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International #901
Typical meal thread
Post temperature
Is it fair to say that every non-Anglo who speaks English has been culturally conquered?
Your country
What was the 90s like in your country, Jow Forums?
What do new houses look like in your country, Jow Forums?
Migrants do rural jobs no one else will do
1. Your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono XVIII
Why didn't Europe invite us to their union?
I don't eat meat because i love animals
Unironically the smartest and one of the most influential politicians in the whole EU rn
/ita/ - IL FILO
Here's a little story france faransu
Would you consider their offspring racemixed
How do you call this in your country?
I give u nuclear codes now show bobs bich
""""""""fem"""""""""user thread on the frontpage
/Montag/ ehemals /deutsch/
Muslim thread
Dark blue = Nordic
Swedish people pretend they live better than Greeks although their ugly houses look like they were designed by autistic...
EU bans one time use plastic cutlery
Do you love Korea?
/brit/ the germano-turkic phenotype
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Okay, this is epic
/brit/ grimes edition
Why can't wypipo take jokes?
Are slavs actually human beings? I just don't know any more
Heroic malian migrant saves 4-year old hanging from balcony in Paris
/brit/ thailad edition
WE Japanese are proud of UDON NOODLE
Women shouldn't be in battlefield 5
Girls of Jow Forums
Sverigetråden - Urindogermanska upplagan
Be honest, how many of you are named lachlan?
When will us Germanic lads unify into a single United Kingdom?
If California is the most liberal state, and Alabama the most conservative...
Imagine demographic boom in Russia after the World Cup
Your country
/Hilo Latino/
Why do Italians like pederasty so much
Greece will be the whitest country in the next century while Swedes will look like this with some luck
How do we free Moldova from Russian occupation?
Daily reminder that Latvia is a social construct to prevent the great Lithuanian-Estonian alliance
Why did Sweden import arabs instead of Greeks?
/brit/ soundcloud generation edition
1.Your city
ITT things non-Americans are missing out on
How does Belgium function as a nation? Are all its citizens bilingual?
Do you have men in your country who have sex with multiple tourist women?
How hard is it to make Lean in your country?
Is there a more depressing city in the world than Norilsk?
I don't want to w*rk
Do you love Japan?
Im a Québécois future Army Engineer for the Canadian Army who is blazed as fuck, AMA
Elect a fucking bus driver
Does penis size matter to girls?
/brit/ redpilling a generation edition
Which country has the hottest women?
How's feel that people in other countries speak the same language?
Having a discussion with an American about ww2
Best education system in europe
Why are they so tall?
Kurva anyátok
There is no intelligent b-
/sino/ - 中文
What did you do when you realized you wasted your life?
NEETs WILL disagree and get mad at this
/brit/ moni on the left edition
1. Your country
Public transportation
Seriously, why is scatophilia so overrepresented in German-speaking countries?
>Your Cunt >Does it have a hot desert?
Stargate SG1 or Star Trek TNG?
Should I be depressed that my life is shit or should I be grateful that I'm not an African
Another day of wagecucking begins in about 9 hours
Chinese gf's dad keeps telling me how tall I am and keeps joking about how his grandkids will be taller than him
Itt: things NEETs will never have
Faceapp thread
Come to panama
Why are Americans so bad at history...
I don't understand something about the Chinese mindset...
/v4/ + lads
What the fuck is france doing? How does a country go from conquering europe to being blown up by refugees
Hilo lat/ANO/
Libcucks believe in evolution
"People don't believe I am Japanese" says Miss Japan
Kots need blini
What happens here? I feel like even the guyanas are more relevant than Bolivia
What's up with the USA's love of aspic food?
Euroanons, do you embrace pan-Europeanism, or nationalism?
C-congratulations, India
Why is it that wages in the UK are so shit compared to other Anglo countries?
Why is every single colombian woman a whore? That country is 95% Catholic
1. Your cunt
Elon Musk
Is true Muslim Arabs look down on African/Black Muslims and think of them as inferior?
