Who is your favourite Royal? I like Kate Middleton

Who is your favourite Royal? I like Kate Middleton

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I like Louis XVI

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Elizabeth I.

Alive? I like the Queen. She seems like a nice lady. Shout out to Prince Philip for his many decades of trolling humanity.

I like the new girl, whatever her name is

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Is she doing charity work in Detroit?

'Hands up don't shoot'

Vlad the Hackerman.

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We must protect her smile!

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Are there even any cute royalty a lot of them are inbred looking retards

/are girl/

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But she isnt Royal. She's mongrel.

Amelia Windsor is kinda cute desu

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>so user, why there are 15 post and no one named me?

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shes not a royal


I only know the Dutch ones.

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Has the title of princess

Putin having fun in the Holland Heineken House. With the King and the Queen.

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