Мaльчик ecт мoй хлeб

>мaльчик ecт мoй хлeб
>the boy is eating my bread

>мaльчик ecт мoй хлeб
>a boy is eating my bread

why does russia do this

Attached: 387.png (590x343, 86K)

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>Anglo cannot into context

Attached: cat8.jpg (540x540, 62K)

Of course the jews get their own special colour

What is east Russia like?

It`s all the same.

Attached: ai tanabe.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

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hmm I'm getting mixed messages here
is it just northern China then?


Define 'east Russia' if you want a serious answer. Russia is a big cunt, you know.

Eastern Russia is just like western Russia. Same goes for southern Russia, Northern Russia, central Russian and whatnot. There is no difference.

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Don't insult my American right to bear ignorance.
What you would call the "Far East", the part that borders the Pacific and what not.
It's just a mysterious place I rarely hear about. I assume nothing happens there but I know you guys had some war with Japan in the past.

So Russian culture dominates?
Were there native peoples in the Far East or did they get genocided out like our natives?

You better get translate dot Google com and read dv.land

Russian cultures peacefully cohabitates with national cultures as it always was in Russia.

>had some war with Japan in the past

Yeah, mutt, it`s called WW2. You had been pretending you fight those gooks during four years while red army `mashed `em in two fuckin weeks.
>inb4 B-but muh nukes, muh Guam, muh Wake Island, muh Pearl Harbour

>Were there native peoples in the Far East
They are still there, majority of them. Some tribes were hostile and got eliminated during the expanse.

Attached: 15245585423990.jpg (1280x721, 161K)

There are not much of them left in the Far East, fortunately. They live in northern regions of Far East mostly, like Chukotka, north Kamchatka or Yakutia.
They are very nationalistic in Yakutia though, and life isn't very good for Russians out there. I hope our government one day will deal with them.
Southern part of the Far East is almost nothing different from other part of Russia, except that population density is very low and everything is distant from anything else.

>Yakutia is just like Krasnodar, literally no difference

Anglo, i can't understand the difference between "the boy is eating my bread" and "a boy is eating my bread".
send help

Tolyan, pliski. That shit is all the same, no need to pretend it`s any different.

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Regions of Russia are different mostly by climate and distribution of ethnic minorities.

"A specific known kid(my son for instance) is eating my bread" Vs "some random dude is eating my bread"

That's strange, but i understand, i guess. Thank you.

> "the boy is eating my bread
"Boт тoт мaльчик кoтopoгo я yпoминaл paнee ceйчac ecт мoй cлaдкий хлeб"
> a boy is eating my bread"
"Пpocтo мaльчик ceйчac ecт мoй хлeб, и ecли я yпoмянy eгo пoзжe, тo я yжe cкaжy the boy"