ITT: the most passive aggressive post wins

ITT: the most passive aggressive post wins

although, I don't think anyone of you is capable to do it :)))

Attached: passiveaggressive1-660x400.jpg (660x400, 31K)

fuck you fucking finnish subhuman scum with your gay faggotic passive aggressiveness what you really need is pure monster fueled rage to feelyour veins boiling then you can go aaaaaahh and defeat every single enemy and fuck their mothers as well do you understand my boy



can someone explain to me what passive aggressivenes is?

when you grow up, you maybe learn what the term "passive" means ;^) buy luv! :)

god I wish that were me

Its like Russia but IRL.

I guess you really have to be smart to get the irony in my post, it's okay though, not everyone was meant to be a thinker! Keep trying! ;))))))))))))

ohhhh you're sooo cute when you try to be witty :))))) im so sad that you are having a cranky day :((( I hope it gets better honey :)))

>ohhhh you're sooo cute when you try to be witty
thanks :D glad to have made your day somewhat better since you clearly have a lot of issues to go through

can I move to finland? I love asian girls.

ahaha a lot more than u for sure

nah Im retarded when it comes to passive agression bye

ur mom gay

behold, the progenitors of modern civilization

I have obviously won this contest

Ummm nah sweetie, I think I could do it better but at least you can try to be like as good as me you know instead of like um doing nothing haha :))))

Bitch lasagna

This would have been a shitty thread without you.

t. not the OP

thanks dude :)

finns are my favourite low iq posters teehee

Awww, bless your heart for trying to be as passive aggressive as me.