Do you think that taiwanese people get butthurt about the fact that the only asian country that

do you think that taiwanese people get butthurt about the fact that the only asian country that
westerners like (even if it is isolated to weeabos) is Japan?

Attached: J5kTa0f.png (200x625, 336K)

It's a good thing there are little tourists in China

i think the taiwanese are butthurt about not having diplomatic recognition or a seat at the UN

>the only asian country that westerners like is Japan
>What is Singapore
Also, the Taiwan isn't a country m9

japan and taiwan are bros. we are ONE.

>isn't a country
what do you want me to call it then?

I think they have bigger things to worry about, like being completely absorbed by the mainland insects.

That's actually a good question, here in memetugal we call it (rough translation) an autonomous region, city state might work too

A province of People's republic of China, Perhaps?

Attached: IMG_2238.png (420x420, 12K)

Autonomous region of mainland China