>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually Russian?"
>"ayy rush b syka blyad damn russkies suka nahui babushka" screeching non-stop
>now it's physically hard to play
Why are foreigners so obnoxious?
Playing online game multiplayer
>get asked if im russian everytime i speak
Wat a fok
Post your voice
Experienced the same thing in this shit country
>yeah I'm Czech
>do you speak Russian
>oh you're from Czechoslovakia?
Heнaвижy Aмepикaнцeв
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually Italian?"
>"ayyyy fanook where da gabagool I'm walkin ere" screeching non-stop
>now it's physically hard to play
ayy rush b syka blyad damn russkies suka nahui babushka
>playing computer games
You have to be 18 to use Jow Forums.
do you have your Jow Forums license teafucker?
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they're all also Australian because european and American servers have 300 ping
Why did you blow Boston marathon?
It's not about foreigners - it's about people in general. They're cruel, two-faced and disgusting.
This is why we only put our faith in Lord Jesus Christ and never in man.
yo you lucky Russians aren't two faced you niggas ugly enough with one lmao peace
serves you right for playing shitty games with cancerous communities
for the record what game is it and what pplatform are you on?
Pyccкиe дpyзья, oбними мeня
>owning a microphone
Rising storm 2, PC
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually Britsh?"
>"ALLAHU AKBAR, MASHALLAH BROTHER" screeching non-stop
>now it's physically hard to play
Why are foreigners so obnoxious?
Эт нe был я бpaт :^)
>Эт нe был я бpaт :^)
>playing online game multiplayer
>not using voice chat because of anxiety
>"why aren't you talking?"
>tell them through chat that I don't have a mic
>they see through my obvious lie
>now it's physically hard to play
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>never get any questions about my nationality because I've learned to mask my accent almost completely
an odd feel
Því miður
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"Hey user what state are you from"
>"Tennessee how about you"
>"I'm up in Washington good game bud"
>now it's physically easier to play
>another mic churps up
>"Y-yeah l-let's have a good game lads"
>he alt+f4's
Do you just sound like some guy from indiana?
>playing online game
>hear teammates
>its 20-something year old Australians firing quips every second sentence
>unironic overuse of "cunt' "mate" and :"lmao"
>"hahaha knife round cunt XD"
>"cool skin!"
Whenever I join American discords for pugs I always ask if they own guns and about Trump kek
sár er sá missir
from what I've gathered through my thousands of hours of playing various multiplayer games like Dota 2 it's a mix between getting asked if I'm (or in Dota 2's case, accused of being) american or british
the latter may be due to a certain amount of bias because british people are fucking reviled in dota 2 and so it gives them a free pass to shit on me
>Playing multiplayer game
>Sub-human scum speaks to other people on the server as if they know what the fuck he's talking about in his sub-human language
>tfw i have literally no accent when i speak english despite it not being my first language
Games are for kids.
Do you write in cursive? I've been wondering how is æ, þ, and ð written in cursive?
Just say you’re Slovakian
I mute voice chat every game, not because I'm embarrassed but because I hate the sound of whiny teenagers.
nah being an Australian is a personality he's going to become a great lets player just you see
>Do you write in cursive?
yeah most of the time, here you get taught to write in cursive in like 5th grade
bear in mind you're speaking to someone whose university classmates can barely understand his writing so I might not be the best judge of cursive writing
but as for the letters you mentioned, you can treat the e in æ as just a regular e to connect with the letter that comes afterwards
þ you can treat as a b which connects to the letter that comes afterwards
ð is a tricky one but but you essentially join it with the letter that comes before it and not after
I'd post an example since it's always a pleasure to find someone who shows an interest in the Icelandic language but as it stands I'm practically falling asleep in my chair, sorry lad
I've seen some videos where people write æ like pic related but it seems too weird
>it's always a pleasure to find someone who shows an interest in the Icelandic language
yeah I've learned the phonology and some basics words but I am putting on hold for some time now, or at least after I feel confident with my Norwegian
Could you do a Vocaroo of you speaking English? I’m curious now.
How's that rheumatoid arthritis treating ya, gramps?
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually Canadian?"
>"ehh rush b sorry maple syrup beaver moose sealclubbing poutine eh eh eh" screeching non-stop
>now it's physically hard to play
Why are foreigners so obnoxious?
Speaking of this, I get legitimate cramps and pains when using a keyboard and mouse for gaming, is there a way around this or will I be stuck using a controller forever?