Boycotting israel is illegal in jewsa
Match with a girl on tinder
Russian visa got denied again (25th time)
Innocent Native Americans
White people BTFO
Korea needs immigrants
A rival coworker can simply plant CP on your computer and report you to ruin your life
/ita/ il filo
Hey indians on Jow Forums. What is the best way to become friends with an indian...
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Chinks or Indian, which is ugliest?
Are they still banned? Thank god
Do you like Brazil?
Is the immigrant situation in europe as bad as Jow Forums says?
Why do we allow non-whites to breathe? We could easily extinguish this burning plague in, yet we chose to let them be?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono XVII
A-are the qt girls on Jow Forums looking for Aussies?
They can basically do whatever they want and there is nothing you can do about it
Drinking general - Recovery edition
Viva La Reconquista! Esto es America y aqui se habla español!!
Russia is the cancer of europe
/Finland/ Democratic Socialist
Do Americans really eat like this? It looks so stupid
How do we make India great again?
I was real good friends with a japanese user here who said that he was going to visit pakistan this year...
Why on earth are his hands so goddamn MASSIVE?
Post girls who frequent your cunt's general thread here on Jow Forums
The "racism" that Asian American and hapas think they are getting from whitey is absolutely nothing compared to the...
Damn... lucky guy
/völkisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do bidets get rid of poop better than toilet paper?
"Pepe" is pronounced as "Peeh-peeh", not as "Peep"
Is it really fair that Germans are so successful after what they did to the world? Especially to Poland and Russia
Vietnam is smart
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
What do you think of Danish women?
American soldiers in Japan are always in the news for assaulting and raping Japanese women
Be australian
Ayo guido how-a we get to da gabagool store?
1. you're country
Whats your dinner tonight?
What is your favourite germanic country?
Kekistan is bad because there are ugly people with acne who like it
General thread
Why was he so believable as a russian while not even being slav?
No, you are not brown
Proud of innovations and efficiency
Ask a saudi anything
/ita/ - il filo
Should I learn a language I don't enjoy but is useful, or a language that is useless but interesting to me?
Tfw no argie gf
Hilo lat/ANO/
To spanish and portuguese friends, why did you kick muslims our of the iberian peninsula ? just give me one good reason...
How exactly did 2008 happen? Was it really just because of some predatory loans?
America and Britain declares war on Germany during WW1 and then forces them to pay ridicoulus reparations
Take a shit
Post ur cunt's Navy
The average Finn
Why this nigger so smart tho
Your country
That Hungarian that makes a thread about his 15cm penis every single say
/fr/ - Edition du Paradis Blanc
Can Jow Forums help Elon solve this puzzle?
WTF America?!
Is this accurate?
Okay, this is epic
/fr/ le fil français édition collaborationniste
In some countries it's illegal to buy sex, but legal to sell sex
Be honest: how many friends do you have irl?
Is there any country in the world that is not degenerate, not corrupt and not authoritarian on the level of China?
/ITA/ - il Filo
Post your last match from tinder so we can check how the avarage woman looks like in your country
Jow Forums cringe thread
/deutsch/ Sondermeldung, den Fernseher einschalten!
Sverigetråden - Urindogermanska upplagan
Be British
Oh hai dar
How can Dutch people live in their horrible houses? It looks like they were designed by autistic kindergarten children...
Why are Europeans so obsessed with this cartoon?
It's funny as fuck when you see a father with his teen daughter walking down the street...
Thank you Sweden for snus
Kurva apátok
War in Donbass
Why are they the only ones in the Americas to stand up and fight? Are the rest of them just cowards...
I just found out today that I have a micropenis
Are there any well-known dog breeds from you country?
Go to barber to get haircut
How big are your mutt folders
/ita/ - il filo
1. your Vaterland
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Milk truck has arrived
Post authentic, genuine maps
Dear Israel
Do all Russians like kots so much or is there 1 Russian posting kots everywhere?
In 2016, U.S. farmers' yielded a total of 86.7 million acres of corn valued at $51.5 billion
/romançal/ - il fil oficial
If your country is above 10% then it's a shithole
Heres your country bro
Mexico is cool, why do burgermutts defame its reputation?
