>"Duh joos" aren't ruling over you Jow Forums lol
>but seriously Trump is kike puppet
"Duh joos" aren't ruling over you Jow Forums lol
But Jews are ruling over us, and Trump is a kike puppet. Now back to your containment board:
Why is this retarded chink leaf so assblasted?
He was doing this yesterday when I went to sleep. So he's been going strong for a while now.
Why is this fat burger so asshurt?
But the americuck started first
Always report Jow Forums posts in boards they do not belong to
Always hide them afterwards
Always think of them as less than dogshit
Why does the chink think it deserves the right to reply to me?
Yeah gotta protect the integrity of this board and the high quality threads talking about being depressed incels and posting porn
Why does this board claim to be anti racist when all they do is use racist insults and discuss race
Is the Jow Forums leaf actually a chink?
It's almost as if it's made up of different people
I couldn't care less if all we discussed was different types of bread in the world, it's not a justification for your cancer shit posts
Why is there threads up right now such as "How did you spend your last birthday?" With nearly every reply saying they spent it alone?
What do you think?
>amerimexicans dislike asians because they're more successful
Like pottery
What did I say about asians, lol?
Still better content than Jow Forums shit
>chinknadian tacitly admits his chinkery
This board doesnt claim to be anti-racist you dumbfuck. It's just that Jow Forums has both normal people and betas that happen to be racist or not, Jow Forums is just bitter incels that have literally no possitive traits besides being as pale as other peoplem, "white nationalists" are nothing more than insecure virgins that actually believe that being MAGAfags makes them part of something, the only nice "feedback" Jow Forumstards have is from other Jow Forumstards. The only rational people in Jow Forums are the nazis that always hated Trump. Libertarians, alt-right underage idiots and conservatives that masturbate at anime are all garbage.
Literally dozens of threads about being a depressed incel, dropping out of school, being a neet etc everyday on here lmao
>America falling apart
>China growing in strength by the day
Oh no is your mutt ass on fire?
And you think it's funny because..?
Your board is 99% incels and weirdos that already gave up
Not even close to the amount here. There isn't daily threads talking about being a depressed virgin with 100+ replies on Jow Forums
Nope, this board has virgins and depressed people, not bitter virgins that celebrate when women get killed or that think that a zionist with jewish grandchildren is playing 5D chess
Because it's a politics board you fucking idiot. The same people that post on pol whine about personal problems elsewhere even here.
>the australian pedophile
>literally dozens of recognizable incels
Ah yes very normal board
And hows that an excuse for it being on this one? This an international culture board yet there's nonstop threads about boypussies, traps, and being an incel.
>be assblasted yellow monkey
>muh economic strength
Why are you not posting about "international culture" but deliberately make it a shittier place? You're an incel yourself arent you?
post good content yourself if you want to see it improve you fucking leaf
>be mixed race
>get shot by black gang members stray bullets from aiming their guns sideways or whiteoid incels shooting up a theatre
>Die from no healthcare
Life of an American
Cant outweigh a thousand incels. There's porn up right now, why arent mods deleting it? Did mods abandon this board?
I'd post some meme statistics about driving deaths in China, but I have better things to do
Mods being away is the reason your dumb ass hasnt been banned yet
If you build it, they will come. Start posting quality content and reporting the porn and maybe things will change. It's up to you.