Tfw no high-test White gf

tfw no high-test White gf

Attached: evanrachelwoodwestworld.jpg (767x767, 76K)

that's a robot

completely shit tv show
i fell asleep

what is it?

it's an analogy about virtual worlds like it's in a theme park and one day the robot npcs become conscious
then they riot and kill the humans, you are supposed to cheer because it's empowering

it could be watchable despite the communist message behind it, however none of the characters are likeable, it is very slow, it also tries to be 2deep4u and fails

It's pretty good.

Just I hate how they keep skipping between past future etc. Very confusing

that's what i mean y trying to be 2deep4u and failing
they are just being obscure on purpose
the worst part is the labyrinth shit and the stereotypical monologues about the meaning of life that seem like they are written by a teenager

i've never really seen a show or anything do AIs well. it's always just cliches like le robot uprising or pinocchio stories

Fuck is that huge spoiler?

oh yes sorry, i spoiled the end of season 1

Person of Interest
Jonathan Nolan, same writer behind Westworld

Fuck you i subscribed some tv channels to watch it. What now.

well being spoiled doesn't ruin the show either

when you watched titanic the first time you already knew the boat was going to sink
or if you read the bible you already know that jesus dies in the end

The reason I go back to it every time, is because I want to find out the overarching, all encompassing meaning of what is happening. Altough it's probably gonna be that everything is a story written by Ford, and the clear feminist aspects in the second season are kinda boring too.

>communist message behind it
You Jow Forumstards are fucking insane

Fuck you for spoiling Titanic too.

it is supossed to be confusing

white people enjoy mental fucks regarding to the time dimension for some reason

lots of shows have made that, f.ex lost

>white people enjoy mental fucks regarding to the time dimension for some reason
That's because we are the intellectually superior race, we need quality content to stimulate our minds. You wouldn't understand, go back to watching mtv.

Imagine her kicking some man in the balls.


i understand these shows and the time stuff, i just say that outside europeanoids the rest of races care very little about questioning the nature of time

You're supposed to be confused, to feel yourself in the shoes of Dolores.