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Why aren't you immigrating to Australia?
Drunk on cheap wine again
Guess the name of the poster above you
Why are Mediterranean men so easy to fall into homosexual culture?
The Fallen of World War II
You're forced to spend your life together with a random black guy for a whole year; the circumstances behind this are...
Greece national football team
Tips on Prices on Argentina/Patagonia
Hey fellas, what do you wear in the late spring/ summer months in your country?
Is the pro-life movement disingenuous in your country?
Slavic men are ug-
WE Japanese are proud of UDON NOODLE
Do you have any friends?
/ita/ - il filo
This is what Arab men do to women who don't wear the Hijab
Best countries rankings
What's the worst East Asian country?
Tragic end to an festival: young dead people
Adolf died for this
I'm genuinely happy whenever wh*toids get killed in school shootings or otherwise suffer
Why do literally half Turkish facebook accounts have photos with the Turkish flag?
1. Your country
IFIFA World Cup
/deutsch/ - Geilausgabe
Both have Dutch ancestry. That explains why they are so degenerate
What makes you differ from normies?
Slovenia is the perfect country, you literally cannot debate this known fact
What happens here?
When did you grow out of racism?
/fr/ - 3615 FR
Post things that are a pure distillation of your countries culture
People should be able to move where ever their education and skills is needed
Who is more arrogant?
Sverigetråden - Namn på den här tjejen?
Would the lady have gone to jail in your country?
Culture Pals /cp/
Well Jow Forums
What do protestcucks think about the EU flag? Did you know it's a Catholic flag?
Tfw my cunt is the same size as eastern europe
Updated this math
How do you call this in your country?
I think we can all agree that Anglos are the master race, right?
Who else loves being American?
Korean general
This is Europe now
/brit/ + /wank/
/ITA/ - Il Filo
My mom believes in ghosts
When I spot a g*rman in the street
Tfw virgin cause of 15cm pencildick
Hilo latino
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do East Slavs do this? I see new construction like this in Ukraine and Russia...
Post things from other cultures you just can't understand
Mutt thread
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Has Holland the most prostitutes among the population?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Post oxymorons
How does Jow Forums feel about Somalis? Are we universally hated on here like we are on Jow Forums?
What the FUCK?
Non Americans don't know what these things are
Are nips even human?
ITT: the most passive aggressive post wins
1.Your cunt
Russian language is full of Turkic/Mongolian words and more than a half of Russians look like Mongols. Prove me wrong
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
That one China flag poster who bought pass start spamming threads bashing Japan
So it appears that she is actually Italian
1. Country
Australians build a succesful society on a random island in the middle of the ocean while non-whites can't build a...
China WILL NOT be a future superpower because of their stupid one child policy
Any changes to this, or do we all still deem it accurate?
I'm a Russiaboo and I will be here drinking at my computer for the next 12+ hours. I would like some Russian music...
Who are the worst posters?
What is the first country that comes to your mind when you hear shithole?
Is this true for men in your cuntry?
These two countries go to war tomorrow. Whomstd've do you support?
LGBT March today in Poland
Reminder that you are not white
His country does not operate at least one aircraft carrier
Literally 20% of world population belongs to chinese
Why are chinese so arrogant?
Korea has produced SAMSUNG
Post yellow fever memes
Are they superior?
Can we at least agree that the Roman alphabet is vastly superior to the Cyrillic alphabet...
What does the average family look like in your country?
Americans, are Walmarts really like they are said to be? Be honest, no memes in this thread pls
Which countries are the absolute masters at rewriting history so that their population believes it...
Does your spoken language differ significantly from your written language? Like how in Norway...
You are forced to live for 6 months in one of these 2 countries:
Do you think that taiwanese people get butthurt about the fact that the only asian country that
Germany is the greatest country on earth. They singlehandedly invented highways, cars, religion, war, and government...
How do you say
Be me
1922 year. Russian peasants thank the Americans for their food aid
El vargoide
I believe we Japs and south east Asians are main stream rice niggers, but I don't think Chinese and Indians are
Your county?
