Why are they so obnoxious?

Why are they so obnoxious?

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So that your bitch ass would have something to cry about

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Humanitiarian superpowers.

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>another nordic thread by seething med
keep em coming

govna vjebi


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SUCCess breeds jealousy


False sense of superiority + no history to be proud of


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It seems to me like they're always seething for something

who needs to build fancy buildings when you can just take them away from weaklings

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Inferior nords don't realize meds are better than other humans.

Nordic chicks belong to the med bvll

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They think that their thin blonde hairs, bland skin color and childlike pig noses make them superior in some way

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superior to you Mohammed

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Yeah, I don't get how their mind is programmed to link nordic facial features to superiority. Is this how authentic racism works?

What did you say snowboi

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some NERDic slunts are cute

but only the ones that have been polluted by superior chink mongol seed

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it baffles me how a country like finland, a frozen backwater who became its own country a 100 years ago, has managed to become a better place to live in than all of the historically relevant places on earth

Swedish bulls showing how it's done

why are peoples of mediterranean descent so physically frail in comparison to northerners and easterners?

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All those girls will look like shit past their 30s


Some nord slunts are worthy of being upgraded with superior med seed.

Attached: swedecuck.jpg (500x758, 83K)

Scandinavians truly are insufferable faggots. And it’s not like they contributed anything of value other than IKEA. I hope Norway and Denmark go the way of Sweden and get SOMALI’D also.

Finland is already basically Mongol so it doesn’t matter.

Why do you have to ridicule yourself posting fake maps?

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Pale Binnish mongol women love the italian BVLL

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you got a problem with mongols?

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Rich coming from an Italian, who has to shout everything they say

I want binnish mongol gf to ruin with my med seed pls

Attached: binnishgirl.jpg (527x698, 55K)

The problem is your smugness
Only argentines reach your levels of self importance but at least they’re charming. You’re bland and unlikeable.

>tfw nords will die out soon
fuck, so sad to see them go this way.

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Nordic countries are overrated. Switzerland is where is at.

Attached: Think-Switzerland-Country-Zermatt-Matterhorn-486574518-extravagantni-copy.jpg (1440x823, 182K)

sorry but fingol girls are reserved for indian BULLS

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>Nordic countries have more Olympic medals per capita than anyone else in history

are you guys even trying lol

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Elaborate on that


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Whiter than you, Tyrone

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Tryhard my dude

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>we excel at snownigger sports that consist of the same thing made into 400 different events so that the incredibly boring and irrelevant Winter Olympics could have some pizazz and people would actually tune in even though half the world is automatically removed from lacking the infrastructure/weather patterns Scandinavia get year round
>”Erik Eriksson: we win at everything guys how is it possible xdddd”

Unironically kys


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An unearned sense of superiority. You’re basically Arab shits who struck oil and believe themselves relevant.



>more olympic medals per capita
>literally no mediterranean country has ever won wsm
>even suck at winter sports
you guys really need to cut down on all that pizza, it cant be good for you

Attached: winter olympics.png (836x309, 23K)

>still being white
lmao cuck

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in the future you won't be winning snow sports anymore but at least you'll be winning all the running competitions ;')

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>get btfo
>"u-uhm, you have muslims"
newsflash: so do you

yeah but they all want to move to your country lmao, and the ones that stay surely aren't being paraded as superior being in the streets

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Keep posting scrambled up facts

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You haven’t btfo anyone, marius. You’ve been berated and humiliated all throughout the thread and you haven’t come up with a single worthy response other than >MUH SINGLE PLAYER GAME I ALWAYS WIN AT

>muh history


Superior Finnish intellect and genes
Fuck off back to Sweden Cai-Göran. Before WW2 when Finland was ruled by Fenno-Swedes Finland was an Africa-tier shithole, while after WW2 Finland was ruled by Finns and based god Urho Kaleva Kekkonen Finland began to rise and prosper

What the fuck is wsm?

Where do you get that we have "An unearned sense of superiority" from? Yes, we celebrate our nation and we are happy it finally became successful, is that why you find us arrogant?

>muh light skin

double lol

sweden showed them after being colonized for centuries

fucking finnoid woman ruining perfect indo-european blood

>700k people escape poverty to Sweden during ryssänkätyri Cuckkonen

>Before WW2
>fennoswedes ruling

Where did you found those mushrooms, based Shaman?

>posting fake news

there has been posted several sources saying nordic countries are at the top in the olympic games per capita. how is comparing a 5 million country to a 60 million country a fair comparison?
world's strongest man. currently an icelander is holding that title

We don't even have particulary light skin, Scandis tan very easily.

Nords become orange and pathetic when tanned.

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No that's Brits and Germans. We look like this

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How are germans worse at tanning than nords if they're more southern?

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Then why in every single thread I see some pathetic Scand boasting about his skin or hair?

Sure, they're smug on Jow Forums, but irl they're really nice people. The only reason why they act the way they do here is because you're supposed to be modest about wealth in those countries. So coming on an anonymous bobsledding forum and bragging about how much money they have is edgy and rebellious to them.

>That Med Bvll

And why the fuck the girl's shorts is so short?

You both suck ass.

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Because they're just trying to piss you off

Because it doesn't work like that? Sweden actually has a shitload more of sun hours during summer than Germany.

I think it's just banter bro

He's very much Swedish

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I'm worried that I'm starting to take the Medpill. Are the memes true that southern Europe while "poorer" is still a better place to live than autistic shitholes in the north?

Succes breeds jealousy
The memes are true

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Yes, don't come here

and worried you should be
i'm coming for that ass

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All of the problems those countries have are things which only affect the locals, like youth unemployment and political corruption. If you're a foreigner living there it'd be likely you already have a job, and you can't vote anyway.

The same thing applies in reverse in Nordic countries. Locals benefit from a robust social system and relatively efficient government, but those things mean jack shit to you if you're not a citizen. So all you're left with is snow and lutefisk.

If was all down to history, the middle east would be the world powers

Southern Europe is not poorer. It depends where you go. And I would argue the Scandinavian tundra is poorer than the rest of Europe.

If you need a place to stay in my rich villa in Sicily, you're welcome ;)

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You don't realize that having a long history and a rich culture only makes things more complex to manage. It's like being in a crystal shop: everywhere you touch there's a risk of breaking something.