Are nips even human?
Are nips even human?
What is wrong?
When you see them in the streets of Tokyo, you know they are not human
it's one of examples when trying to impose anglo values on very different culture.
Yes. But they need more nuke bombing.
shame of asia
but we aren't asian in the first place
but why stole your culture,tech,language,genetic,art, everything from china??? you wanted so bad to be asian :)
but that's a meme
>stupid meme map again
hahahaha this pathetic cope. hey, remove chinese character from your written language,oh wait, you can't because jap character can't communicate shit :DDDDDDDDD
you do realize that using arabic numerals doesn't makes you arabian, right?
i really wonder why gooks and chinks want to be associated with the yamato race so badly xD
no I don't care Yamato race just pay respect to your father
Japanese father's bathe with daughters until they are around junior highschool.
No problem with that. Moral absolutionist Occidentals won't understand
then why are you even here - a yamato imageboard - to begin with?
you are our slave whatever you complain.
you need permission of Japan to speech, ok Kimuchi?
Fuck off English teacher.
this is international imageboard to learn about other culture, stop being so arrogant
>stop being so arrogant
do you have a china hate folder? sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad and pathetic
no, but extremely easy to find crimes by chinese
nice proxy
Why are japs pedos?
dogs don't fuck child.
monkeys don't fuck child.
humans do fuck child.
Japanese are completely human.
a-are you?