Brady edition
/cum/- Canada USA and Mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
why can't i put two rifles on my back
have to drop 1 rifle to equip the axe
football is boring
>Dumb yanks, stop watching sports that aren't Hockey, Hockey is the best
>W-we dont care about Stan Lees anyway
>Italy flag
>lots of Italians immigrate to the U.S
>Ireland flag
>lots of irish immigrate to the U.S
>Mexico flag
>lots of mexicans immigrate to the U.S
>Danish flag
>Not a single Danish person immigrates to the US
spent all day at a family BBQ up north, saw some people I havent seen in awhile and had a great time.
First time I wore shorts out in public in years and everybody made fun of me and said I was wearing my underwear
it was a great day
bad post honestly, don't see what youre trying to say...