Why haven't we kicked out the wh*Toid subhumans in this area yet?

Why haven't we kicked out the wh*Toid subhumans in this area yet?

Attached: future latino colony.png (4200x3128, 725K)

>Latino (except Florida)

It's mostly negro territory IIRC.

>implying Latinos can't be black


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Yeah, but those blacks are mostly non-Latino.


We can send them to Canada. I heard you guys love immigrants

Why bother kicking them out when you can breed them out of existence?

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white women can stay


white women should be forced to give birth to mixed race babies

You have an inferiority complex towards wh*Te women

Comments like yours are what make people turn racist

Soon my brother...

No, I just want to fuck them

No, they cannot. They all need to be killed, collaborators like you, too.


Spanish rapebaby

this is going into my based compilation

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just be warned that white ppl are gonna push back. they already started. 1500 immigrant children from central america just got "lost in the system"

t. no stakes in this

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