>play the most autistic, un-normalfag thing to exist (jumping far in a video game)
>a group of d1 football players started regularly coming on the server
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually from argentina
>now it's physically hard to play
Why are foreigners so obnoxious?
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>I notice their shit accents and bad grammar because it's the EU pool
>now it's physically hard to play
>not about to quit but muting them would be even worse
Really wish the whole EU just spoke one language natively.
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my golden pipes with a hint of fry
>"hey are you a youtuber?"
>"hey do the fifteen foot lettuce!"
>everyone loses their shit
Almost always with international players, but sometimes USA. I do amateur radio so most of the time I just lie and say "yes" to the youtube questions.
so what language do you guys speak in the eu servers?
wish i had a radio voice
Tы Aмepикaнeц?
>playing multiplayer games
>actually communicating with the other players in-game
You deserve this.
If you really must play multiplayer games, then ignore everybody else and tell them to kill themselves if they start bothering you.
You have to keep in mind that the median age of people in multiplayer games is literally something like 13, there's just no point in having any other attitude at all.
get him.
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they never ask about my accent
What do?
I blame autistic scandifaggots and anglos.
ээ pycки тиpпилa чo бля дepзки тaкoй, этo нaцбoльcки кинo eжжи
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually Latvian?"
>"yeah dude"
>"ayy that's pretty cool" screeching non-stop
>now it's physically easier to play
>keep playing
Basic English with various degrees of incoherence and mispronunciations, and British English. Russians speak Russian.
Dumb animeposters
>be scouseman of liverland
>speak in online game
>are you irish/scottish/austrilian?
And French always speak French
>playing Arma 3 on European servers there's always:
>a little kid who might start TK
>someone who tries to order everyone around while he clearly clueless
>hardcore larper who refuses to speak normaly and gets angry when someone else does
>non-english speaker that got no clue what's happening
>playing Arma 3 on Israeli server:
>no kids
>great teamwork without leaders
>all are current or ex-military
>fluid use of both military and regular speech for best communication
To be fair I always see the chat full of people speaking Russian in games that have region servers.
Seriously why do Russians play in the north American server when they have a dedicated server for themselves? My ping shoots up from 50 to fucking 400 whenever a Russian is in the server.
Basically any free to play game, mainly war thunder
>playing online game multiplayer
>using voice chat to cooperate with teammates
>they notice my accent
>"yo are you actually german?"
>"ayyyy heil hitler where da jews 6 million sieg heil sieg heil" screeching non-stop
>now it's physically hard to play
Russia is a very big long country (did you know that they even have tigers?) and people generally will just select all the available regions in order to match with other players in order to reduce time waiting to play, in their case in may be Russia, East Europe and West Europe, or Russia, North America China or whatever but because of their geography it's more likely to find Russians in places that you wouldn't image, the fact that consoles aren't really popular, and piracy is, it's only natural to find them in higher proportions in Free to play games.
And also it may be that they aren't even Russians at all, if they are writing in cyrillic they may be Ukranians or Belarusians or Kazakhs or even Bulgarians, not to mention that Russian is still a lingua franca among almost all Ex-soviet countries and to a lesser extend in Eastern Europe.
>playing online game multiplayer
>not really because I'm not a manchild
If you're under 30 and don't play some videogames at least casually you're an oddball
American servers are considered chillier and easier than european, people are not so dedicated to game so you can just have fun
>haven't played any sort of game in the last 6 years
>even when I did, I (and basically everyone else) used the in-game chat most of the time, because nobody else really felt the need to use TS/Ventrilo - you don't really need that for WoW.
I did talk with an Aussie, a New-Zealander, a black Frenchman, an Irish, a Kraut, and some other people from central/east Europe in another game, though. It felt a bit weird, and very embarassing to have middle-aged (forgot to mention, most of them were middle-aged) listen to my shoddy English, and my shoddy attempts to pronounce English words at the time. Got some compliments, though.
So anyway, I have posted some vocaroos of mine on here in the last year, and I got called an underage b& way more times than I'd like. I have a voice unfitting of my age. 16 year old anglos manage to sound older than me somehow.
>i should never have my own fun ever just work 18 hours a day
Russians will infest any server that they can. I mean in Dota 2 there were petitions to bind Russians to their own servers.
But in the end Valve was too politically correct to do it and the Russians have pretty much driven out the entire western player base.