"Italian men are effeminate"

How will Italians ever recover?

Attached: 1500px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.png (1500x1000, 2K)

How dare you insult our masculinity.
I'm so angry my hands trembled and I did all my makeup wrong.

>and that's a good thing!

Attached: Tummy .png (526x730, 442K)

Bet I could break that twig in half with my strong med arms

Having a French saying it is the least optimal strategy to get under our skin. Next time maybe.

shitalians btfo

>tfw you will never dominate sissy Italians

Attached: 4319143510.jpg (410x410, 27K)

>That hand
>That hairy arm
Nightmare fuel

I wish we had more twins desu

I'm sure you meant twinks but it's okay, they'd be good for experimentations too