Are they superior?

Are they superior?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1280x853, 8K)

than france? certainly

Go back to Vietnam, Tranh Chang.

they are a swarm

In every way

Attached: 1509426284100.jpg (2797x2205, 1.99M)

they are our master


Of course,

>Highest IQ
>Highest GDP(PPP)
>Largest population
>Most innovative country(more sci paper than the usa)
>5000 years of history
>Superpower for 4800 years

Soon we will destroy america take over all the Africa,Australia,Canada,New zealand and Russia far east

Attached: sh.jpg (569x370, 209K)

The proper preposition is 'to', not 'than', so you should have said 'to France? certainly'.

Based. Can't wait for you to make France your client state.