No oxygen tanks in the hospitals

>no oxygen tanks in the hospitals
>mothers are literally being telled "try holding your baby a little we can't give birth to it"
>no trucks to get the dirty laundry out
>12$ for a kg of potatoes
>almost no buses around
>USP called off every surgery starting next monday

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É verdade que a policia tá confiscando a gasolina dos civis ai em São Paulo?

É verdade que a policia tá confiscando a gasolina dos civis ai em São Paulo?

não, parece ser só um boato

É verdade que a policia tá confiscando a gasolina dos civis ai em São Paulo?

At least you still have sopa de macaco, provided by the amazonian jungle

Attached: 526PX-_1.jpg (339x400, 38K)

É verdade que a policia tá confiscando a gasolina dos civis ai em São Paulo?

order and progresso

es verdad que la policía esta confiscando la gasolina a los civiles ahí en sao paulo?

não, parece ser só um boato

és veritat què la policia hi és confiscant la gasolina als civils allà a sao paulo?

Why not just invade Venezuela?

>live in the tropical place that has tons of uninhabited land
>not running your own tropical farm

im unironically planning to come to your jungles uninvited and just build myself a living over there because over here i work 70 hours a week as a mechanic and make only 300$ a month

im pretty sure I could make a decent living with a jungle farm on my own, much better than what the society gave me

>i work 70 hours a week as a mechanic and make only 300$ a month

wtf man, not even africa is this bad

Dude we have pirates and gangs who literally roam jungles and rural places looking for places to rob.

Look on snapchat map of africa, try to find a bad spot there, good luck.

don't forget the madeireiros

>it's another South American banana republic goes belly up for the fifth time episode

I'm going to sound like a dick, and I apologize, but color me shocked.

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whenever I see brrrhue on the internet, they complain about their economy

>12$ for a kg of potatoes

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You only see huebrrrs who can speak English, so you got one hell of a biased sample.

Attached: Exército dos clones.jpg (458x300, 57K)

Makes sense, although I cannot imagine how you'd survive in 2018 without speaking english.
>most people are asian
>most people speak english

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> I cannot imagine how you'd survive in 2018 without speaking english.

you survive having a miserable life. like most people here (3rd world) do.

What am I looking at here?

Wtf! I love Brazil more and more everyday. Sounds like the Wild West out there.

they wil try to "buy" your land to extract wood from it

and by buy I mean they will threat killing your family in front of you before killing you if you don't give him the wood, one of the most dangerous jobs in brazil is being a biologist that has to evaluate if a place can be used for wood extraction

monday classes just got cancelled in my uni

One of your citizens learned that fact the hard way.

how often does people die because of those electric showers?

never heard about it happening

È vero che la polizia sta confiscando benzina da civili lì a San Paolo?

Is it true that the police are confiscating gasoline from civilians in Sao Paulo?

Policia para quem precisa
Policia para quem precisa de policia

Is Brazil kill?

Time to get myself a cute BR wife, I will save her.

Oh. That level of violence engulfs every aspect of society then right?