which countries are the absolute masters at rewriting history so that their population believes it? i'm going to have to say japan. we're a far 2nd place, perhaps russia being 3rd. but japan is by far the champion.
Which countries are the absolute masters at rewriting history so that their population believes it...
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A Stanford study found that Japanese history textbooks are the most neutral and objective though.
It's actually pretty neutral because the bad stuff about Japan is not written or written in a poorly manner and nothing fake is on textbook
For example, Nanking massacre is written as "Nanking incident that caused deaths (not sure how much lmao)", and invasion of China was basically written within 3 lines, which can be summarized as "we won at first but eventually we decided to go against ASEAN and west and USA at the same time too so we fucked up"
Nuke was like 3 pages long though, pretty much details on how it dropped when it dropped and why USA is a cunt for doing that
Japanese textbook just doesn't give a shit about history of how Japan won but lost eventually but rather on the good old days when Japan and china was doing good or at times when Japan is at civil war
A Stanford study found that Japanese history textbooks are the most neutral and objective though.
>Anything bad about grorious Japan are chink gook western lies and fabrications REEEEEEEE....
>silly gaijins
haha ,,,,,, whitechinks delusions
you cant post any concrete example
dull bait
All Balkan """countries""" basically. Even the recent resurgence of Bulgarian authors in the local fiction literature is driven by historical novels and lots of 'hurr durr we wure'
However, with years passing by I have started to develop a certain dislike with the British and American authors too (who seem to be prevalent in modern times). Especially the more recent ones, whom I believe are suffering from too much liberal bias. At the other hand, some of the older ones are also politically motivated, threating the Chinese or Eastern Orthodox civilizations unfairly.
admit that japan committed the rape of nanking, acknowledge unit 731, acknowledge comfort women, admit you have war criminals memorialized in one of your most important shrines
prove me wrong
>All USA education about wwii :
No japanese will do that, go back to demoralizing whites
thats it
t. 3rd generation gorean mutt whose grandparents fled from South Korea because of histric genocide where over 1,000,000 people were killed by South Korean.
t. 2nd generation Chinese mutt whose parents fled from mainland china because of 天安門事件 where lots of chinese young men who hope freedom were killed or arrested by chinese army.
pick one
good post
Uhhh the Japanese don't really rewrite history so much as ignore it. People ITT have been mentioning the textbooks, but those are rarely taught. What good is a neutral, balanced textbook which is never read.
Ignorance remains the overwhelming Japanese position.
yup, it's a typical jap post
>russia being 3rd.
not really as compared with your history
Unironically, every more or less relevant country.
meanwhile Chinese guy in Tokyo...
you can't even answer my question lol
WTF I guess I’m asian now
But japan have huge rape problem in subways, that camera phones cannot be muted and must make noise :DDDDD
PLEASE be in Stockholm
but there is not time stamp and a pic of some punk doesn't mean anything kek
that's because of Chinese criminals in japan I guess
I think Japan was the REAL hero of WW2. I know everyone thinks they were bad and allied with the Nazis and everything, but look. I've watched a lot of Japanese movies and TV shows, so I know that the Japanese are good people. I don't think they would knowingly ally themselves with a monster like Hitler. I think they saw what was going on, and knew that what Hitler was doing wasn't right, and wanted to end his reign of terror. They saw that the most powerful country at the time, the United States, wasn't doing anything about it, so they decided to bomb Pearl Harbor and get them involved. I mean, why else would they bomb Pearl Harbor?
They did all this at great expense- sacrificing many of their own people, but they knew that it couldn't be helped- Hitler NEEDED to be stopped.
The reason why they kept fighting after the Nazis were defeated was because they wanted to save face. The Japanese are a very proud people. Those responsible for organizing this heroic plan took the secret to their graves, but it's so obvious that that's what happened. I think it's time we honored the REAL heroes of WW2: JAPAN. Without them, WE'D ALL BE SPEAKING GERMAN RIGHT NOW!!!!
hey stupid nip rapist ,your picture says "burglary" no "rape" which jap are so good at. Nips soooooooooooo pathetic lol
you mean Chinese sex workers in Japan
to serve nip rapist that cannot control themself
>cannot control themself
>rape in the middle of the main street daytime
like this chink?
Really makes those almonds activate.
That is what /his needs ..
I think Japan should be nuked again
they are bad people
wow, OP couldnt even make it past the first post without being btfo.
fucking based bruce having a nice nip roast
post feet
>1 chinese vs million nips that rape nanking and korea
pathetic hiroshi. I thought nip were smart but I learned its not true
>making a shit thread talking shit about other countries
>showing his face
It's kinda brave.
That's an innocent Indonesian boy burnt by US army.
shut the fuck up you ugly faggot lmao
post anus
>"you ugly faggot"
>he says it after posting his ugly face
>which countries are the absolute masters at rewriting history so that their population believes it?
ew hairy feet , I misjudged you by your cute forehead
>retard target user
>shitposting at 3am
you look so dull and slow lol
>you rook so dorr and srow ohhhh hohohoho
so you are lonely at Sat. night, kind of sad
>you ah so ronery at sat night kind of sad ohhh hohoho
Britain lol. No one can compete with the eternal anglo...
It's stupid not brave
My Korean gf cooked dinner for me earlier before swallowing my nut :)
>Japanese people do nothing when they see a rape
I guess Japs are just as bad as mainland Chinese.
unit 731 lol
you believe that novel, fiction story written by author, Communist Party members.? Every novel is real thing in your chinkhead.
why dont you believe u,s US military investigation about unit 731?.
>bring some ugly kid's photo and say "you ugly!! lmao"
>while his opponent already knows he's ugly in real
It's a bit sad.
do you shart in target?
like pottery
which one
>is a beet sad ohhh hohoho do you shaht een tahget ohhh hohoho
there was picture proof of it. Keep fake your history :))))
he was kicked down by passengers and arrested of course
but your korean gf has even slanty eyes kek
>That is what /his needs ..
Somebody needs to make a wikipedia page about that Standford study and maybe the mighty intellect of (undergraduate) /hist/ would take it seriously.
>but your korean gf has even slanty eyes
and i love em
>Paying to fuck Chinks when LBFM Filipinas are even more plentiful and cheaper in every major Japanese town/city
so you are pure loser hahaha
I actually learned something on Jow Forums today.
Thank you.
no, korean girls here are cheaper and more available
Ask Americans about WW2.
but mao and ur stalin were much more vicious
Korean and Chinese girls lay like dead fish brown SEANiggers actually fuck
poor chink lol
even old chinese living in Japan who was born in china and was educated in china and was a professor of university in china, denys nankin.
live in your commie fantasy for ever.
>tfw sheltered from all major world events so this is a non-issue
Ask Chinese about ww2.
Mao and Stalin were cruel to their own people mostly
but also chinese/korean sensual massage parlors so they cannot lay down like dead fish
>the original guy looks asian
America BTFO
>America BTFO
do you live in this modern day?
Based Peru trying her best, they will be superpower soon.
Dude, you live in THIS
shot down non-military planes
this russo proxy don't know about Japan and Japanese politics well, I confirmed that the day before yesterday or the day before.
Its rare for Russian people to try to accuse the other countries corruption, considering Russian completely corrupted politics, I guess.
I wonder if this russo is also the people always blaming jap all over the world lol
Americans especially the white Americans
>russo proxy
Oh really? Ask me anything in Russian, and since you don't know Russian language, let's other Russians decide whether I speak native or not.
cyka cyka? blyat cyka vodka???
Not you, proxy.