Why do East Slavs do this? I see new construction like this in Ukraine and Russia, in Kiev new apartments like this go for $50K but they have the space to build 5-6 story buildings. Why do East Slavs build tall commie blocks on an industrial scale? In v4 and here all the new construction is 4-5 story glass buildings.
Why do East Slavs do this? I see new construction like this in Ukraine and Russia...
Because commies thought that having good taste is borgeoius ideology.
Nothing wrogn with commieblocks
the idea is cheap housing closer to workplace
did you change the file name?
this looks like an asian place
how can humans even live like insects?
It's the most abhorrent architecture I could ever think of
Outdated standards. Basically there are requirements about how land is zoned and it turned out that building tall buildings is most cost effective. I think building old 6 story buildings with a yard is now banned cuz not enough sunlight or something
To be fair, nobody builds shit like in your pic. But it's still pretty bad.
Today they do it not because of communism, but because construction companies want maximum profit from the piece of land. So they build them even higher and tighter than soviets, also no greenery and infrastructure.
And they don't care about regulations, when you can easily bribe local officials. There are plenty of illegal construction here.