
tfw no cute polisi gf

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tfw no cute indo gf


I want to kidnap her for 40 hours and gangbang her along with my fellow 154 inmates


I want to anally and vaginally and orally ravage Joyce "Malaysia Chabor" Chu...

failed, try again next time

Never heard of her.

never heard of her

don't you know her smash viral hit
想幹你 想幹你 想幹你 想幹你

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Why should I care about normie shit.

stay salty because an indian bull fucked your HS crush

that's hot desu

>being a NEET for years
>trying to go out and talk to some people like a normalfag
>i don't understand what are they talking about and they use new slangs i don't understand
>in the end i just sit alone in the corner
Is this normal for recovering NEETs?

Just bee yourself lah.

Use Clover on phone. Mobile posting is best posting.

The fact that i'm being myself is what hinders me to communicate with other people.

Start going to the masjid

Being NEET doesn't mean you have to close yourself to outside news/happenings. Try to keep up with recent news by reading news portal everyday. Also check youtube/twitter trending every now and then. If you've done all that all that's left is your own ability to start/maintain conversation.

t. professional NEET

I'm flying to the US in 2 weeks... I don't know what to feel bros, on one hand I get to shoot the shit with my relatives I was close to before they migrated and just general improvement in quality of life, on the other I truly believe I'm satisfied with the way I am now here. I have my own house, a job which I just quitted from but my boss someone I'm close to said I can go back anytime

Most white /asean country?

I've been wondering if you guys actually NEET or just pretend to be it. Because i've been NEET for half a year now and you guys don't sound like NEET at all.

(ex)Normies here, most peoples outside are awkward too.

>be 2 year semi-neet living off self sufficient business
>literally do nothing all day but read shitty love novels written by teenage girls and make honey select wives
>afflicted with NONE of the neet muh anxiety self derisive shtick
Feels great.

It's the power of money, i believe. Had 3 semi-NEET years as well by being freelance editor. Shit money and barely got any project, but every time i see my bank account i feel way better.

not them but half year is not a big problem i think, i mean i've been a neet for a year and normalfags is not too alien to me cause i use fagbook and switter too

How do I get my own self-sufficient business lads so I too could become a NEET without disappointing parents?

>trying to find places to rent cheap and sexi indog pusy
>check out Indonesian “””forums”””
>read whore FRs for the scoops
>all of the authors emphasize shit like cuddling and French kissing and making small talk with girls that are paid to swallow cum and eat the asses of strangers

Why are Indonesian “””men””” such cucks? Is it due to a dangerously high consumption of soy products?

>get money from grandfather will
>get lucky with the food business
>get very competent older sister that's pretty much devoted to your own wellbeing as much as her own to manage business
>get extremely lucky with the food business
>think of a way to procure low wage workers (in my case I hired my relatives for dirt cheap in exchange for letting them live in in one of my houses inside a high class subdivision for as long as they're willing to work for me)
>give older sister 70-80% profits and her own house to further incentivise her
>eliminate competition by buying them
>achieve 80% monopoly of food businesses near a university
>drown in money and free time


philippines, they all have spaniard genes


Thailand in a way
Most white folks settle there and set up shops

I was neet for 6months
No contact except the local auntie who sold lunch, like said, keep up to date with normie memes and you'll be fine

How do I get money when my gramps is already dead?

Does anyone have this fetish


I have except I want my gf to be fucked by one while I watch

living la vida loca :^)

In my own experience. Poor fags satisfy me more in bed than rich fair skinned people.
Best fuckbuddy that I got is an armyfag.

Do you have any spare houses lying around? Then use that.

I didn't really close myself for the first 2 years but suddenly my friends kept diasappearing and in the end i'm left alone
I've been a NEET for almost 6 years.
I didn't even go to college.
I mostly only go outside for buying lunch and dinner.
I'm not really awkward but i just can't follow what are they saying.

How do I get freelance job? Being a NEET living off only saving is kinda hard.

How do you even get money?

prostitutes are human too

Jow Forums pls

long time girlfriend experience!


cuddling feels nice desu

/asean/ is Jow Forums!!

based, neetbro

> mfw uni got so hard you didn't know where to begin with

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Why not live with parents?
Take care of them if they're old.
At least you have some excuse

Whats your major?

Ang mamatay dahil sayo. LoL

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How did you become a neet at the first place?

Can someone explain? I don't get this. Indonesia ranks lower than Malaysia in democracy?


>atleast 4% are braindead retards

makes sense

Nihaoma slaves

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Where is this from?

Dunno, ask them.

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but i live with them

God is the universe himself.

How old are you now?

I thought when you said you only go out to eat is because you're living alone

Looks like from easypoll

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NEETbros lets meetup.

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24 this year
no, mostly i bought my own food and they bought theirs.

I'm starting uni tomorrow, wish me luck.

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What major user

my time is flexible

Food science

are you a richfag?

What the fuck is food science
Why don't you take something relevant like Liberal arts

Nice. Food tester, QA, or maybe creating new product. Just make sure you don't make something like this.

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What have you done today to defeat the ch*nk menace?

That's hot

Planning to become a food nutritionist?

How does it taste?

How did you avoid getting kicked out?


One of my friend describe it as disaster.


Refer to also enjoy moping the floors with your liberal arts degree wagie

Maybe I'll soyify Malaysia with soi products.

I don't think its good to be a nutritionist in this countries thats filled with stubborn fatties.

I’m scared of /asean/

By not being murrican?


>I don't think its good to be a nutritionist in this countries thats filled with stubborn fatties.
>Not seeing an opportunity when it knocks on your head

You shouldn't since we love your bread and cookies.

Arif 2.0

Doesn't indon parents usually force their children to get out of the house too?

There's no need for fear

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Do you think 30 will be parents breaking point?

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>be nutritionist
>have a fat patient
>tell patient to stop eating so much
>patient comes back a week later

Advocate for more fat in your products, they'll eat it up.
Not really, My parent is wishing me to stay home or at least close to it. A lot of my friends parents do this too.

let just say above average

sape tu

kek'd, I'd be a nutritionist if it was that fun

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>My parent is wishing me to stay home or at least close to it.
true my mom wouldn't even let me live with my wife (if i ever get married) without her staying too.

If all else fails maybe I'll open a heart attack grill in here. youtube.com/watch?v=JRJMxZgtlfE

kapan kawin?

Is that related to food tech?
My friend is a graduate of one. She thought they will just bake shits and graduate.
But shes wrong. She got delayed for a year, but the degree is worth it.
She now works at Ministop as food inspector. LeL

We're big on familial ties. My grandpa's children all lives in jabodetabek area so my extended family meets often.

Food tech is a branch of food science, why was she delayed for a year user?
Sounds comfy tho.