez
>talking with another user
>some Bulgarian joins the convo and replies to the guy rudely
>worried sick that the user I was talking to thinks that the other bulgarian is me
Jayden Long
>say something obviously retarded
>europoors jump on your bait like they're racing eachother because of my flag
>at least 3+ (You)'s
Adam Hughes
Don't know that feel