What happens here?
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Corsican dick lol
It's a middle finger viewed from the side, pointed toward It*ly to remind them that they don't own it.
Interestingly people there in the Genoan era practised eating fetuses within the womb. Look it up it's fucked
islander mindset
apparently you can see that from the continent
we should have finished the job
by 1745 genoa was an irrelevant shithole. 14th/early 15th century genoa best genoa
How Portuguese of them.
middle finger to Italy (and France)
no m8 baroque Genoa was the best
full of nationalists
frustrated people
hated by southerners
hate frenchs
will beat you if you call them italians
We'll keep sending sub-saharans to leech ofd your welfare until you'll have to sell Corsica back to us.
>Foxe looked so natural
Belin how long time is passed
>frustrated people
>hate frenchs
False, they hate the Parigots like you, asshole.
>will beat you if you call them italians
Totally false
I will never understand how the heck can they be so much in denial about being Italians even when their national hero Pasquale Paoli was an italian nationalist.
They aren't. They say they are Corsicans, you know, to improve their identity, nothing more. That guy who answered you is a probably a parigot.
Their language is closer to standard italian than neapolitan or venetian.
>They say they are Corsicans, you know, to improve their identity, nothing more
What do you mean with that?
to make their identity stronger
Sorry for my English.
I can see it!
T Boccadasse
Tuscany, actually. South of Livorno.
urbanization truly destroyed our city
French oppression of Italians
The funny thing is that looked something similar up to the early '900.
Don't mention the fact that the creation of Corso Italia literally erased a lot of creuze and little communities
As in to gain more public support?
Because I have seen tons of articles that try to minimise the close relationship between Corsican and Italian, which I find, to say the least, ridiculous.
But I've never visited Corsica so I cannot really tell if the internet is representative.
corsicans treat italians like shit, they're pretty much french by now
t. too poor to visit corsica
but I did