Does the mafia still exist in Italy or is it a meme just for show

Does the mafia still exist in Italy or is it a meme just for show

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You can't be this retarded, right?

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they are involved in the refugee crisis

It's bigger than ever before
they basically rule everything south-east of Rome

Of course it still exists, who do you think transport many of those immigrants on our shores? They make a good profit out of it

it even runs the government


mafia = unapologetic power.
Everytime someone has power over you and you can't' do anything, and you get killed if oppose them, that's the mafia. Sometimes it's south italian farmers turned organized crime, sometimes it's Bruxelles eurocrats, sometimes it's mossad operatives. At the end of the day the real question is not who the mafia is, but how many mafias in your life you want to ignore or reject.

The mafia turned white collar nowadays. Italy is the G7 country with lowest crime rate

Either they stop migrants from leaving Lybia and they sell them as slaves or harvest their organs to sell them on the black market or they transport them over here were illegal immigrants are basically fucked because they must work for the Mob as drug dealers mainly or whores if we're talking about women

>Italy is the G7 country with lowest crime rate
t. mafiosi

Yes, it's still very present in the South and somewhat in the North.
Some africans are basically used as slaves in plantations in the south.
Google "caporalato"

Would they let an anglo join the mafia?


most likely not


Actually I read somewhere that there was some scotsman who managed to become part of the mafia

Csn I join the mafia?
I want a south italian mafia princess qt gf

t. robert michels

US Mafia is beyond dead. On KKK level

We do the same for Pakis in Marathon

If you saved a mafia's life do you become his nakama?

>you will never be an Italian-American mobster from New Jersey

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it's coded into terroni genes to be mafiosi subhumans, as long as they exist, mafia does aswell

wish they formed their own 3rd world shithole country instead of ruining mine

The FBI basically hunted the American Mafia and the KKK out of existence a long time ago.

Then why Cartels are still running around US?

there is a saying
>police is a gang
>politicians are mafia godfathers

>on the internet no one knows you're a crop driver for the north coast 'ndrĂ ngheta

I think there's still a few KKK chapters around but they're just a couple of semi-literate meth heads in Alabama and half the members are FBI informants.

I will only say this once
delete your posts and this thread if you know what's good for you

Drugs money. You take out the mafia, the Colombians come in. You take out Colombians, the mexicans come int

The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in Central and South America where they are all based and the CIA has much to gain keeping certain cartels in place. Sinaloa is the only one they truly want to smash to pieces but they cannot do it.

The mob still exists, though it's not as powerful as it was in the 80s, and they're not all Italian. Armenians, Russians and the like have gained prominence

Exactly. It's not the Mafia, it's just mobs.

But they do have agreements with Colombia and Mexico to extraditate criminals to be judged in U.S. They also let DEA agents do investigations in these countries.

never trust an italian

El Chapo's trial in September will be one for the ages. That is, if they still have in custody at that point.

is american state a mafia?

Still waiting for him to escape again.

Really? Any articles on this?

or get zidaned

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Let's build a Jow Forums mafia. I will be a lieutenant. Who wants to join? We could racketeer /b

Fuck off

What are we going to run?

you can't be a made man

Exporting dank memes to reddit.

We all stay where we are in our secret basements, then we go on another board and threaten to doxx them and extort money from them. Profit. Internet mafia is the most powerful mafia since we don't exist

italians are all weak old people now, things like the mafia don't matter anymore, italians don't matter anymore, it's just another dying wh*toid country waiting to be colonized by stronger breeds

Cartels exist because they're connected to the drug trade to Latin America and will continue to exist so long as it exists. You can sever particular groups here, but new ones will eventually move in to reap in on the gap. The Italian mafia died here because they became isolated to just the US instead of having connections back in Italy, and they slowly turned to white-collar crime, that over a few generations, pussified them. they rarely got involved in the drug trade post prohibition.

It's not Mafia, it's Camorra and 'Ndrangheta.