WTF, MENA girls look like this!?!?

WTF, MENA girls look like this!?!?

Attached: 1503942061841.jpg (1059x1324, 196K)


>tfw no MENA gf

Attached: 1524953476634.jpg (1080x1349, 86K)

>this thread again
She is a spic

This time they posted the Colombian girls without the shopped headband for a change.

>dunecoon women so inbred they literally have to steal women from other races for their propaganda

There are plenty of good looking Arab women. I don't why they rely on foreign Instagram whores.

where are the best arab girls? I assume in Lebanon or Jordania, what is your opinion?

Iran (not opinion but fact)
Lebanon second probably.

Lebanese, Jordanians + Palestinians, Israeli Mizrahi Jews etc.

OP please.
If you gonna make posting mena girls then at least real mena girls.
Stop with this stupid thread

This is your brain on Jow Forums.

Iranian women don't look any better than Arab women.

The ones who do have significant Azeri/Turk admixture.

Every single MENA girl is at least as hot as this.

Attached: 1526986648323.png (1051x1318, 2.23M)


I can just tell by her face she's a bitch

Attached: 1507160274714.png (300x300, 13K)

Isn't that the look she is going for? She looks smug in a sexy way.

Post some more MENA girls.

Attached: 1414887988305.jpg (570x720, 61K)

Attached: flagggg.jpg (960x960, 110K)

dfw no REGIA gf

Same as her sister and her friends, I have been trained to spot mean women


Does she bully you?