Why are Americans so mad at Europe for protecting its citizens' data...

Why are Americans so mad at Europe for protecting its citizens' data? Why do they accept to be treated like cattle by their corporate overlords?

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Corporations are people, american corporations are american people, they are just looking out for their kind nothing wrong with that.

US companies rule the European internet so they’re just mad their proud national companies such as Google and Amazon are being curtailed

European Google when ?

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So what you're saying is that Europeans are freeloading deadbeats?

Yeah man that is EXACTLY what I am saying

>Why are Americans so mad at Europe for protecting its citizens' data?

>Why do they accept to be treated like cattle by their corporate overlords?

Are they really mad about this? What are they saying?

whatever will a swede do without access to the Los angeles times?

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Americans worships corporations

They are happy working overtime because they are playing for their "team" and want to impress their coach(boss).

This retarded mentality is spreading thru their butthurts now

Americans think that the EU government is forbidding us access to those sites and try to make fun of it because we're not "free" to visit the Los Angeles times any longer (who gives a shit anyway). We are living in nanny states and free speech is dead.
In reality it is the American media companies who are blocking access from EU country IPs because they do not want to comply with the no-datamining regulation.

>US companies rule the European Internet, never mind that no one forces you to visit a site or use a service
>But they don't want to pay for it
Dunno champ seems like that's what you're saying to me.

Is it normalfag Americans? because Jow Forums likes it.

>award-winning journalism
>los angeles times

And they say french people are arrogant

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GDPR gives us the "right to be forgotten" as well. You can demand that a company erase all the data they collected about you. I bet the freedom-obsessed murricans would like to have that right as well.


What? You realize that these US companies benefit from the personal information they get from the users?
They don’t do it for free lol

OK. I'll go step by step for you.
You said Americans are upset because US companies that dominate European Internet use are adversely affected by the rules.
If Europeans had a moral issue with Google or Amazon's business practices, they could just not use them to begin with. No one forces you to.

These laws apply to American and European companies. They all have predatory business tactics and this law curbs them, but since American companies (Google) are by far the biggest they get ‘hurt’ the most.

Do you guys know great European alternatives to Google and such ?

No there aren’t and if they were there, Google bought them.

This flag is absolute shit

Large companies such as Google can adapt to this, they basically get a team of lawyers etc. to update terms and conditions regarding privacy and maybe make some required changes to their software, I'm sure that it makes sense from a business perspective to not lose the European market.

this hurts my eyes and soul

I have an easy guide for u
>EU is blue = good guys
>china is red = bad guys
>USA is blue and red = twisted fucking psychopaths

>g*Rmany = DANGER + bad guys

user please
Germany is a peace loving nation accepting of all other cultures and religions

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>Why are Americans so mad at Europe for protecting its citizens' data?
>"protecting its citizens"

It's more puzzling than anything.
All the EU does is complain about how American companies control everything and try to enact fines on American companies for being large.
You'd think that would be to foster new European companies development but then they pass shit like this which hurts your small-mid size businesses just to appease some technologically illiterate boomers.

Nobody is mad. They are just memeing collecting yous.

But I'm not mad.
Any Am*rican protesting was likely doing so out of spite and stupidity.

It is actually a pretty interesting topic if you stop memeing like a bunch of faggots. So far I understand only a handful of websites blocked access to european IP addresses. They claim they are "working on this issue". So eventually they will probably unblock them. And those websites are mostly local newspapers that don't have that many international users anyway. Not an issue at all.

startpage is European right?

but google never blocked access from EU

American corporate nacionalism is really strange

Startpage is literally just a Google wrapper.

have you seen the signs of it outside of meme boards? i mean i don't know but i never noticed that irl

>StartPage is owned by Surfboard Holding B.V., a privately held, independent Dutch company, run by Robert Beens, whose only activities are operating StartPage, Ixquick and StartMail. No 3rd party investors or venture capital behind it as far as I could find. StartPage (and Ixquick) generates income solely from advertising (Google Ads).
>StartPage purchases search results from Google because they are known to be the best in the world. We also run Google ads. We have negotiated a very strict contract with Google to ensure user privacy is protected. We NEVER create any persistent user identifiers to send to Google, and we never transmit even a portion of a user’s IP, to safeguard our users’ privacy.”


Look at American working culture

Your right.

We need a completely unregulated (besides privacy and porn) north Korean style internet just for Europe. It's the only solution tbqrhwyfam.

God save the Queen.

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>I'm a citizen of europe

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>Ixquick was awarded the first European Privacy Seal (EuroPriSe) for its privacy practices on 14 July 2008.[8][9][7] This European Union-sponsored initiative guarantees compliance with EU laws and regulations on data security and privacy, through a series of design and technical audits.[20] It was re-certified together with Startpage in 2009, 2011, 2013[21] and 2015.[4]

>On 28 January 2009, Ixquick completely ended the recording of user IP addresses.[22][23]

>On 29 March 2016, Ixquick had long declared on its sites, that it operated in compliance with European Union privacy standards, and it retains its original European search engine.[10] As of 21 April 2018, ixquick.eu redirects to startpage.com.

So its a google wrapper, but a really good google wrapper with blackjack and Hookers? I am just missing the image search.

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>I'm american

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It created a huge amount of bureaucratic headache at my job

You had literally 5 years to implement that

well, there is qwant

>Europeans are so dumb they need the government to nanny them in everything.
Eventually Europeans won't even be able to think at all.

Thats a great question that belongs on Jow Forums OP!


Fucking hell, Mario. That's painful to read.

Are there any websites that you actually use that are banned?

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But almost every website and app have now pop up with option if you wanna share your data

I said no everywhere