Are Russians russophobic?
Are Russians russophobic?
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Yeah actually.
I know a few russians that act pendos.
They're all self-hating.
Every russophobic comment by a russia flag is proxy.
My mom is a Russian immigrant. When we are in the part of town where lots of Russians live she tells me to hide everything in the car cause they are thieves. Also she said she hates Russia and will never return there.
It's sad, but that's true...
mix of self-hate and patriotism. same with poles
Yes. I´ve always wondered how Russians always keep together so well and are very communal people while fucking each other over all the time.
>how Russians always keep together so well and are very communal people
You don't know Russians if you think so. First thing any Russian do when he managed to get even one inch of his fucking own private property, its a wall. The big damned wall. Like you know the DRUMPF WALL. But even bigger. And stronger. And it must be SOLID.
From my perspective Russians are both very patriotic and very self-hating at the same time.
Educated russians thatvlanaged to espace Hell love to larp as western europeans
We aren't one-dimensional European biorobots, that's why.
Russians seem to absolutely hate each other and anything related to Russia.
this. This also goes for Poles.
At least here a Russian is more likely to help you and also more likely to fuck you over which is weird. Estonians are more boring and neutral - they don´t tolerate bribery and crime but don´t give a fuck about others. This is obviously only my experience, not some truth.
Hi there!
That very fair, that's how it is. After the wall is finished, first thing Russian owner do is go invite all the neighbours to the party. Inside THE WALL that pretty much manifests 'fuck off everyone'. It's completely rational and not controversial at all.
Never really seen such walls on pictures of Russian villages or on videos.
Good THE WALL isn't cheap, and mexico wouldn't pay for it, that's why.
A determined burglar wouldn't have any difficulty climbing that wall. Are they common? Where do you live?
>>It's completely rational
How so?
Yeah, check out those b-belt posters around here. Totally there is no need to hate them for their never-ending shit-posting, a`int i right?
they are objective
This war from some rich house. Most of old Russian villages with wooden fences.
Because of money, not because they don't wanna.
Here it's mostly the same in suburbia, only that it's a green wall of laurel cherry
I am russorealist.
One must accept truth of being born in a third world nation.
god i fucking hate this place
Selfhate kills, you know
I hate this fucking shithole and wish that USA would nuked it. I'd do anything to get out of here.
can one of you russians tell me what getting conscripted is like
is it true it's living hell and some get raped ?
It depends.
If you're healthy, strong and lucky, everything is going to be alright with you. But if you're not... Maybe yes, maybe not.
would you come to jordan
Can I walk through the city wearing women's clothes there?
If I can't, I'd prefer to stay here.
can you do that in russia ?
"Of course, I despise my fatherland from head to foot - but I'm sorry if the foreigner shares this feeling with me."
A. Pushkin
you are lying, anyway if you decide to come to jordan i will let you live with me and dress like girls, but you will also get fucked in the ass.
well, I think it's ok to dress as woman in Russia as it's ok to do the same in Poland.
I'm not, lawl.
It's very safe here where I live.
do people laugh at you ? have u ever been attacked ?
I've never seen something like that, to be honest.
where the fuck do you live in russia dude ? what do your parents think ?
I'm an orphan.
I wish I had a bf from Siberia
And how many people in the world think that Germans are collectivists?
Aren't you afraid that I'm too cold?
novosibrisk is in oblast, very far from siberia, and why would u want that anyway they look like chink+gook mutts
learn some geography
Novosibirsk is Siberia
Me too. But together we could turn our ice into fire
Man, wtf?
Novosibirsk is actualy the capital of 'Siberia'. Geographically, it's Western Siberia.
And we aren't 'native siberians', because they haven't never been here.
In 16-17 centuries we (Don Cossacks) and Ermak were colonizing these wastelands, we started building villages near mines to obtain coal. I've never seen non-russian people in my hometown to be honest. They are mostly light haired, blue-eyed subhumans. Only in Novosibirsk I see uzbeks and tajiks are working in construction.
Sounds amazing. Where're you from exactly?
I live in Poland
Poland is small. If you can come to me my Siberian dream, I will marry you. in Denmark
did you describe finns?
It's legal there to marry men
I don't believe you
>Oleg Gazmanov
Literally unironically a jew
Then I'm going to save money to come to Poland and live with you, darling.
What's your other half?
You would be double gay if true.
Russians like their country more than its people.
As if it's a bad thing.
Gays are degenerate subhuman scum.
>no arguments
Are you nine years old or what?
Anyway, hating the whole type of people or the whole nation is the most silly thing you can think in your head. Unfortunately, Jow Forums cannot understand such a simple thing for some reason.
Yes. They are the leading cause of suffering among Russians. 99% of it is their fault.
Nah, they're like legit subhumans. Look up stats on aids and std.
Libtards only
We need to sterilize (in exchange for $300-400 welfare until death) russians with iq lower than 96 (with exceptions like proved with comprehensive tests and interviews kindness, honesty)
In one generation we'll get 2nd canada or poland, with similar population, few biggest cities.
Russia will join EU and nato, sell gas, do business, never threaten "big guys" (USA and such)
But Sasha, west isn't healthy anymore.
> this picture
Don't see any difference between him and Kadyrov saving brainwashed ISIS wives and children.
We are already so similar!
That's what I'm talking about. This shit is becoming globalized. There's nowhere to run. If it doesn't stop white countries will look like South Africa - safe spots for rich people and slums everywhere else.