I don't care anymore
How desperate are girls in eastern europe to move to a western country...
Kurva anyátok
China now has 25,000 km (16,000 mi) of high speed rail capable of going 250–350 km/h (155–217 mph)
I missed out on teenage love
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
This is what we were supposed to look like, unfortunately we got tainted by euroshit genes
/fr/ - un fil en français
Tfw 15cm dick and thin
Thinking of moving to the Phils, hiring an apartment and a maid to cook clean and suck my cock
1. Your cunt 2. Is your head of state going to go to jail?
1. Country
tfw no 16 year old Ukranian pussy to pump full of cum
One more day of rest until the wagecucking begins again
Is it just me, or does Jow Forums have a staggeringly high % of actually crazy motherfuckers? Like...
My girth is 5 inches girth like pic releated
Hilo /lat/
ITT: Words in your language that can't be direcrly translated to English and their meaning
Reach our level, noobs. lol
Why isn't Doraemon popular in most western countries?
Why do British people think this is acceptable design?
You will always be a pajeet
ITT: Your ideal European Union
Have you ever kissed a girl? I haven't
France controls the currency of all these countries
Wtf?! I hate Australia now!
God I love America
Innocent Vietnamese : "YEAH KILLEM"
Do you have shameful heritage?
What's your relationship with your parents like?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Kekistan is bad because there are some images of ugly teenagers with acne who like it
Imagine living your life knowing you're of an inferior race
How come italian diaspora never assimilates?
Wh*Te cuisine
My first visit to the USA
Do Slavs today act like they do in Tolstoy and Dostoevsky books...
Playing online game multiplayer
Russian or Korean
/v4/ + friends
Tfw only know 1 language
Why haven't we kicked out the wh*Toid subhumans in this area yet?
ITT: Jalisco
God I wish that were me
Go to popular video on youtube
I just cried for an hour straight
*knocks on your door*
When is the next school shooting scheduled?
Jow Forums is boring af...we need a new big meme
The future of America
Hilo lat/ANO/
Be american
You wake up to this
Does the mafia still exist in Italy or is it a meme just for show
/cum/- Canada USA and Mexico
Why do all posters from this country have mental issues?
No oxygen tanks in the hospitals
Are they British?
When did you lose your optimism?
Sverigetråden - Stockholmsupplagan
Why is the EU so triggered by brexit? the british people voted, it was democracy...
Is there a site that has a possibility of replacing youtube over the time? I'm so tired of its bullshit
"Duh joos" aren't ruling over you Jow Forums lol
What's your country's Mexico?
British fans
Would you live in Sweden? Why yes? Why not?
Which country has the best looking women
Top 5 countries you would emigrate if you were forced to do it
Is anyone else going to kill themselves if things don't turn around by 30?
This is what Americans give to their kids to eat at school
LGBT March in Poland today
Tomorrow, Colombia will elect for the first time in his history a leftist politician...
Russia have Africans too
/balk/ - Balkan thread
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Greece is more white than any country in the Americas
Russians will sell this for 120 million dollars adjusted for inflation
These Ethiopians, to whom Cambyses sent them, are said to be the tallest and most handsome of all men. Hdt. 3.20
Culture Pals /cp/
Why do native speakers of Romance languages have a hard time learning English?
Mfw 32°C announced for tomorrow
1.Your country
Why are they so obnoxious?
French comics
With Brazil running out of fuel, food delivery services are switching to horses
Sverigetråden - SVTupplagan
1 billion Chinese refugees flood into your country
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
WTF, MENA girls look like this!?!?
Ugh you guys just don't get it.... I live in first world but my life is like so problematic
It's kinda funny how most of the countries are running to Germany, while germans wants to leave the continent
Foreigners BTFO
Whats the best European language?
Fuck Europe. Fuck anglogermanism. Fuck democracy. Fuck globalism. Fuck America. Viva Hispania. Viva la raza...
We NATO now? sweet
Describe one of your neighbor cuntrys with an image. Others will guess the cuntry
Are Russians russophobic?
