1.Your country

1.Your country
2.Would you fight for your country in war?

1. Flag
2. No

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I only see a soyfaggot

These maps are bullshit. Ukrainians didn't fight at all, not the eastern Ukrainians when they were occupied by a fascist government, and not the western Ukrainians when they were invaded by a foreign power.

Seething MEDBVLL

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In defense yes



In a foreign war, no. If there was a civil war, probably.

for this shithole here?

Should've posted this insteas bro

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Things would only get worse whoever invades or where-ever I'd escape. Fighting to whatever end is the superrior "option".

why would you fight sven? So that elsa's and ahmed's sexy time is not interrupted?

>literally has the biggest wilderness in europe
>cant escape and instead will charge to his death
Nice try military faggot

Yes. Dying for the country is the greatest honor

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>Greeks are turk rapebabies
>Greeks are literally 50% TURK
>Greeks got conquered centuries ago
>Greeks all have KARA BOGA male ancestors


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>Be Greecian
>Lose war

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how can I lose war if I wont fight?

Are you retarded ? i know its some kind of meme, but stop asking for the posters country, its shown in their fucking flag you dumb greek subhuman.

yes i would fight for my country

not meant as banter but as an actual question. What will you fight for exactly?

Probably. The only ones who would attack us, would likely be much worse than anything we have today

This is why Southern European countries are such shitholes. Selfish people with no sense of responsibility for the people are constantly trying to back stab each other, resulting in corruption and a lack honesty and of trust in ones countrymen

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Yes, without a second thought

you forgot to say whats your country user

1. ???
2. yes

Post 1. too

>in a defense war, yes
>in a war against an european country, no
>in a war against a non european country, yes

1. EU

>Fighting for the country

sorry this is not a conversation I want to have with military fags but with civilians.

For my gdp

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1. Holy Rus
2. Haha. Do i look like i have a choice?

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Enjoy not having public healthcare, university education nor sovereignty

>in a war against an european country, no
>in a war against a non european country, yes

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>russian wilderness
>not having a choice
ill become an outlaw with far lesser oportunities than you user

Actually yes, fuckton of people in russia. I'm sure your volunteer army is enough

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jamal and bunhilda thank you for your sacrifice

this, try to not be so much bugmen ffs

Nope, fuck it.


I dont think ill have them with a bullet in the head either lame propaganda military user.


But who would stand against those tides of non-russian scum if not me? I dont even need any weapons, just give me enough ammo.

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The military prevents war by dissuading foreigners from invading with their strength. If not for the military you would have been shot by a foreign soldier or a gang member. Of course you wouldn't know this because your country doesn't have conscription, more evidence of moral corruption

Um, sweaty, yes it does.


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Lame military user you are wrong, my country has conscription I had to waste a year doing military service and in case of war the whole structure is based on conscription (which I will evade).

And no you dont do shit, if it wasnt for you and the cops I would be able to protect myself instead of worrying that I might end up in jail for idiotic self-defence laws when a gang member attacks me (and military or cops are automatically nowhere to be found), which if I reject and resist the whole police and military will gank up on me.

I would be the first to volunteer for clearing minefields head first.

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>If not for the military you would have been shot by a foreign soldier
>Why would you not take a bullet in the head for your country user?

I can and I have.

How do you defend against this as an individual?

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>Why would you not take a bullet in the head for your country user?
So that others don't have to

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run away from it

how would I defend myself against it if I charge towards for muh country?

finns and türks are the ultimate turánbros :)

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So you basically took credit for something that is not applicable since I will more likely get the bullet if the military has its way than not.

And to run you let others slow it down instead of being a man and joining them

>man up
Thats not gonna work lame military user. ill run away and force you to put your money where you mouth is and slow that thing down yourself like a real man instead of sitting back telling me what a real man is.

Who am I kidding you will surrender if you actually have to do it yourself. Thats how military faggots are.

Is this a common attitude in your country?

desu the greek is right the nations of the old times are dead and are nothing but corporate money making factories now and also no one would die for foreign interests



That applies to "nations" that aren't Finland. We are doing so well that we actually have something to fight for. Imagine if everybody was like us, the world would a paradise of peace and good people.

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every country has their military shills, is Jow Forums so important that they send you here as well or is this during your free time?

1. Flag
2.No, I stopped donating blood too, this country doesn't deserve me

I only donate blood to romania

I can't choose who recieve it. If someone I know and trust need it I will donate,

Dionis, muh boy, you be talking to the dweller of non-country that still buttmad about events that happened more than 70 years ago, what did you expect?

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I do on my free time. If you were a Finn you would understand my motives. The altruistic joy of seeing my people thrive makes me want to spread this gospel to the unaware.

finland is like that too

I don't know. When somebody would attack the borders of Europe it would only be a matter of time until they come for us, so I might as well fight in France, Poland or Greece.

Forgot pic

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I heard that kind of stupid shit from lame military fags here too so let me have a second opinion from non-shill citizens.

nah, im talking to a military faggot. russians have even more reasons to give their middle finger to their military/goverment dont they? Im talking about russians not russian mehmeds.

How so? We aren't a part of any military military alliance that would severe the sovereignty of our people. And the heavy taxing of the welfare state means that everything works as everyone can get an education and healthcare.

I only give blood to vampire country and thats it

You can live decadence or see the light. Don't you want to be happy?

lame evasive christcuck tier answer.

Imagine feelings of joy and hope now imagine the Finnish flag towering overhead leading the people to salvation

Hell no. I got c paper's so that I dont have to :^)

right, since its just you and me Im going to sleep, bye.

Yes, a fingolian military faggot. They are the worst.

>russians have even more reasons to give their middle finger to their military/goverment dont they
Indeed. But when the war comes to your borders you don`t fight for you government, you fight for you life, for your family and for the things that you hold dear.

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>you fight for you life, for your family and for the things that you hold dear
which is why you dont let the goverment tell you how to do it and instead evade draft.

well I said my two cents, in case of war Im becoming an outlaw from day one, fuck the bugman "muh country" memery.

>fighting for Israel and (((corporate interests)))
Yeah, nah.

not in its current state, no
if finland were to transform into an ethnostate then yes

the place that I would fight for would have given me my ideal life/society up until the war, not some token eleventh hour lip service just so I will fight for it as if I would fight for the former thing.

It`s better to be united to fight against the enemy. Cowards and traitors will be shot!

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Yeah no. Generally the living are better off than the dead.
Others can die for all I care. Maybe their girlfriends will think of their honorable deaths while I fuck them.

>Posting a woman who doesnt give a shit about her country and is only in for the money and her personal gain while sayin something about fighting in a war

if I lived between 1950 and 1980, I would fight for our insitutions. but now? no.

imagine if the highest quality people went to one condensed place for an ethnostate
there would be so much good and bad about it

Sorry to say that, Hans, but this half-gook cunt is too deep for you. She has no home-country but at least she is ready to fight and die for the people she likes.

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We should send immigrants first, when they all die then I'll go

Flag and Belgium.

Depends against who. Definitely not against any of our european neighbors, because I would find it pointless for more europeans to kill each other again over land. If there was a real threat to European identity and culture (which , as much as the alt-right would like us to believe it, there isn't today) I would willingly join any pan-European army gathered to defend it.