The More You Know
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
We were the best place to live on Earth
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/ITA/ - il Filo
I am thankful to Google for the street view because thanks to this wonderful tool I got rid of most of my Eastern...
Do Irish men feel uncomfortable around Greeks? The Irish are very white and have blond hair with pink cheeks...
Pain in my left testicle cuz i havent fapped in almost two weeks
Find a flaw, find a single fucking flaw!
Mom, dad, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend
Would you move to Russia for a year if you were given 10 million dollars?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
1. country
Post small towns from your country. Pic: Kuhmo
Capitalism replaces workers with outsourcing and automating
Is this Shart right about China or just coping?
Will India ever gobbled up into someone's sphere of influence...
Capivara thread
1. Your race
/deutsch/ Schlacht-um-Berlin Sonderausgabe
Is Jow Forums a gay board?
Post artillery from ur cunt
Sweden could beat russia in a war if it wasnt for the massive population disparity
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /brap/
Tfw balding manlet (174cm) at only 18
If you are white or asian, it is your biological imperative to make beautiful half-asian half-white babies
Short naturalization requirements in practice
What your dream, Jow Forums?
Why is Jow Forums so addictive
Im going to engineering enterance test next week, im already quite sure im going to fail it...
Thanks for caring, Jow Forums
Hate myself and my life but still can't off myself cause I have family
Greece never lost a world war
Why do some English words have an additional U in British English, whereas they do not in US English?
What is the "John Smith" of your country, Jow Forums?
Give me a QRD on the italian terroni, please. Why do people hate them?
ITT: we discuss japan's rich history
What happens here?
Sverigetråden - Neanderthalupplagan
Why are cigarettes still legal?
Are they the Chinese of Europe?
How are fat people seen in your cunt?
U rike it white boi?
Honest question
Why did the West die?
Question why are Finnish people so fucking strange
Capital of Finland is not Oslo
Well Jow Forums, are you ready to Man Up™?
What do foreigners (especially Italians) think of De Niro?
What happens here?
How are those big (20+ litre) jugs called in your language?
Kuffar BTFO yet again
Are Czechs russophobic?
What happens here?
Mom had me at 35
Is Jow Forums for or against abortion rights? Personally I'm not even religious but against abortion
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/mena/ - Saddam edition
Has the Korean language diverged into north and south dialects? Or do they all speak the same Hangug
Can you survive in your country without knowing the National language
Who /drinkswinedaily/ here?
/ita/ il filo
Is it true Spaniards look down on all Hispanics?
Binland appreciation thread
Weather today
Pick your side
EU, USA, China
The handpicked, select few, most genetically blessed youth of the "aryan race"
Sverigetråden - Vargupplagan
Why do they discriminate their Russian/Ukrainian population?
When did you Burgers noticed Hispanic culture would take over your country?
Irl everyone calls me weird
Why is Europe so afraid of us?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Talk to Qt girl
Wacho como me gusta esta imagen
/lat/ hilo latino
Tfw no high-test White gf
"Italian men are effeminate"
Are Israelis aware that anti-Israeli sentiment is growing in western countries? If yes...
Your Country
Would you like a British bf?
Hey you!
Why is bad parenting so common in Murrica?
Top worst posters:
Grailed 어떰??
Do nordics ever wish they were born in the medland?
Holy shit
How do you call this in your country?
Who is your favourite Royal? I like Kate Middleton
/ITA/ + /fuck eu/ - il Filo
/ita/ il filo
China is a shithole
Should Britain and Georgia unite?
Maps thread
Why is the russian economy so small?
Are you pro or anti fat acceptance?
Мaльчик ecт мoй хлeб
Sverigetråden - Svenskt kött-upplagan
Why do French girls do this?
Why did the Swedes treat Finns so bad?
Jow Forums is now mad at Ireland and saying that "Northern Ireland" is best Ireland
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Americans care so much about race and ethnicity?
Frenchmen of Jow Forums, what do they taste like?
Why are Americans so mad at Europe for protecting its citizens' data...
Hey Jow Forums I got some business to attend too
Press S to spit on grave
At the end of the XIXth century two thousand men owed over 50% of the whole English territory...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship